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The SDO extension requires PHP 5.1.0 or higher. It also requires the libxml2 library. Normally libxml2 will already be installed, but if not, it can be downloaded from » http://www.xmlsoft.org/.
[#1] pallsopp at gmail dot com [2012-08-26 17:47:44]
That is not strictly true!
Make these changes and it will compile just fine.
If using with PHP >= 5.3.0, you need to make the following source code
remove all "static" except "static char rcs_id[] ..." from sdo.cpp.
Add #include <stdio.h> to commonj/sdo/SDODataConverter.cpp
Line 381: $targetLine = preg_replace("{[ \t]+}", " ", $targetLine);
Line 385: if (strpos($word,$bindingAnnotation) === 0) {
Line 592: $targetLine = preg_replace("{[ \t]+}", " ", $targetLine);
Line 222: $line = preg_replace("{[ \t]+}", " ", $line);
I did exactly that on a 64bit CentOS box and it works fine.
[#2] jerrywilborn at gmail dot com [2011-04-21 09:57:30]
The extension does not compile against PHP 5.3. Additionally, it uses SoapServer::setObject() which has only been available since PHP 5.2.