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[#1] Greg Rundlett [2014-11-26 20:05:20]
debian/ubuntu php5 (>= 5.4.0~rc6-1) has introduced two new commands:
php5enmod and php5dismod
# install the extension
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
# you can see that it's installed by the presence of the .ini file
cat /etc/php5/mods-available/mcrypt.ini
# enable it
sudo php5enmod mcrypt
# reload Apache to make use of the extension
sudo service apache2 reload
[#2] cguzmana at gmail dot com [2014-10-06 20:24:29]
Resolved my problem on Ubuntu 14.04:
$sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
$sudo php5enmod mcrypt
[#3] info at papoo dot de [2014-03-11 13:13:40]
Same Problem on Linux Mint - Call to undefined function mcrypt_create_iv...
Solved by adding the folowing line to the php.ini
After that a
service apache2 restart
solved it...
Have fun with it...
[#4] Jbud [2013-12-24 21:31:04]
The following link solved my problem
[Tue Dec 24 12:42:33.003683 2013] [:error] [pid 8448] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_decrypt() ...
[#5] BadOPCode [2013-10-08 16:32:11]
Ubuntu 13.04: Simply type 'sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt'
It will install and restart Apache. You are done.
[#6] z dot sadigli at gmail dot com [2013-10-08 07:22:12]
Hi, I can't find extensions line for adding any extensions record into php.ini file How can I do this. Where can I find this place into php.ini file? Thanks
[#7] nsantana at NOSPAMS dot gmail dot com [2012-10-19 11:21:15]
Using PHP version "PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4" and Ubuntu 12.0.4 on Apache2...
Make sure you have mcrypt installed and active on your php5 install. Use "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt" to install, that should sort the issue.
[#8] opensuse10 dot 3 at gmail dot com [2011-02-10 15:36:37]
On opensuse 11.3 64 bits
[#9] dork [2010-05-11 10:54:59]
On ubuntu 8 (hardy), the mcrypt library seems to be here.
So I just created mcrypt.ini in /etc/php5/conf.d and added this one liner.
[#10] bobeck at lycos dot com [2010-01-06 06:32:41]
To make sure that mcrypt doesn't fail to load when
using Windows XP , Apache 2 and php 5, even if all the required procedure to install it has been accomplished already, copy libmcrypt.dll, which is normally in the php main directory, into the php\ext directory.
[#11] kmasaryk [2009-07-14 17:30:07]
Also on Ubuntu, make sure you actually have php5-mcrypt installed. You can install it with:
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
If you get any errors, you may need to enable the 'universe' repository, explained here:
[#12] rskret at gmail dot com [2009-02-28 16:04:34]
PROBLEM: cannot load mcrypt extension. please check your php configuration
I have done as suggested by the contributor before me and copied libmcrypt.dll from F:\wamp\bin\php\PHP52~1.8
to C:\WINDOWS\system32 . This did not work on it's own. I found other advice as follows and now mcrypt is working.
Go to F:\wamp\bin\php\PHP52~1.8\php.ini
change ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll
to extension=php_mcrypt.dll
(ie. remove ; )
now go to the following 2 files and do the same:
Please adjust the directory location per your own installation.
[#13] ch0wnag3 AT gmail DOT com [2008-07-21 14:16:35]
On Windows installations, for the dynamic extension (extension=php_mcrypt.dll) to load properly, you must copy libmcrypt.dll from your PHP root folder (e.g. C:\PHP) to the following location:
With this done, the dynamic extension will load up just fine.