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(PECL pecl_http 0.14.0-1.4.1)
HttpRequest::setRawPostData — Set raw post data
] )Set raw post data to send, overwriting previously set raw post data. Don't forget to specify a content type. Affects only POST and custom requests.
Only either post fields or raw post data can be used for each request. Raw post data has higher precedence and will be used even if post fields are set.
This function alias is DEPRECATED and only exists for backwards compatibility reasons. The use of this function is not recommended, as it may be removed from PHP in the future. HttpRequest::setBody() should be used instead.
raw post data
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
[#1] matteo dot giaccone at acmos dot net [2009-11-05 04:31:21]
use setBody instead to have the not deprecated version.