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(PECL zmq >= 0.5.0)
ZMQContext::__construct — Construct a new ZMQContext object
= 1
[, boolean $is_persistent
= true
]] )Constructs a new ZMQ context. The context is used to initialize sockets. A persistent context is required to initialize persistent sockets.
Number of io-threads in the context.
Whether the context is persistent. Persistent context is stored over multiple requests and is a requirement for persistent sockets.
Example #1 A ZMQContext() example
Construct a new context and allocate request socket from it
$context = new ZMQContext ();
$socket = $context -> getSocket ( ZMQ :: SOCKET_REQ , 'my sock' );
$socket -> connect ( "tcp://example.com:1234" );
$socket -> send ( "Hello there" );
$message = $socket -> recv ();
Throws ZMQContextException if context initialization fails.