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(PHP >= 5.3.0, PECL phar >= 1.0.0)
Phar::offsetSet — set the contents of an internal file to those of an external file
, string $value
此方法需要 将 php.ini 中的 phar.readonly 设为 0 以适合 Phar 对象. 否则, 将抛出PharException.
This is an implementation of the ArrayAccess interface allowing direct manipulation of the contents of a Phar archive using array access brackets. offsetSet is used for modifying an existing file, or adding a new file to a Phar archive.
The filename (relative path) to modify in a Phar.
Content of the file.
No return values.
if phar.readonly is 1, BadMethodCallException is thrown, as modifying a Phar is only allowed when phar.readonly is set to 0. Throws PharException if there are any problems flushing changes made to the Phar archive to disk.
Example #1 A Phar::offsetSet() example
offsetSet should not be accessed directly, but instead used via array access with the [] operator.
$p = new Phar ( '/path/to/my.phar' , 0 , 'my.phar' );
try {
// calls offsetSet
$p [ 'file.txt' ] = 'Hi there' ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Could not modify file.txt:' , $e ;