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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PECL mnogosearch >= 1.0.0)
udm_free_ispell_data — Free memory allocated for ispell data
)Frees the memory allocated for ispell data.
A link to Agent, received after call to udm_alloc_agent() .
udm_free_ispell_data() always returns TRUE
This function is supported beginning from version 3.1.12 of mnoGoSearch and it does not do anything in previous versions.
[#1] indeyets at gmail dot com [2005-07-27 00:40:02]
in mnogosearch 3.2.33 (and earlier 3.2.x versions) this function should not be used, as udm_free_agent() implicitly frees this memory too.
as a result, you will have "double free" and crash of php/apache instance