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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ncurses >= 1.0.0)
ncurses_has_colors — Checks if terminal has color capabilities
Checks whether the terminal has color capabilities. This function can be used to write terminal-independent programs. ncurses must be initialized using ncurses_init() before calling this function.
Return TRUE
if the terminal has color capabilities, FALSE
Example #1 Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
ncurses_init ();
// If the terminal supports colors, initialize and set active color
if ( ncurses_has_colors ()) {
ncurses_start_color ();
ncurses_init_pair ( 1 , NCURSES_COLOR_YELLOW , NCURSES_COLOR_BLUE );
ncurses_color_set ( 1 );
// Write a string at specified location
ncurses_mvaddstr ( 10 , 10 , "Hello world! Yellow on blue text!" );
// Flush output to screen
ncurses_refresh ();
ncurses_end ();