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Example #1 Quickhash Example
$set = new QuickHashIntSet ( 1024 , QuickHashIntSet :: CHECK_FOR_DUPES );
$set -> add ( 1 );
$set -> add ( 3 );
var_dump ( $set -> exists ( 3 ) );
var_dump ( $set -> exists ( 4 ) );
$set -> saveToFile ( "/tmp/test-set.set" );
$newSet = QuickHashIntSet :: loadFromFile (
var_dump ( $newSet -> exists ( 3 ) );
var_dump ( $newSet -> exists ( 4 ) );
bool(true) bool(false) bool(true) bool(false)
Example #2 Quickhash ArrayAccess Example
$hash = new QuickHashIntHash ( 64 );
// Adding and updating hash entries.
$hash [ 3 ] = 145926 ;
$hash [ 3 ] = 1415926 ;
$hash [ 2 ] = 72 ;
// Checking if keys exist
var_dump ( isset( $hash [ 3 ] ) );
// Removing hash entries
unset( $hash [ 2 ] );
// Retrieving the value stored for a hash
echo $hash [ 3 ], "\n" ;
bool(true) 1415926
Example #3 Quickhash Iterator Example
$hash = new QuickHashIntHash ( 64 );
// Adding hash entries.
$hash [ 1 ] = 145926 ;
$hash [ 2 ] = 1415926 ;
$hash [ 3 ] = 72 ;
$hash [ 4 ] = 712314 ;
$hash [ 5 ] = - 4234 ;
foreach( $hash as $key => $value )
echo $key , ' => ' , $value , "\n" ;
5 => -4234 4 => 712314 1 => 145926 2 => 1415926 3 => 72
Example #4 Quickhash String Values Example
$hash = new QuickHashIntStringHash ( 64 );
// Adding hash entries.
$hash [ 1 ] = "one million four hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred twenty six" ;
$hash -> add ( 2 , "one more" );
foreach( $hash as $key => $value )
echo $key , ' => ' , $value , "\n" ;
1 => one million four hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred twenty six 2 => one more