Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
preg_filter — 执行一个正则表达式搜索和替换
, mixed $replacement
, mixed $subject
[, int $limit
= -1
[, int &$count
]] )preg_filter() 等价于 preg_replace() 除了它仅仅返回(可能经过转化)与目标匹配的结果. 这个函数怎样工作的更详细信息请阅读 preg_replace() 文档.
是一个 数组 ,返回一个 数组 ,
其他情况返回一个 字符串 。
是 数组
时返回一个空 数组 ,其他情况返回 NULL
Example #1 比较 preg_filter() 和 preg_replace() 的示例
$subject = array( '1' , 'a' , '2' , 'b' , '3' , 'A' , 'B' , '4' );
$pattern = array( '/\d/' , '/[a-z]/' , '/[1a]/' );
$replace = array( 'A:$0' , 'B:$0' , 'C:$0' );
echo "preg_filter returns\n" ;
print_r ( preg_filter ( $pattern , $replace , $subject ));
echo "preg_replace returns\n" ;
print_r ( preg_replace ( $pattern , $replace , $subject ));
preg_filter returns Array ( [0] => A:C:1 [1] => B:C:a [2] => A:2 [3] => B:b [4] => A:3 [7] => A:4 ) preg_replace returns Array ( [0] => A:C:1 [1] => B:C:a [2] => A:2 [3] => B:b [4] => A:3 [5] => A [6] => B [7] => A:4 )
[#1] fgmhhfg at gmail dot com [2014-03-04 10:44:55]
As for the php 5.5.3 version, the example turn out like:
[0] => A:1
[1] => B:a
[#2] Anonymous [2014-03-04 10:36:07]
As for the php 5.5.3 version, the example will turn out like:
[#3] sajina_99 at hotmail dot de [2011-09-25 07:07:08]
As I had to work with PHP5.2.X and needed preg_filter I wrote a quick and dirty workaround.
if (!function_exists('preg_filter')) {
function preg_filter($pattern, $replace, $subject, $limit = -1 , &$count = null) {
if(!is_array($subject)) {
$noArray = 1 ;
$subject = array($subject);
$preg = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $subject, $limit, &$count);
$diff = array_diff($preg, $subject);
if($noArray == 1) $diff = implode($diff) ;
return $diff ;
[#4] MrBertie [2010-12-31 02:35:15]
Another way to filter an array, and simply return the matching items: preg_grep!