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Returns an array containing the field names. This query can be called two ways:


1.您可以将表名称提供给$this->db->list_fields()调用。 $fields = $this->db->list_fields('table_name');

foreach ($fields as $field)
   echo $field;

2.您可以将组合查询语句传递给query函数执行并返回: $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM some_table');

foreach ($query->list_fields() as $field)
   echo $field;


Sometimes it's helpful to know whether a particular field exists before performing an action. Returns a boolean TRUE/FALSE. Usage example:

执行一个动作前确认字段是否存在时它就变得非常有用了。返回一个布尔值:TRUE/FALSE。实例: if ($this->db->field_exists('field_name', 'table_name'))
   // some code...

Note: Replace field_name with the name of the column you are looking for, and replace table_name with the name of the table you are looking for.



Returns an array of objects containing field information.


Sometimes it's helpful to gather the field names or other metadata, like the column type, max length, etc.


Note: Not all databases provide meta-data.


Usage example:

例子: $fields = $this->db->field_data('table_name');

foreach ($fields as $field)
   echo $field->name;
   echo $field->type;
   echo $field->max_length;
   echo $field->primary_key;

If you have run a query already you can use the result object instead of supplying the table name:

如果您想执行一个已有的查询时你可用返回项替换掉表格名称: $query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY");
$fields = $query->field_data();

The following data is available from this function if supported by your database:

  • name - 列名称
  • max_length - 列的最大长度
  • primary_key - 1 如果此列被定义为主键
  • type - 指定列的数据类型


翻译贡献者: analyzer, Drice, Hex
最后修改: 2010-10-22 11:24:57
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