Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
range — 建立一个包含指定范围单元的数组
, mixed $limit
[, number $step
= 1
] )建立一个包含指定范围单元的数组。
序列结束于 limit
如果给出了 step
则默认为 1。
到 limit
版本 | 说明 |
5.0.0 |
添加了可选参数 step 。
4.1.0 to 4.3.2 | 在 PHP 版本 4.1.0 到 4.3.2 中, range() 将数字字符串看作字符串而不是整数,因此将会被作为字符序列使用。例如,"4242" 会被当作 "4" 来对待。 |
4.1.0 | 在版本 4.1.0 之前 range() 函数只产生递增的整数数组。对于字符序列和递减数组的支持是 4.1.0 加入的。字符序列值的长度限定为一。如果输入的长度超过一,则只使用第一个字符。 |
Example #1 range() 例子
// array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
foreach ( range ( 0 , 12 ) as $number ) {
echo $number ;
// The step parameter was introduced in 5.0.0
// array(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)
foreach ( range ( 0 , 100 , 10 ) as $number ) {
echo $number ;
// Use of character sequences introduced in 4.1.0
// array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i');
foreach ( range ( 'a' , 'i' ) as $letter ) {
echo $letter ;
// array('c', 'b', 'a');
foreach ( range ( 'c' , 'a' ) as $letter ) {
echo $letter ;
[#1] Alien426 [2015-10-29 14:09:38]
The function will generate an array of integers even if your numerical parameters are enclosed in quotes.
var_dump( range('1', '2') ); // outputs array(2) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) }
An easy way to get an array of strings is to map strval() to the range:
var_dump( array_map('strval', range('1', '2')) ); // outputs array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" }
[#2] unicod3 at hotmail dot com [2014-10-15 17:43:14]
a function to get column index by letter
function getColumnNumber($char){
$alphabet = range('a','z');
$alphabet2 = range('a','z');
$newAlphabet = $alphabet;
foreach($alphabet as $k => $r)
foreach($alphabet2 as $row){
$newAlphabet[] = $r.$row;
$key = array_search($char, $newAlphabet);
return ($key !== false) ? $key : null;
[#3] lsblsb at gmx dot de [2014-04-30 15:09:22]
I needed a function, that creates a letter range with arbitrary length.
You specify via the $length parameter, how many entries you need.
Logic is analog to the logic of the column-titles in a calc-sheet.
function createLetterRange($length)
$range = array();
$letters = range('A', 'Z');
for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++)
$position = $i*26;
foreach($letters as $ii => $letter)
if($position <= $length)
$range[] = ($position > 26 ? $range[$i-1] : '').$letter;
return $range;
[#4] php at keith tyler dot com [2014-02-26 22:22:49]
So with the introduction of single-character ranges to the range() function, the internal function tries to be "smart", and (I am inferring from behavior here) apparently checks the type of the incoming values. If one is numeric, including numeric string, then the other is treated as numeric; if it is a non-numeric string, it is treated as zero.
If you pass in a numeric string in such a way that is is forced to be recognized as type string and not type numeric, range() will function quite differently.
echo implode("",range(9,"Q"));
// prints 9876543210
echo implode("",range("9 ","Q")); //space after the 9
// prints 9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ
echo implode("",range("q","9 "));
// prints qponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:987654
I wouldn't call this a bug, because IMO it is even more useful than the stock usage of the function.
[#5] jazzduck AT gmail DOT com [2014-01-21 20:32:18]
Despite the line above that says that the $step value should be "given as a positive number," the range() function will in fact correctly handle reversed (decrementing) ranges. For example:
<?php print_r( range( 24, 20 ) ); ?>
[0] => 24
[1] => 23
[2] => 22
[3] => 21
[4] => 20
<?php print_r( range( 20, 11, -3 ) ); ?>
[0] => 20
[1] => 17
[2] => 14
[3] => 11
It will actually ignore the sign of the $step argument, and determine whether to increment or decrement based purely on whether $start > $end or $end > $start. For example:
<?php print_r( range( 20, 11, 3 ) ); ?>
[0] => 20
[1] => 17
[2] => 14
[3] => 11
<?php print_r( range( 11, 20, -3 ) ); ?>
[0] => 11
[1] => 14
[2] => 17
[3] => 20
[#6] pyetrosafe at gmail dot com [2013-09-27 13:36:59]
To create a simple array or a multidimensional array with defined size and null values??, use this expression:
$SimpleArray = array_map(function($n) { return null; }, range(1, 3) );
$MultiArray = array_map(function($n) { return array_map(function($n) { return null; }, range(1, 2) ); }, range(1, 3) );
// And will print:
array(3) {
[0]=> NULL
[1]=> NULL
[2]=> NULL
array(3) {
[0]=> array(2) {
[0]=> NULL
[1]=> NULL
[1]=> array(2) {
[0]=> NULL
[1]=> NULL
[2]=> array(2) {
[0]=> NULL
[1]=> NULL
[#7] krdr dot mft at gmail dot com [2013-08-19 21:48:34]
I've been introduced with range() function not so long ago, and I found that examples about it is somewhat wrong, even inefficient:
$o = "";
$time_start = microtime(true);
foreach(range(1, 10000) as $val) {
$o .= $val;
$time_end = microtime(true);
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'rangein: '.$time.'<br />';
$o = "";
$time_start = microtime(true);
$a = range(1, 10000);
foreach($a as $val) {
$o .= $val;
$time_end = microtime(true);
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'rangeout: '.$time.'<br />';
Which gives results:
rangein: 0.0025348663330078
rangeout: 0.0019199848175049
In some cases difference is even bigger and proportional to the range generated. I suppose that results of range() are cached/hashed.
Note: execution order does affects execution times, but difference still exists
[#8] Ray.Paseur often uses Gmail [2013-06-06 15:16:33]
Interestingly, these two statements produce identical 26-character alphabet arrays.
$arr = range('A', 'Z');
$arr = range('AA', 'ZZ');
[#9] gtisza at gmail dot com [2013-04-25 10:27:44]
You might expect range($n, $n-1) to be an empty array (as in e.g. Python) but actually PHP will assume a step of -1 if start is larger than end.
[#10] Palz [2012-10-29 22:59:15]
To create a range array like
[11] => 1
[12] => 2
[13] => 3
[14] => 4
combine two range arrays using array_combine:
[#11] ktamas77 at gmail dot com [2012-08-03 22:59:08]
if you need zero padding, string prefixes or any other masks, then a simple combination of array_map, inline functions and sprintf is your friend.
$a = array_map(function($n) { return sprintf('sample_%03d', $n); }, range(50, 59) );
Will result:
[0] => sample_050
[1] => sample_051
[2] => sample_052
[3] => sample_053
[4] => sample_054
[5] => sample_055
[6] => sample_056
[7] => sample_057
[8] => sample_058
[9] => sample_059
[#12] me at phpscott dot com [2012-05-23 17:37:42]
So, I needed a quick and dirty way to create a dropdown select for hours, minutes and seconds using 2 digit formatting, and to create those arrays of data, I combined range with array merge..
$prepend = array('00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09');
$hours = array_merge($prepend,range(10, 23));
$minutes = array_merge($prepend,range(10, 59));
$seconds = $minutes;
Super simple.
[#13] dries at volta dot be [2012-02-09 11:30:28]
Ever wanted to generate an array with a range of column names for use in Excel file related parsing?
I've wrote a function that starts at the A column and adds column names up until the column you specified.
function createColumnsArray($end_column, $first_letters = '')
$columns = array();
$length = strlen($end_column);
$letters = range('A', 'Z');
// Iterate over 26 letters.
foreach ($letters as $letter) {
// Paste the $first_letters before the next.
$column = $first_letters . $letter;
// Add the column to the final array.
$columns[] = $column;
// If it was the end column that was added, return the columns.
if ($column == $end_column)
return $columns;
// Add the column children.
foreach ($columns as $column) {
// Don't itterate if the $end_column was already set in a previous itteration.
// Stop iterating if you've reached the maximum character length.
if (!in_array($end_column, $columns) && strlen($column) < $length) {
$new_columns = createColumnsArray($end_column, $column);
// Merge the new columns which were created with the final columns array.
$columns = array_merge($columns, $new_columns);
return $columns;
// Return an array with all column names from A until and with BI.
[#14] Aram Kocharyan [2011-02-27 19:58:47]
Here's a function to generate ranges from strings:
function range_str($str) {
preg_match('#(\\d+)\\s*-\\s*(\\d+)#', $str, $matches);
if ( count($matches) == 3 ) {
return range($matches[1], $matches[2]);
return FALSE;
// Test
$array = range_str(' 2 - 4 ');
This outputs:
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
[2] => 4
[#15] jay at NOspam dot myd3 dot com [2009-04-29 17:54:59]
This is a modified version of thomas' range_string() function. It's simpler, cleaner, and more robust, but it lacks the advanced features his function had, hopefully it will be of assitance to someone.
input: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6" --> output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
input: "1-6" --> output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
input: "1-6" --> output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
input: "1 - -6" --> output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
input: "0 - 0" --> output: 0
input: "1, 4-6, 2" --> output: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
input: "6,3-1" --> output: 1, 2, 3, 6
define('RANGE_ARRAY_SORT', 1);
define('RANGE_ARRAY', 2);
define('RANGE_STRING_SORT', 3);
define('RANGE_STRING', 4);
function range_string($range_str, $output_type = RANGE_ARRAY_SORT)
// Remove spaces and nother non-essential characters
$find[] = "/[^\d,\-]/";
$replace[] = "";
// Remove duplicate hyphens
$find[] = "/\-+/";
$replace[] = "-";
// Remove duplicate commas
$find[] = "/\,+/";
$replace[] = ",";
$range_str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $range_str);
// Remove any commas or hypens from the end of the string
$range_str = trim($range_str,",-");
$range_out = array();
$ranges = explode(",", $range_str);
foreach($ranges as $range)
if(is_numeric($range) || strlen($range) == 1)
// Just a number; add it to the list.
$range_out[] = (int) $range;
else if(is_string($range))
// Is probably a range of values.
$range_exp = preg_split("/(\D)/",$range,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$start = $range_exp[0];
$end = $range_exp[2];
if($start > $end)
for($i = $start; $i >= $end; $i -= 1)
$range_out[] = (int) $i;
for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += 1)
$range_out[] = (int) $i;
switch ($output_type) {
$range_out = array_unique($range_out);
return $range_out;
$range_out = array_unique($range_out);
return implode(", ", $range_out);
// Sample Usage:
$range = range_string("6, 3-1");
[#16] ThinkMedical at Gmail dot com [2008-08-26 05:11:42]
foreach(range()) whilst efficiant in other languages, such as python, it is not (compared to a for) in php*.
php is a C-inspired language and thus for is entirely in-keeping with the lanuage aethetic to use it
for($i = $start; $i < $end; $i+=$step)
//do something with array
foreach(range($start, $end, $step) as $i)
//do something with array
That the officiant documentation doesnt mention the for loop is strange.
Note however, that in PHP5 foreach is faster than for when iterating without incrementing a variable.
* My tests using microtime and 100 000 iterations consistently (~10 times) show that for is 4x faster than foreach(range()).
[#17] captvanhalen at gmail dot com [2008-03-27 10:33:10]
Here is a home rolled range() function that uses the step feature for those unfortunate souls who cannot use PHP5:
function my_range( $start, $end, $step = 1) {
$range = array();
foreach (range( $start, $end ) as $index) {
if (! (($index - $start) % $step) ) {
$range[] = $index;
return $range;
[#18] chris at laflash dot org [2007-05-09 16:47:42]
Quick HTML menus with minimum and maximum sets of years:
// Years range setup
$year_built_min = 1900;
$year_built_max = date("Y");
<select id="yearBuiltMin" size="1">
<?php // Generate minimum years
foreach (range($year_built_min, $year_built_max) as $year) { ?>
<option value="
<?php echo($year); ?>
<?php echo($year); ?>
<?php } ?>
<select id="yearBuiltMax" size="1">
<?php // Generate max years
foreach (range($year_built_max, $year_built_min) as $year) { ?>
<option value="
<?php echo($year); ?>
<?php echo($year); ?>
<?php } ?>
[#19] m0sh3 at hotmail dot com [2007-03-01 17:46:05]
Here's how i use it to check if array is associative or not:
if (array_keys($arr)===range(0, sizeof($arr)-1)) {
// not associative array
} else {
// associative array
[#20] manuel at levante dot de [2006-11-07 05:25:15]
function srange ($s) {
preg_match_all("/([0-9]{1,2})-?([0-9]{0,2}) ?,?;?/", $s, $a);
$n = array ();
foreach ($a[1] as $k => $v) {
$n = array_merge ($n, range ($v, (empty($a[2][$k])?$v:$a[2][$k])));
return ($n);
$s = '1-4 6-7 9-10';
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[3] => 4
[4] => 6
[5] => 7
[6] => 9
[7] => 10
[#21] subscription101 at hotmail dot com [2006-01-08 06:36:47]
A much simpler way of creating a range of even numbers is by starting with an even number:
range(2, 10, 2);
[#22] emory underscore smith at hotmail [2005-08-20 19:53:48]
since its not stated explicitly above, thought id point out that you arent limited to using integers.
however, be careful when doing so, as you might not get the range you expect!
to illustrate:
$am = range(500,1600,10);
$fm = range(88.1,107.9,.2);
print_r($am) yields the expected result:
[0] => 500
[1] => 510
[2] => 520
[109] => 1590
[110] => 1600
print_r($fm), however, falls a bit (1%) short:
[0] => 88.1
[1] => 88.3
[2] => 88.5
[97] => 107.5
[98] => 107.7
so, if you want to use a non-integral step size params for numeric ranges, be sure to account for fp representation accuracy and error accumulation; a step size of something like pi or 1/10 could spell disaster for a large range. if in doubt, use integral steps and divide ... something like <?php range(88.1,108,.2) ?> might work to recover 107.9, but would not be scalable like, say <?php array_map(create_function('$x','return $x/10;'),range(881,1079,2)) ?>.
[#23] derek at php dot net [2005-05-08 06:13:47]
This should emulate range() a little better.
function range_wroar($low, $high, $step = 1) {
$arr = array();
$step = (abs($step)>0)?abs($step):1;
$sign = ($low<=$high)?1:-1;
if(is_numeric($low) && is_numeric($high)) {
//numeric sequence
for ($i = (float)$low; $i*$sign <= $high*$sign; $i += $step*$sign)
$arr[] = $i;
} else {
//character sequence
if (is_numeric($low))
return $this->range($low, 0, $step);
if (is_numeric($high))
return $this->range(0, $high, $step);
$low = ord($low);
$high = ord($high);
for ($i = $low; $i*$sign <= $high*$sign; $i += $step*$sign) {
$arr[] = chr($i);
return $arr;
[#24] j dot gizmo at aon dot at [2004-09-23 04:23:43]
i figured i'd add some more functionality to the myRange() functions below.
now you can, besides giving a $step parameter,
1. count backwards
2. count with letters
3. give whatever parameter you want, there's nothing (i know of) that will cause an endless loop (try a negative $step for the previous function....)
function myRange($num1, $num2, $step=1)
if (is_numeric($num1) && is_numeric($num2))
//we have a numeric range
$step = ( abs($step)>0 ? abs($step) : 1 ); //make $step positive
$dir = ($num1<=$num2 ? 1 : -1); //get the direction
for($i = (float)$num1; $i*$dir <= $num2*$dir; $i += $step*$dir)
$temp[] = $i;
//we have a character range
$num1=ord((string)$num1); //convert to ascii value
$step = ( abs($step)>0 ? abs($step) : 1 ); //make $step positive
$dir = ($num1<=$num2 ? 1 : -1); //get direction
for($i = $num1; $i*$dir <= $num2*$dir; $i += $step*$dir)
$temp[] = chr($i);
return $temp;
print_r(myRange( 1, 3, 0.5 )); //you can use fractional steps
print_r(myRange( "a", "k", 3 )); //or count letters
print_r(myRange( "5", "9" )); //numbers are detected even if hidden in strtings
print_r(myRange( "!", "%", 1/pi() )); //or mess around with senseless parameters