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首页 版本说明 从1.3升级到2.0 编译时配置的改变 运行时配置的改变 杂项变化 第三方模块 从 2.0 升级到 2.2 编译时配置的改变 运行时配置的改变 杂项变化 第三方模块 Apache 2.1/2.2 版本的新特性 核心增强 模块增强 程序增强 针对模块开发者的变化 Apache 2.0 版本的新特性 核心的增强 模块的增强 Apache许可证 参考手册 编译与安装 针对心急者的概述 要求 下载 解压 配置源代码树 编译 安装 配置 测试 升级 启动 Apache是怎样启动的 启动时发生错误 随系统启动时启动 额外信息 停止与重新启动 简介 立即停止 优雅重启 立即重启 优雅停止 附录:信号和竞争条件 运行时配置指令 主配置文件 配置文件的语法 模块 指令的作用域 .htaccess文件 配置段 配置段(容器)的类型 文件系统和网络空间 虚拟主机 代理 允许使用哪些指令? 配置段的合并 内容缓冲 简介 缓冲概述 安全方面的考虑 文件句柄缓冲 内存缓冲 磁盘缓冲 服务器全局配置 服务器标识 文件定位 限制资源的使用 日志文件 安全警告 错误日志 访问日志 日志滚动 管道日志 虚拟主机 其他日志文件 从URL到文件系统的映射 相关模块和指令 DocumentRoot DocumentRoot以外的文件 用户目录 URL重定向 反向代理 重写引擎 File Not Found 安全方面的提示 保持不断更新和升级 ServerRoot目录的权限 服务器端包含 关于CGI 未指定为脚本的CGI 指定为脚本的CGI 其他动态内容的来源 系统设置的保护 默认配置下服务器文件的保护 观察日志文件 动态共享对象(DSO) 实现 用法概要 背景知识 优点和缺点 内容协商 关于内容协商 Apache中的内容协商 协商的方法 打乱品质值 透明内容协商的扩展 超链和名称转换说明 缓冲说明 更多信息 自定义错误响应 行为 配置 自定义错误响应与重定向 地址和端口绑定 概述 针对IPv6的特殊考虑 怎样与虚拟主机协同工作 多路处理模块(MPM) 简介 选择一个MPM 默认的MPM 环境变量 设置环境变量 使用环境变量 用于特殊目的的环境变量 示例 处理器的使用 什么是处理器? 例子 程序员注意事项 过滤器 Apache2中的过滤器 智能过虑 使用过滤器 CGI脚本的Suexec执行 开始之前 suEXEC的安全模型 配置和安装suEXEC 启用和禁用suEXEC 使用suEXEC 调试suEXEC 谨防Jabberwock:警告和举例 性能调整 硬件和操作系统 运行时的配置 编译时的配置 附录:踪迹的详细分析 URL重写指南 mod_rewrite简介 实践方案 URL的规划 内容的处理 对访问的限制 其他 虚拟主机文档 总述 虚拟主机支持 配置指令 基于主机名的虚拟主机 基于域名的虚拟主机和基于IP的虚拟主机比较 使用基于域名的虚拟主机 与旧版浏览器的兼容性 基于IP地址的虚拟主机 系统需求 如何配置Apache 设置多个守护进程 配置拥有多个虚拟主机的单一守护进程 动态配置大量虚拟主机 动机 概述 简单的动态虚拟主机 一个实际的个人主页系统 在同一个服务器上架设多个主机的虚拟系统 更为有效的基于IP地址的虚拟主机 使用老版本的Apache 使用mod_rewrite实现简单的动态虚拟主机 使用mod_rewrite的个人主页系统 使用独立的虚拟主机配置文件 虚拟主机的普通配置示例 在一个IP地址上运行多个基于域名的web站点 在多于一个IP的情况下使用基于域名的虚拟主机 在不同的IP的地址(比如一个内部和一个外部地址)上提供相同的内容 在不同的端口上运行不同的站点 建立基于IP的虚拟主机 混用基于端口和基于IP的虚拟主机 混用基于域名和基于IP的虚拟主机 将虚拟主机和代理模块一起使用 使用默认虚拟主机 将一个基于域名的虚拟主机移植为一个基于IP的虚拟主机 使用ServerPath指令 深入讨论虚拟主机的匹配 解析配置文件 虚拟主机匹配 小技巧 文件描述符限制 关于DNS和Apache 一个简单示例 拒绝服务 "主服务器"地址 避免这些问题的小技巧 附录:进一步的提示 常见问题 概述 SSL/TLS 加密 概述 文档 mod_ssl 绪论 密码技术 证书 安全套接字层(SSL) 参考 兼容性 配置指令 环境变量 自定义日志功能 如何... 加密方案和强制性高等级安全 客户认证和访问控制 常见问题解答 About The Module Installation Configuration Certificates The SSL Protocol mod_ssl Support 如何.../指南 概述 认证 相关模块和指令 简介 先决条件 启用认证 允许多人访问 可能存在的问题 其他认证方法 更多信息 CGI动态页面 简介 配置Apache以允许CGI 编写CGI程序 程序还是不能运行! 幕后是怎样操作的? CGI模块/库 更多信息 服务器端包含 简介 什么是SSI? 配置服务器以允许SSI 基本SSI指令 附加的例子 我还能设置其它什么? 执行命令 高级SSI技术 总结 .htaccess文件 .htaccess文件 工作原理和使用方法 (不)使用.htaccess文件的场合 指令的生效 认证举例 服务器端包含(SSI)举例 CGI举例 疑难解答 用户网站目录 用户网站目录 用UserDir设置文件路径 限定哪些用户可以使用此功能 启用对每个用户都有效的cgi目录 允许用户改变配置 对特定平台的说明 概述 Microsoft Windows 其他平台 在Microsoft Windows中使用Apache 对操作系统的要求 下载 Apache for Windows 安装 Apache for Windows 配置 Apache for Windows 以服务方式运行 Apache for Windows 作为控制台程序运行Apache 测试安装 编译Windows下的Apache 系统要求 命令行编译 Developer Studio集成开发环境的工作区编译 项目组件 在Novell NetWare平台上使用Apache Requirements Downloading Apache for NetWare Installing Apache for NetWare Running Apache for NetWare Configuring Apache for NetWare Compiling Apache for NetWare 在HP-UX中运行Apache The Apache EBCDIC Port Overview of the Apache EBCDIC Port Design Goals Technical Solution Porting Notes Document Storage Notes Apache Modules' Status Third Party Modules' Status 服务器与支持程序 概述 httpd 语法 选项 ab 语法 选项 Bugs apachectl 语法 选项 apxs 语法 选项 举例 configure 语法 选项 环境变量 dbmmanage 语法 选项 Bugs htcacheclean 语法 选项 返回值 htdbm 语法 选项 Bugs 返回值 举例 安全方面的考虑 限制 htdigest 语法 选项 htpasswd 语法 选项 返回值 举例 安全方面的考虑 限制 logresolve 语法 选项 rotatelogs 语法 选项 Portability suexec 语法 选项 其他程序 log_server_status split-logfile 杂项文档 概述 相关标准 HTTP推荐标准 HTML推荐标准 认证 语言/国家代码 Apache 模块 描述模块的术语 说明 状态 源代码文件 模块标识符 兼容性 描述指令的术语 说明 语法 默认值(Default) 作用域(Context) 覆盖项(Override) 状态 模块(Module) 兼容性(Compatibility) Apache核心(Core)特性 AcceptFilter AcceptPathInfo AccessFileName AddDefaultCharset AddOutputFilterByType AllowEncodedSlashes AllowOverride AuthName AuthType CGIMapExtension ContentDigest DefaultType <Directory> <DirectoryMatch> DocumentRoot EnableMMAP EnableSendfile ErrorDocument ErrorLog FileETag <Files> <FilesMatch> ForceType HostnameLookups <IfDefine> <IfModule> Include KeepAlive KeepAliveTimeout <Limit> <LimitExcept> LimitInternalRecursion LimitRequestBody LimitRequestFields LimitRequestFieldSize LimitRequestLine LimitXMLRequestBody <Location> <LocationMatch> LogLevel MaxKeepAliveRequests NameVirtualHost Options Require RLimitCPU RLimitMEM RLimitNPROC Satisfy ScriptInterpreterSource ServerAdmin ServerAlias ServerName ServerPath ServerRoot ServerSignature ServerTokens SetHandler SetInputFilter SetOutputFilter TimeOut TraceEnable UseCanonicalName UseCanonicalPhysicalPort <VirtualHost> Apache MPM 公共指令 AcceptMutex CoreDumpDirectory EnableExceptionHook GracefulShutdownTimeout Group Listen ListenBackLog LockFile MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads PidFile ReceiveBufferSize ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerLimit StartServers StartThreads ThreadLimit ThreadsPerChild ThreadStackSize User Apache MPM beos MaxRequestsPerThread CoreDumpDirectory Group Listen ListenBacklog MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads PidFile ReceiveBufferSize ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize StartThreads User Apache MPM event AcceptMutex CoreDumpDirectory EnableExceptionHook Group Listen ListenBacklog LockFile MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads PidFile ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerLimit StartServers ThreadLimit ThreadsPerChild ThreadStackSize User Apache MPM netware MaxThreads Listen ListenBacklog MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads ReceiveBufferSize SendBufferSize StartThreads ThreadStackSize Apache MPM os2 Group Listen ListenBacklog MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads PidFile ReceiveBufferSize SendBufferSize StartServers User Apache MPM prefork 工作方式 MaxSpareServers MinSpareServers AcceptMutex CoreDumpDirectory EnableExceptionHook Group Listen ListenBacklog LockFile MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild PidFile ReceiveBufferSize ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerLimit StartServers User Apache MPM winnt Win32DisableAcceptEx CoreDumpDirectory Listen ListenBacklog MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild PidFile ReceiveBufferSize ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ThreadLimit ThreadsPerChild ThreadStackSize Apache MPM worker 工作方式 AcceptMutex CoreDumpDirectory EnableExceptionHook Group Listen ListenBacklog LockFile MaxClients MaxMemFree MaxRequestsPerChild MaxSpareThreads MinSpareThreads PidFile ReceiveBufferSize ScoreBoardFile SendBufferSize ServerLimit StartServers ThreadLimit ThreadsPerChild ThreadStackSize User Apache Module mod_actions Action指令 Script指令 Apache Module mod_alias 处理顺序 Alias AliasMatch Redirect RedirectMatch RedirectPermanent RedirectTemp ScriptAlias ScriptAliasMatch Apache Module mod_asis 用法 Apache Module mod_auth_basic AuthBasicAuthoritative AuthBasicProvider Apache Module mod_auth_digest 使用摘要认证 配合 MS Internet Explorer 6 工作 AuthDigestAlgorithm AuthDigestDomain AuthDigestNcCheck AuthDigestNonceFormat AuthDigestNonceLifetime AuthDigestProvider AuthDigestQop AuthDigestShmemSize Apache Module mod_authn_alias 示例 <AuthnProviderAlias> Apache Module mod_authn_anon 示例 Anonymous Anonymous_LogEmail Anonymous_MustGiveEmail Anonymous_NoUserID Anonymous_VerifyEmail Apache Module mod_authn_dbd 配置示例 AuthDBDUserPWQuery AuthDBDUserRealmQuery Apache Module mod_authn_dbm AuthDBMType AuthDBMUserFile Apache Module mod_authn_default AuthDefaultAuthoritative Apache Module mod_authn_file AuthUserFile Apache Module mod_authnz_ldap Contents Operation The require Directives 举例 Using TLS Using SSL Using Microsoft FrontPage with mod_authnz_ldap AuthLDAPBindDN AuthLDAPBindPassword AuthLDAPCharsetConfig AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases AuthLDAPGroupAttribute AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN AuthLDAPUrl AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Apache Module mod_authz_dbm AuthDBMGroupFile AuthzDBMAuthoritative AuthzDBMType Apache Module mod_authz_default AuthzDefaultAuthoritative Apache Module mod_authz_groupfile AuthGroupFile AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative Apache Module mod_authz_host Allow Deny Order Apache Module mod_authz_owner 配置示例 AuthzOwnerAuthoritative Apache Module mod_authz_user AuthzUserAuthoritative Apache Module mod_autoindex Autoindex Request Query Arguments AddAlt AddAltByEncoding AddAltByType AddDescription AddIcon AddIconByEncoding AddIconByType DefaultIcon HeaderName IndexIgnore IndexOptions IndexOrderDefault IndexStyleSheet ReadmeName Apache Module mod_cache Related Modules and Directives 配置示例 CacheDefaultExpire CacheDisable CacheEnable CacheIgnoreCacheControl CacheIgnoreHeaders CacheIgnoreNoLastMod CacheLastModifiedFactor CacheMaxExpire CacheStoreNoStore CacheStorePrivate Apache Module mod_cern_meta MetaDir MetaFiles MetaSuffix Apache Module mod_cgi CGI 环境变量 CGI 脚本的调试 ScriptLog ScriptLogBuffer ScriptLogLength Apache Module mod_cgid ScriptSock ScriptLog ScriptLogBuffer ScriptLogLength Apache Module mod_charset_lite Common Problems CharsetDefault CharsetOptions CharsetSourceEnc Apache Module mod_dav Enabling WebDAV Security Issues Complex Configurations Dav DavDepthInfinity DavMinTimeout Apache Module mod_dav_fs DavLockDB Apache Module mod_dav_lock DavGenericLockDB Apache Module mod_dbd Connection Pooling Apache DBD API SQL Prepared Statements DBDExptime DBDKeep DBDMax DBDMin DBDParams DBDPersist DBDPrepareSQL DBDriver Apache Module mod_deflate 配置举例 启用压缩 代理服务器 DeflateBufferSize DeflateCompressionLevel DeflateFilterNote DeflateMemLevel DeflateWindowSize Apache Module mod_dir DirectoryIndex DirectorySlash Apache Module mod_disk_cache CacheDirLength CacheDirLevels CacheMaxFileSize CacheMinFileSize CacheRoot Apache Module mod_dumpio 启用dumpio支持 DumpIOInput DumpIOOutput Apache Module mod_echo ProtocolEcho Apache Module mod_env PassEnv SetEnv UnsetEnv Apache Module mod_example Compiling the example module Using the mod_example Module Example Apache Module mod_expires 交替间隔语法 ExpiresActive ExpiresByType ExpiresDefault Apache Module mod_ext_filter 举例 ExtFilterDefine ExtFilterOptions Apache Module mod_file_cache Using mod_file_cache CacheFile MMapFile Apache Module mod_filter Smart Filtering Filter Declarations Configuring the Chain Examples Protocol Handling FilterChain FilterDeclare FilterProtocol FilterProvider FilterTrace Apache Module mod_headers 处理顺序 前处理和后处理 举例 Header RequestHeader Apache Module mod_ident IdentityCheck IdentityCheckTimeout Apache Module mod_imagemap New Features Imagemap File Example Mapfile Referencing your mapfile ImapBase ImapDefault ImapMenu Apache Module mod_include Enabling Server-Side Includes PATH_INFO with Server Side Includes Basic Elements Include Variables Variable Substitution Flow Control Elements SSIEndTag SSIErrorMsg SSIStartTag SSITimeFormat SSIUndefinedEcho XBitHack Apache Module mod_info 安全问题 选择哪些信息可以被显示 已知的局限 AddModuleInfo Apache Module mod_isapi 用法 附加注释 程序员注记 ISAPIAppendLogToErrors ISAPIAppendLogToQuery ISAPICacheFile ISAPIFakeAsync ISAPILogNotSupported ISAPIReadAheadBuffer Apache Module mod_ldap 示例配置 LDAP 连接池 LDAP 缓冲 使用SSL/TLS SSL/TLS 证书 LDAPCacheEntries LDAPCacheTTL LDAPConnectionTimeout LDAPOpCacheEntries LDAPOpCacheTTL LDAPSharedCacheFile LDAPSharedCacheSize LDAPTrustedClientCert LDAPTrustedGlobalCert LDAPTrustedMode LDAPVerifyServerCert Apache Module mod_log_config 定制日志文件格式 安全考虑 BufferedLogs CookieLog CustomLog LogFormat TransferLog Apache Module mod_log_forensic 定制日志文件格式 安全考虑 ForensicLog Apache Module mod_logio 定制日志文件格式 Apache Module mod_mem_cache MCacheMaxObjectCount MCacheMaxObjectSize MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer MCacheMinObjectSize MCacheRemovalAlgorithm MCacheSize Apache Module mod_mime 带多扩展名的文件 内容编码 字符集和语言 AddCharset AddEncoding AddHandler AddInputFilter AddLanguage AddOutputFilter AddType DefaultLanguage ModMimeUsePathInfo MultiviewsMatch RemoveCharset RemoveEncoding RemoveHandler RemoveInputFilter RemoveLanguage RemoveOutputFilter RemoveType TypesConfig Apache Module mod_mime_magic "Magic文件"的格式 性能问题 注意 MimeMagicFile Apache Module mod_negotiation 类型表 MultiViews CacheNegotiatedDocs ForceLanguagePriority LanguagePriority Apache Module mod_nw_ssl NWSSLTrustedCerts NWSSLUpgradeable SecureListen Apache Module mod_proxy 正向和反向代理 简单示例 控制对代理服务器的访问 缓慢启动 局域网代理 协议调整 请求体 AllowCONNECT NoProxy <Proxy> ProxyBadHeader ProxyBlock ProxyDomain ProxyErrorOverride ProxyIOBufferSize <ProxyMatch> ProxyMaxForwards ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain ProxyPassReverseCookiePath ProxyPreserveHost ProxyReceiveBufferSize ProxyRemote ProxyRemoteMatch ProxyRequests ProxyTimeout ProxyVia Apache Module mod_proxy_ajp Overview of the protocol Basic Packet Structure Request Packet Structure Response Packet Structure Apache Module mod_proxy_balancer Load balancer scheduler algorithm Request Counting Algorithm Weighted Traffic Counting Algorithm Enabling Balancer Manager Support Apache Module mod_proxy_connect Apache Module mod_proxy_ftp 为什么xxx类型的文件不能从FTP下载? 如何强制文件xxx使用FTP的ASCII形式下载? 我如何使用FTP上传? 我如何能访问我自己home目录以外的FTP文件? 我如何才能在浏览器的URL框中隐藏FTP的明文密码? Apache Module mod_proxy_http Apache Module mod_rewrite 特殊字符的引用 环境变量 实用方案 RewriteBase RewriteCond RewriteEngine RewriteLock RewriteLog RewriteLogLevel RewriteMap RewriteOptions RewriteRule Apache Module mod_setenvif BrowserMatch BrowserMatchNoCase SetEnvIf SetEnvIfNoCase Apache Module mod_so 为Windows创建可加载模块 LoadFile LoadModule Apache Module mod_speling CheckSpelling Apache Module mod_ssl 环境变量 Custom Log Formats SSLCACertificateFile SSLCACertificatePath SSLCADNRequestFile SSLCADNRequestPath SSLCARevocationFile SSLCARevocationPath SSLCertificateChainFile SSLCertificateFile SSLCertificateKeyFile SSLCipherSuite SSLCryptoDevice SSLEngine SSLHonorCipherOrder SSLMutex SSLOptions SSLPassPhraseDialog SSLProtocol SSLProxyCACertificateFile SSLProxyCACertificatePath SSLProxyCARevocationFile SSLProxyCARevocationPath SSLProxyCipherSuite SSLProxyEngine SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath SSLProxyProtocol SSLProxyVerify SSLProxyVerifyDepth SSLRandomSeed SSLRequire SSLRequireSSL SSLSessionCache SSLSessionCacheTimeout SSLUserName SSLVerifyClient SSLVerifyDepth Apache Module mod_status Enabling Status Support 自动更新 Machine Readable Status File ExtendedStatus Apache Module mod_suexec SuexecUserGroup Apache Module mod_unique_id Theory Apache Module mod_userdir UserDir Apache Module mod_usertrack Logging 2-digit or 4-digit dates for cookies? CookieDomain CookieExpires CookieName CookieStyle CookieTracking Apache Module mod_version <IfVersion> Apache Module mod_vhost_alias 目录名称的转换 示例 VirtualDocumentRoot VirtualDocumentRootIP VirtualScriptAlias VirtualScriptAliasIP 开发者文档 Overview Topics External Resources Apache API notes Basic concepts How handlers work Resource allocation and resource pools Configuration Debugging Memory Allocation in APR Available debugging options Allowable Combinations Activating Debugging Options Documenting Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 Hook Functions Creating a hook function Hooking the hook Converting Modules from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2.0 The easier changes ... The messier changes... Request Processing in Apache 2.0 The Request Processing Cycle The Request Parsing Phase The Security Phase The Preparation Phase The Handler Phase How Filters Work in Apache 2.0 Filter Types How are filters inserted? Asis Explanations 词汇和索引 词汇表 模块索引 指令索引 指令速查 译者声明

Apache模块 mod_ssl

说明 使用安全套接字层(SSL)和传输层安全(TLS)协议实现高强度加密传输
状态 扩展(E)
模块名 ssl_module
源文件 mod_ssl.c


This module provides SSL v2/v3 and TLS v1 support for the Apache HTTP Server. It was contributed by Ralf S. Engeschall based on his mod_ssl project and originally derived from work by Ben Laurie.

This module relies on OpenSSL to provide the cryptography engine.

Further details, discussion, and examples are provided in the SSL documentation.

Environment Variables

This module provides a lot of SSL information as additional environment variables to the SSI and CGI namespace. The generated variables are listed in the table below. For backward compatibility the information can be made available under different names, too. Look in the Compatibility chapter for details on the compatibility variables.

Variable Name: Value Type: Description:
HTTPS flag HTTPS is being used.
SSL_PROTOCOL string The SSL protocol version (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1)
SSL_SESSION_ID string The hex-encoded SSL session id
SSL_CIPHER string The cipher specification name
SSL_CIPHER_EXPORT string true if cipher is an export cipher
SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE number Number of cipher bits (actually used)
SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE number Number of cipher bits (possible)
SSL_COMPRESS_METHOD string SSL compression method negotiated
SSL_VERSION_INTERFACE string The mod_ssl program version
SSL_VERSION_LIBRARY string The OpenSSL program version
SSL_CLIENT_M_VERSION string The version of the client certificate
SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL string The serial of the client certificate
SSL_CLIENT_S_DN string Subject DN in client's certificate
SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_x509 string Component of client's Subject DN
SSL_CLIENT_I_DN string Issuer DN of client's certificate
SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_x509 string Component of client's Issuer DN
SSL_CLIENT_V_START string Validity of client's certificate (start time)
SSL_CLIENT_V_END string Validity of client's certificate (end time)
SSL_CLIENT_V_REMAIN string Number of days until client's certificate expires
SSL_CLIENT_A_SIG string Algorithm used for the signature of client's certificate
SSL_CLIENT_A_KEY string Algorithm used for the public key of client's certificate
SSL_CLIENT_CERT string PEM-encoded client certificate
SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n string PEM-encoded certificates in client certificate chain
SSL_SERVER_M_VERSION string The version of the server certificate
SSL_SERVER_M_SERIAL string The serial of the server certificate
SSL_SERVER_S_DN string Subject DN in server's certificate
SSL_SERVER_S_DN_x509 string Component of server's Subject DN
SSL_SERVER_I_DN string Issuer DN of server's certificate
SSL_SERVER_I_DN_x509 string Component of server's Issuer DN
SSL_SERVER_V_START string Validity of server's certificate (start time)
SSL_SERVER_V_END string Validity of server's certificate (end time)
SSL_SERVER_A_SIG string Algorithm used for the signature of server's certificate
SSL_SERVER_A_KEY string Algorithm used for the public key of server's certificate
SSL_SERVER_CERT string PEM-encoded server certificate

x509 specifies a component of an X.509 DN; one of C,ST,L,O,OU,CN,T,I,G,S,D,UID,Email. In Apache 2.1 and later, x509 may also include a numeric _n suffix. If the DN in question contains multiple attributes of the same name, this suffix is used as an index to select a particular attribute. For example, where the server certificate subject DN included two OU fields, SSL_SERVER_S_DN_OU_0SSL_SERVER_S_DN_OU_1 could be used to reference each.

SSL_CLIENT_V_REMAIN is only available in version 2.1 and later.

Custom Log Formats

When mod_ssl is built into Apache or at least loaded (under DSO situation) additional functions exist for the Custom Log Format of mod_log_config. First there is an additional "%{varname}x" eXtension format function which can be used to expand any variables provided by any module, especially those provided by mod_ssl which can you find in the above table.

For backward compatibility there is additionally a special "%{name}c" cryptography format function provided. Information about this function is provided in the Compatibility chapter.


CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \ "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

SSLCACertificateFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Client Auth
语法 SSLCACertificateFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) whose clients you deal with. These are used for Client Authentication. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded Certificate files, in order of preference. This can be used alternatively and/or additionally to SSLCACertificatePath.


SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle-client.crt

SSLCACertificatePath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Client Auth
语法 SSLCACertificatePath directory-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the directory where you keep the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CAs) whose clients you deal with. These are used to verify the client certificate on Client Authentication.

The files in this directory have to be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. So usually you can't just place the Certificate files there: you also have to create symbolic links named hash-value.N. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.


SSLCACertificatePath /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/

SSLCADNRequestFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for defining acceptable CA names
语法 SSLCADNRequestFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

When a client certificate is requested by mod_ssl, a list of acceptable Certificate Authority names is sent to the client in the SSL handshake. These CA names can be used by the client to select an appropriate client certificate out of those it has available.

If neither of the directives SSLCADNRequestPathSSLCADNRequestFile are given, then the set of acceptable CA names sent to the client is the names of all the CA certificates given by the SSLCACertificateFileSSLCACertificatePath directives; in other words, the names of the CAs which will actually be used to verify the client certificate.

In some circumstances, it is useful to be able to send a set of acceptable CA names which differs from the actual CAs used to verify the client certificate - for example, if the client certificates are signed by intermediate CAs. In such cases, SSLCADNRequestPath and/or SSLCADNRequestFile can be used; the acceptable CA names are then taken from the complete set of certificates in the directory and/or file specified by this pair of directives.

SSLCADNRequestFile must specify an all-in-one file containing a concatenation of PEM-encoded CA certificates.


SSLCADNRequestFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ca-names.crt

SSLCADNRequestPath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for defining acceptable CA names
语法 SSLCADNRequestPath directory-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This optional directive can be used to specify the set of acceptable CA names which will be sent to the client when a client certificate is requested. See the SSLCADNRequestFile directive for more details.

The files in this directory have to be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. So usually you can't just place the Certificate files there: you also have to create symbolic links named hash-value.N. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.


SSLCADNRequestPath /usr/local/apache2/conf/ca-names.crt/

SSLCARevocationFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Client Auth
语法 SSLCARevocationFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) of Certification Authorities (CA) whose clients you deal with. These are used for Client Authentication. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded CRL files, in order of preference. This can be used alternatively and/or additionally to SSLCARevocationPath.


SSLCARevocationFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crl/ca-bundle-client.crl

SSLCARevocationPath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Client Auth
语法 SSLCARevocationPath directory-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the directory where you keep the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) of Certification Authorities (CAs) whose clients you deal with. These are used to revoke the client certificate on Client Authentication.

The files in this directory have to be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. So usually you have not only to place the CRL files there. Additionally you have to create symbolic links named hash-value.rN. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.


SSLCARevocationPath /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crl/

SSLCertificateChainFile 指令

说明 File of PEM-encoded Server CA Certificates
语法 SSLCertificateChainFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the optional all-in-one file where you can assemble the certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) which form the certificate chain of the server certificate. This starts with the issuing CA certificate of of the server certificate and can range up to the root CA certificate. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded CA Certificate files, usually in certificate chain order.

This should be used alternatively and/or additionally to SSLCACertificatePath for explicitly constructing the server certificate chain which is sent to the browser in addition to the server certificate. It is especially useful to avoid conflicts with CA certificates when using client authentication. Because although placing a CA certificate of the server certificate chain into SSLCACertificatePath has the same effect for the certificate chain construction, it has the side-effect that client certificates issued by this same CA certificate are also accepted on client authentication. That's usually not one expect.

But be careful: Providing the certificate chain works only if you are using a single (either RSA DSA) based server certificate. If you are using a coupled RSA+DSA certificate pair, this will work only if actually both certificates use the same certificate chain. Else the browsers will be confused in this situation.


SSLCertificateChainFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/ca.crt

SSLCertificateFile 指令

说明 Server PEM-encoded X.509 Certificate file
语法 SSLCertificateFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive points to the PEM-encoded Certificate file for the server and optionally also to the corresponding RSA or DSA Private Key file for it (contained in the same file). If the contained Private Key is encrypted the Pass Phrase dialog is forced at startup time. This directive can be used up to two times (referencing different filenames) when both a RSA and a DSA based server certificate is used in parallel.


SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt

SSLCertificateKeyFile 指令

说明 Server PEM-encoded Private Key file
语法 SSLCertificateKeyFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive points to the PEM-encoded Private Key file for the server. If the Private Key is not combined with the Certificate in the SSLCertificateFile, use this additional directive to point to the file with the stand-alone Private Key. When SSLCertificateFile is used and the file contains both the Certificate and the Private Key this directive need not be used. But we strongly discourage this practice. Instead we recommend you to separate the Certificate and the Private Key. If the contained Private Key is encrypted, the Pass Phrase dialog is forced at startup time. This directive can be used up to two times (referencing different filenames) when both a RSA and a DSA based private key is used in parallel.


SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.key/server.key

SSLCipherSuite 指令

说明 Cipher Suite available for negotiation in SSL handshake
语法 SSLCipherSuite cipher-spec
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This complex directive uses a colon-separated cipher-spec string consisting of OpenSSL cipher specifications to configure the Cipher Suite the client is permitted to negotiate in the SSL handshake phase. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotation with the reconfigured Cipher Suite after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.

An SSL cipher specification in cipher-spec is composed of 4 major attributes plus a few extra minor ones:

  • Key Exchange Algorithm:
    RSA or Diffie-Hellman variants.
  • Authentication Algorithm:
    RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSS or none.
  • Cipher/Encryption Algorithm:
    DES, Triple-DES, RC4, RC2, IDEA or none.
  • MAC Digest Algorithm:
    MD5, SHA or SHA1.

An SSL cipher can also be an export cipher and is either a SSLv2 or SSLv3/TLSv1 cipher (here TLSv1 is equivalent to SSLv3). To specify which ciphers to use, one can either specify all the Ciphers, one at a time, or use aliases to specify the preference and order for the ciphers (see Table 1).

Tag Description
Key Exchange Algorithm:
kRSA RSA key exchange
kDHr Diffie-Hellman key exchange with RSA key
kDHd Diffie-Hellman key exchange with DSA key
kEDH Ephemeral (temp.key) Diffie-Hellman key exchange (no cert)
Authentication Algorithm:
aNULL No authentication
aRSA RSA authentication
aDSS DSS authentication
aDH Diffie-Hellman authentication
Cipher Encoding Algorithm:
eNULL No encoding
DES DES encoding
3DES Triple-DES encoding
RC4 RC4 encoding
RC2 RC2 encoding
IDEA IDEA encoding
MAC Digest Algorithm:
MD5 MD5 hash function
SHA1 SHA1 hash function
SHA SHA hash function
SSLv2 all SSL version 2.0 ciphers
SSLv3 all SSL version 3.0 ciphers
TLSv1 all TLS version 1.0 ciphers
EXP all export ciphers
EXPORT40 all 40-bit export ciphers only
EXPORT56 all 56-bit export ciphers only
LOW all low strength ciphers (no export, single DES)
MEDIUM all ciphers with 128 bit encryption
HIGH all ciphers using Triple-DES
RSA all ciphers using RSA key exchange
DH all ciphers using Diffie-Hellman key exchange
EDH all ciphers using Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange
ADH all ciphers using Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DSS all ciphers using DSS authentication
NULL all ciphers using no encryption

Now where this becomes interesting is that these can be put together to specify the order and ciphers you wish to use. To speed this up there are also aliases (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, EXP, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH) for certain groups of ciphers. These tags can be joined together with prefixes to form the cipher-spec. Available prefixes are:

  • none: add cipher to list
  • +: add ciphers to list and pull them to current location in list
  • -: remove cipher from list (can be added later again)
  • !: kill cipher from list completely (can not be added later again)

A simpler way to look at all of this is to use the "openssl ciphers -v" command which provides a nice way to successively create the correct cipher-spec string. The default cipher-spec string is "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP" which means the following: first, remove from consideration any ciphers that do not authenticate, i.e. for SSL only the Anonymous Diffie-Hellman ciphers. Next, use ciphers using RC4 and RSA. Next include the high, medium and then the low security ciphers. Finally pull all SSLv2 and export ciphers to the end of the list.

$ openssl ciphers -v 'ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP'
NULL-SHA                SSLv3 Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=None      Mac=SHA1
NULL-MD5                SSLv3 Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=None      Mac=MD5
EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA    SSLv3 Kx=DH       Au=RSA  Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
...                     ...               ...     ...           ...
EXP-RC4-MD5             SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA  Enc=RC4(40)   Mac=MD5  export
EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5         SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA  Enc=RC2(40)   Mac=MD5  export
EXP-RC4-MD5             SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA  Enc=RC4(40)   Mac=MD5  export

The complete list of particular RSA & DH ciphers for SSL is given in Table 2.



Cipher-Tag Protocol Key Ex. Auth. Enc. MAC Type
RSA Ciphers:
RC4-MD5 SSLv3 RSA RSA RC4(128) MD5
RC4-MD5 SSLv2 RSA RSA RC4(128) MD5
RC4-64-MD5 SSLv2 RSA RSA RC4(64) MD5
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 RSA(512) RSA DES(40) SHA1 export
EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv3 RSA(512) RSA RC2(40) MD5 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 SSLv3 RSA(512) RSA RC4(40) MD5 export
EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv2 RSA(512) RSA RC2(40) MD5 export
EXP-RC4-MD5 SSLv2 RSA(512) RSA RC4(40) MD5 export
Diffie-Hellman Ciphers:
ADH-RC4-MD5 SSLv3 DH None RC4(128) MD5
EXP-ADH-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 DH(512) None DES(40) SHA1 export
EXP-ADH-RC4-MD5 SSLv3 DH(512) None RC4(40) MD5 export

SSLCryptoDevice 指令

说明 Enable use of a cryptographic hardware accelerator
语法 SSLCryptoDevice engine
默认值 SSLCryptoDevice builtin
作用域 server config
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl
兼容性 Available if mod_ssl is built using -DSSL_ENGINE_EXPERIMENTAL

This directive enables use of a cryptographic hardware accelerator board to offload some of the SSL processing overhead. This directive can only be used if the SSL toolkit is built with "engine" support; OpenSSL 0.9.7 and later releases have "engine" support by default, the separate "-engine" releases of OpenSSL 0.9.6 must be used.

To discover which engine names are supported, run the command "openssl engine".


# For a Broadcom accelerator:
SSLCryptoDevice ubsec

SSLEngine 指令

说明 SSL Engine Operation Switch
语法 SSLEngine on|off|optional
默认值 SSLEngine off
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive toggles the usage of the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine. This is usually used inside a <VirtualHost> section to enable SSL/TLS for a particular virtual host. By default the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine is disabled for both the main server and all configured virtual hosts.


<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLEngine on

In Apache 2.1 and later, SSLEngine can be set to optional. This enables support for RFC 2817, Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1. At this time no web browsers support RFC 2817.

SSLHonorCipherOrder 指令

说明 Option to prefer the server's cipher preference order
语法 SSLHonorCiperOrder flag
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl
兼容性 仅在 Apache 2.1 and later, if using OpenSSL 0.9.7 or later

When choosing a cipher during an SSLv3 or TLSv1 handshake, normally the client's preference is used. If this directive is enabled, the server's preference will be used instead.


SSLHonorCipherOrder on

SSLMutex 指令

说明 Semaphore for internal mutual exclusion of operations
语法 SSLMutex type
默认值 SSLMutex none
作用域 server config
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This configures the SSL engine's semaphore (aka. lock) which is used for mutual exclusion of operations which have to be done in a synchronized way between the pre-forked Apache server processes. This directive can only be used in the global server context because it's only useful to have one global mutex. This directive is designed to closely match the AcceptMutex directive.

The following Mutex types are available:

  • none | no

    This is the default where no Mutex is used at all. Use it at your own risk. But because currently the Mutex is mainly used for synchronizing write access to the SSL Session Cache you can live without it as long as you accept a sometimes garbled Session Cache. So it's not recommended to leave this the default. Instead configure a real Mutex.

  • posixsem

    This is an elegant Mutex variant where a Posix Semaphore is used when possible. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports it.

  • sysvsem

    This is a somewhat elegant Mutex variant where a SystemV IPC Semaphore is used when possible. It is possible to "leak" SysV semaphores if processes crash before the semaphore is removed. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports it.

  • sem

    This directive tells the SSL Module to pick the "best" semaphore implementation available to it, choosing between Posix and SystemV IPC, in that order. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports at least one of the 2.

  • pthread

    This directive tells the SSL Module to use Posix thread mutexes. It is only available if the underlying platform and APR supports it.

  • fcntl:/path/to/mutex

    This is a portable Mutex variant where a physical (lock-)file and the fcntl() fucntion are used as the Mutex. Always use a local disk filesystem for /path/to/mutex and never a file residing on a NFS- or AFS-filesystem. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports it. Note: Internally, the Process ID (PID) of the Apache parent process is automatically appended to /path/to/mutex to make it unique, so you don't have to worry about conflicts yourself. Notice that this type of mutex is not available under the Win32 environment. There you have to use the semaphore mutex.

  • flock:/path/to/mutex

    This is similar to the fcntl:/path/to/mutex method with the exception that the flock() function is used to provide file locking. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports it.

  • file:/path/to/mutex

    This directive tells the SSL Module to pick the "best" file locking implementation available to it, choosing between fcntlflock, in that order. It is only available when the underlying platform and APR supports at least one of the 2.

  • default | yes

    This directive tells the SSL Module to pick the default locking implementation as determined by the platform and APR.


SSLMutex file:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_mutex

SSLOptions 指令

说明 Configure various SSL engine run-time options
语法 SSLOptions [+|-]option ...
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 Options
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive can be used to control various run-time options on a per-directory basis. Normally, if multiple SSLOptions could apply to a directory, then the most specific one is taken completely; the options are not merged. However if all the options on the SSLOptions directive are preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) symbol, the options are merged. Any options preceded by a + are added to the options currently in force, and any options preceded by a - are removed from the options currently in force.

The available options are:

  • StdEnvVars

    When this option is enabled, the standard set of SSL related CGI/SSI environment variables are created. This per default is disabled for performance reasons, because the information extraction step is a rather expensive operation. So one usually enables this option for CGI and SSI requests only.

  • CompatEnvVars

    When this option is enabled, additional CGI/SSI environment variables are created for backward compatibility to other Apache SSL solutions. Look in the Compatibility chapter for details on the particular variables generated.

  • ExportCertData

    When this option is enabled, additional CGI/SSI environment variables are created: SSL_SERVER_CERT, SSL_CLIENT_CERTSSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n (with n = 0,1,2,..). These contain the PEM-encoded X.509 Certificates of server and client for the current HTTPS connection and can be used by CGI scripts for deeper Certificate checking. Additionally all other certificates of the client certificate chain are provided, too. This bloats up the environment a little bit which is why you have to use this option to enable it on demand.

  • FakeBasicAuth

    When this option is enabled, the Subject Distinguished Name (DN) of the Client X509 Certificate is translated into a HTTP Basic Authorization username. This means that the standard Apache authentication methods can be used for access control. The user name is just the Subject of the Client's X509 Certificate (can be determined by running OpenSSL's openssl x509 command: openssl x509 -noout -subject -in certificate.crt). Note that no password is obtained from the user. Every entry in the user file needs this password: "xxj31ZMTZzkVA", which is the DES-encrypted version of the word "password". Those who live under MD5-based encryption (for instance under FreeBSD or BSD/OS, etc.) should use the following MD5 hash of the same word: "$1$OXLyS...$Owx8s2/m9/gfkcRVXzgoE/".

  • StrictRequire

    This forces forbidden access when SSLRequireSSLSSLRequire successfully decided that access should be forbidden. Usually the default is that in the case where a "Satisfy any" directive is used, and other access restrictions are passed, denial of access due to SSLRequireSSLSSLRequire is overridden (because that's how the Apache Satisfy mechanism should work.) But for strict access restriction you can use SSLRequireSSL and/or SSLRequire in combination with an "SSLOptions +StrictRequire". Then an additional "Satisfy Any" has no chance once mod_ssl has decided to deny access.

  • OptRenegotiate

    This enables optimized SSL connection renegotiation handling when SSL directives are used in per-directory context. By default a strict scheme is enabled where every per-directory reconfiguration of SSL parameters causes a full SSL renegotiation handshake. When this option is used mod_ssl tries to avoid unnecessary handshakes by doing more granular (but still safe) parameter checks. Nevertheless these granular checks sometimes maybe not what the user expects, so enable this on a per-directory basis only, please.


SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth -StrictRequire
<Files ~ "\.(cgi|shtml)$">
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +CompatEnvVars -ExportCertData

SSLPassPhraseDialog 指令

说明 Type of pass phrase dialog for encrypted private keys
语法 SSLPassPhraseDialog type
默认值 SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin
作用域 server config
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

When Apache starts up it has to read the various Certificate (see SSLCertificateFile) and Private Key (see SSLCertificateKeyFile) files of the SSL-enabled virtual servers. Because for security reasons the Private Key files are usually encrypted, mod_ssl needs to query the administrator for a Pass Phrase in order to decrypt those files. This query can be done in two ways which can be configured by type:

  • builtin

    This is the default where an interactive terminal dialog occurs at startup time just before Apache detaches from the terminal. Here the administrator has to manually enter the Pass Phrase for each encrypted Private Key file. Because a lot of SSL-enabled virtual hosts can be configured, the following reuse-scheme is used to minimize the dialog: When a Private Key file is encrypted, all known Pass Phrases (at the beginning there are none, of course) are tried. If one of those known Pass Phrases succeeds no dialog pops up for this particular Private Key file. If none succeeded, another Pass Phrase is queried on the terminal and remembered for the next round (where it perhaps can be reused).

    This scheme allows mod_ssl to be maximally flexible (because for N encrypted Private Key files you can use N different Pass Phrases - but then you have to enter all of them, of course) while minimizing the terminal dialog (i.e. when you use a single Pass Phrase for all N Private Key files this Pass Phrase is queried only once).

  • |/path/to/program [args...]

    This mode allows an external program to be used which acts as a pipe to a particular input device; the program is sent the standard prompt text used for the builtin mode on stdin, and is expected to write password strings on stdout. If several passwords are needed (or an incorrect password is entered), additional prompt text will be written subsequent to the first password being returned, and more passwords must then be written back.

  • exec:/path/to/program

    Here an external program is configured which is called at startup for each encrypted Private Key file. It is called with two arguments (the first is of the form "servername:portnumber", the second is either "RSA" or "DSA"), which indicate for which server and algorithm it has to print the corresponding Pass Phrase to stdout. The intent is that this external program first runs security checks to make sure that the system is not compromised by an attacker, and only when these checks were passed successfully it provides the Pass Phrase.

    Both these security checks, and the way the Pass Phrase is determined, can be as complex as you like. Mod_ssl just defines the interface: an executable program which provides the Pass Phrase on stdout. Nothing more or less! So, if you're really paranoid about security, here is your interface. Anything else has to be left as an exercise to the administrator, because local security requirements are so different.

    The reuse-algorithm above is used here, too. In other words: The external program is called only once per unique Pass Phrase.


SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/usr/local/apache/sbin/pp-filter

SSLProtocol 指令

说明 Configure usable SSL protocol flavors
语法 SSLProtocol [+|-]protocol ...
默认值 SSLProtocol all
作用域 server config, virtual host
覆盖项 Options
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive can be used to control the SSL protocol flavors mod_ssl should use when establishing its server environment. Clients then can only connect with one of the provided protocols.

The available (case-insensitive) protocols are:

  • SSLv2

    This is the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, version 2.0. It is the original SSL protocol as designed by Netscape Corporation.

  • SSLv3

    This is the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, version 3.0. It is the successor to SSLv2 and the currently (as of February 1999) de-facto standardized SSL protocol from Netscape Corporation. It's supported by almost all popular browsers.

  • TLSv1

    This is the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, version 1.0. It is the successor to SSLv3 and currently (as of February 1999) still under construction by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It's still not supported by any popular browsers.

  • All

    This is a shortcut for "+SSLv2 +SSLv3 +TLSv1" and a convinient way for enabling all protocols except one when used in combination with the minus sign on a protocol as the example above shows.


# enable SSLv3 and TLSv1, but not SSLv2
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2

SSLProxyCACertificateFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Remote Server Auth
语法 SSLProxyCACertificateFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) whose remote servers you deal with. These are used for Remote Server Authentication. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded Certificate files, in order of preference. This can be used alternatively and/or additionally to SSLProxyCACertificatePath.


SSLProxyCACertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle-remote-server.crt

SSLProxyCACertificatePath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded CA Certificates for Remote Server Auth
语法 SSLProxyCACertificatePath directory-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the directory where you keep the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CAs) whose remote servers you deal with. These are used to verify the remote server certificate on Remote Server Authentication.

The files in this directory have to be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. So usually you can't just place the Certificate files there: you also have to create symbolic links named hash-value.N. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.


SSLProxyCACertificatePath /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/

SSLProxyCARevocationFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Remote Server Auth
语法 SSLProxyCARevocationFile file-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) of Certification Authorities (CA) whose remote servers you deal with. These are used for Remote Server Authentication. Such a file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded CRL files, in order of preference. This can be used alternatively and/or additionally to SSLProxyCARevocationPath.


SSLProxyCARevocationFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crl/ca-bundle-remote-server.crl

SSLProxyCARevocationPath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded CA CRLs for Remote Server Auth
语法 SSLProxyCARevocationPath directory-path
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the directory where you keep the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) of Certification Authorities (CAs) whose remote servers you deal with. These are used to revoke the remote server certificate on Remote Server Authentication.

The files in this directory have to be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. So usually you have not only to place the CRL files there. Additionally you have to create symbolic links named hash-value.rN. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.


SSLProxyCARevocationPath /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crl/

SSLProxyCipherSuite 指令

说明 Cipher Suite available for negotiation in SSL proxy handshake
语法 SSLProxyCipherSuite cipher-spec
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

Equivalent to SSLCipherSuite, but for the proxy connection. Please refer to SSLCipherSuite for additional information.

SSLProxyEngine 指令

说明 SSL Proxy Engine Operation Switch
语法 SSLProxyEngine on|off
默认值 SSLProxyEngine off
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive toggles the usage of the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine for proxy. This is usually used inside a <VirtualHost> section to enable SSL/TLS for proxy usage in a particular virtual host. By default the SSL/TLS Protocol Engine is disabled for proxy image both for the main server and all configured virtual hosts.


<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLProxyEngine on

SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile 指令

说明 File of concatenated PEM-encoded client certificates and keys to be used by the proxy
语法 SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile filename
作用域 server config
覆盖项 Not applicable
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the all-in-one file where you keep the certificates and keys used for authentication of the proxy server to remote servers.

This referenced file is simply the concatenation of the various PEM-encoded certificate files, in order of preference. Use this directive alternatively or additionally to SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath.

Currently there is no support for encrypted private keys


SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/proxy.pem

SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath 指令

说明 Directory of PEM-encoded client certificates and keys to be used by the proxy
语法 SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath directory
作用域 server config
覆盖项 Not applicable
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the directory where you keep the certificates and keys used for authentication of the proxy server to remote servers.

The files in this directory must be PEM-encoded and are accessed through hash filenames. Additionally, you must create symbolic links named hash-value.N. And you should always make sure this directory contains the appropriate symbolic links. Use the Makefile which comes with mod_ssl to accomplish this task.

Currently there is no support for encrypted private keys


SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath /usr/local/apache2/conf/proxy.crt/

SSLProxyProtocol 指令

说明 Configure usable SSL protocol flavors for proxy usage
语法 SSLProxyProtocol [+|-]protocol ...
默认值 SSLProxyProtocol all
作用域 server config, virtual host
覆盖项 Options
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive can be used to control the SSL protocol flavors mod_ssl should use when establishing its server environment for proxy . It will only connect to servers using one of the provided protocols.

Please refer to SSLProtocol for additional information.

SSLProxyVerify 指令

说明 Type of remote server Certificate verification
语法 SSLProxyVerify level
默认值 SSLProxyVerify none
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

When a proxy is configured to forward requests to a remote SSL server, this directive can be used to configure certificate verification of the remote server. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the remote server authentication process used in the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established by the proxy. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotation with the reconfigured remote server verification level after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.

Note that even when certificate verification is enabled, mod_ssl does not check whether the commonName (hostname) attribute of the server certificate matches the hostname used to connect to the server. In other words, the proxy does not guarantee that the SSL connection to the backend server is "secure" beyond the fact that the certificate is signed by one of the CAs configured using the SSLProxyCACertificatePath and/or SSLProxyCACertificateFile directives.

The following levels are available for level:

  • none: no remote server Certificate is required at all
  • optional: the remote server may present a valid Certificate
  • require: the remote server has to present a valid Certificate
  • optional_no_ca: the remote server may present a valid Certificate
    but it need not to be (successfully) verifiable.

In practice only levels nonerequire are really interesting, because level optional doesn't work with all servers and level optional_no_ca is actually against the idea of authentication (but can be used to establish SSL test pages, etc.)


SSLProxyVerify require

SSLProxyVerifyDepth 指令

说明 Maximum depth of CA Certificates in Remote Server Certificate verification
语法 SSLProxyVerifyDepth number
默认值 SSLProxyVerifyDepth 1
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets how deeply mod_ssl should verify before deciding that the remote server does not have a valid certificate. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the client authentication process used in the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotation with the reconfigured remote server verification depth after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.

The depth actually is the maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are max allowed to be followed while verifying the remote server certificate. A depth of 0 means that self-signed remote server certificates are accepted only, the default depth of 1 means the remote server certificate can be self-signed or has to be signed by a CA which is directly known to the server (i.e. the CA's certificate is under SSLProxyCACertificatePath), etc.


SSLProxyVerifyDepth 10

SSLRandomSeed 指令

说明 Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) seeding source
语法 SSLRandomSeed context source [bytes]
作用域 server config
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This configures one or more sources for seeding the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) in OpenSSL at startup time (context is startup) and/or just before a new SSL connection is established (context is connect). This directive can only be used in the global server context because the PRNG is a global facility.

The following source variants are available:

  • builtin

    This is the always available builtin seeding source. It's usage consumes minimum CPU cycles under runtime and hence can be always used without drawbacks. The source used for seeding the PRNG contains of the current time, the current process id and (when applicable) a randomly choosen 1KB extract of the inter-process scoreboard structure of Apache. The drawback is that this is not really a strong source and at startup time (where the scoreboard is still not available) this source just produces a few bytes of entropy. So you should always, at least for the startup, use an additional seeding source.

  • file:/path/to/source

    This variant uses an external file /path/to/source as the source for seeding the PRNG. When bytes is specified, only the first bytes number of bytes of the file form the entropy (and bytes is given to /path/to/source as the first argument). When bytes is not specified the whole file forms the entropy (and 0 is given to /path/to/source as the first argument). Use this especially at startup time, for instance with an available /dev/random and/or /dev/urandom devices (which usually exist on modern Unix derivates like FreeBSD and Linux).

    But be careful: Usually /dev/random provides only as much entropy data as it actually has, i.e. when you request 512 bytes of entropy, but the device currently has only 100 bytes available two things can happen: On some platforms you receive only the 100 bytes while on other platforms the read blocks until enough bytes are available (which can take a long time). Here using an existing /dev/urandom is better, because it never blocks and actually gives the amount of requested data. The drawback is just that the quality of the received data may not be the best.

    On some platforms like FreeBSD one can even control how the entropy is actually generated, i.e. by which system interrupts. More details one can find under rndcontrol(8) on those platforms. Alternatively, when your system lacks such a random device, you can use tool like EGD (Entropy Gathering Daemon) and run it's client program with the exec:/path/to/program/ variant (see below) or use egd:/path/to/egd-socket (see below).

  • exec:/path/to/program

    This variant uses an external executable /path/to/program as the source for seeding the PRNG. When bytes is specified, only the first bytes number of bytes of its stdout contents form the entropy. When bytes is not specified, the entirety of the data produced on stdout form the entropy. Use this only at startup time when you need a very strong seeding with the help of an external program (for instance as in the example above with the truerand utility you can find in the mod_ssl distribution which is based on the AT&T truerand library). Using this in the connection context slows down the server too dramatically, of course. So usually you should avoid using external programs in that context.

  • egd:/path/to/egd-socket (Unix only)

    This variant uses the Unix domain socket of the external Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) (see /crypto/) to seed the PRNG. Use this if no random device exists on your platform.


SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random
SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 1024
SSLRandomSeed startup exec:/usr/local/bin/truerand 16
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random
SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 1024

SSLRequire 指令

说明 Allow access only when an arbitrarily complex boolean expression is true
语法 SSLRequire expression
作用域 directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive specifies a general access requirement which has to be fulfilled in order to allow access. It is a very powerful directive because the requirement specification is an arbitrarily complex boolean expression containing any number of access checks.

The implementation of SSLRequire is not thread safe. Using SSLRequire inside .htaccess files on a threaded MPM may cause random crashes.

The expression must match the following syntax (given as a BNF grammar notation):

expr     ::= "true" | "false"
           | "!" expr
           | expr "&&" expr
           | expr "||" expr
           | "(" expr ")"
           | comp

comp     ::= word "==" word | word "eq" word
           | word "!=" word | word "ne" word
           | word "<"  word | word "lt" word
           | word "<=" word | word "le" word
           | word ">"  word | word "gt" word
           | word ">=" word | word "ge" word
           | word "in" "{" wordlist "}"
           | word "in" "OID(" word ")"
           | word "=~" regex
           | word "!~" regex

wordlist ::= word
           | wordlist ", " word

word     ::= digit
           | cstring
           | variable
           | function

digit    ::= [0-9]+
cstring  ::= "..."
variable ::= "%{" varname "}"
function ::= funcname "(" funcargs ")"

while for varname any variable from Table 3 can be used. Finally for funcname the following functions are available:

  • file(filename)

    This function takes one string argument and expands to the contents of the file. This is especially useful for matching this contents against a regular expression, etc.

Notice that expression is first parsed into an internal machine representation and then evaluated in a second step. Actually, in Global and Per-Server Class context expression is parsed at startup time and at runtime only the machine representation is executed. For Per-Directory context this is different: here expression has to be parsed and immediately executed for every request.


SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CIPHER} !~ m/^(EXP|NULL)-/ \
and %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O} eq "Snake Oil, Ltd." \
and %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU} in {"Staff", "CA", "Dev"} \
and %{TIME_WDAY} >= 1 and %{TIME_WDAY} <= 5 \
and %{TIME_HOUR} >= 8 and %{TIME_HOUR} <= 20 ) \
or %{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ m/^192\.76\.162\.[0-9]+$/

OID() function expects to find zero or more instances of the given OID in the client certificate, and compares the left-hand side string against the value of matching OID attributes. Every matching OID is checked, until a match is found.

Standard CGI/1.0 and Apache variables:

HTTP_HOST              IS_SUBREQ             TIME_MON
HTTP:headername        SERVER_NAME           TIME_MIN
REQUEST_URI            REMOTE_USER           ENV:variablename

SSL-related variables:

                       SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL    SSL_SERVER_M_SERIAL
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN     SSL_SERVER_S_DN_CN
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_T      SSL_SERVER_S_DN_T
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_I      SSL_SERVER_S_DN_I
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_G      SSL_SERVER_S_DN_G
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_S      SSL_SERVER_S_DN_S
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_D      SSL_SERVER_S_DN_D
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_UID    SSL_SERVER_S_DN_UID
                       SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email  SSL_SERVER_S_DN_Email
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN        SSL_SERVER_I_DN
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_C      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_C
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_ST     SSL_SERVER_I_DN_ST
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_L      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_L
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_O      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_O
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_OU     SSL_SERVER_I_DN_OU
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN     SSL_SERVER_I_DN_CN
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_T      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_T
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_I      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_I
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_G      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_G
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_S      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_S
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_D      SSL_SERVER_I_DN_D
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_UID    SSL_SERVER_I_DN_UID
                       SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_Email  SSL_SERVER_I_DN_Email
                       SSL_CLIENT_A_SIG       SSL_SERVER_A_SIG
                       SSL_CLIENT_A_KEY       SSL_SERVER_A_KEY
                       SSL_CLIENT_CERT        SSL_SERVER_CERT

SSLRequireSSL 指令

说明 Deny access when SSL is not used for the HTTP request
语法 SSLRequireSSL
作用域 directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive forbids access unless HTTP over SSL (i.e. HTTPS) is enabled for the current connection. This is very handy inside the SSL-enabled virtual host or directories for defending against configuration errors that expose stuff that should be protected. When this directive is present all requests are denied which are not using SSL.



SSLSessionCache 指令

说明 Type of the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache
语法 SSLSessionCache type
默认值 SSLSessionCache none
作用域 server config
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This configures the storage type of the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache. This cache is an optional facility which speeds up parallel request processing. For requests to the same server process (via HTTP keep-alive), OpenSSL already caches the SSL session information locally. But because modern clients request inlined images and other data via parallel requests (usually up to four parallel requests are common) those requests are served by different pre-forked server processes. Here an inter-process cache helps to avoid unneccessary session handshakes.

The following four storage types are currently supported:

  • none

    This disables the global/inter-process Session Cache. This will incur a noticeable speed penalty and may cause problems if using certain browsers, particularly if client certificates are enabled. This setting is not recommended.

  • nonenotnull

    This disables any global/inter-process Session Cache. However it does force OpenSSL to send a non-null session ID to accommodate buggy clients that require one.

  • dbm:/path/to/datafile

    This makes use of a DBM hashfile on the local disk to synchronize the local OpenSSL memory caches of the server processes. This session cache may suffer reliability issues under high load.

  • shm:/path/to/datafile[(size)]

    This makes use of a high-performance cyclic buffer (approx. size bytes in size) inside a shared memory segment in RAM (established via /path/to/datafile) to synchronize the local OpenSSL memory caches of the server processes. This is the recommended session cache.

  • dc:UNIX:/path/to/socket

    This makes use of the distcache distributed session caching libraries. The argument should specify the location of the server or proxy to be used using the distcache address syntax; for example, UNIX:/path/to/socket specifies a UNIX domain socket (typically a local dc_client proxy); specifies an IP address.


SSLSessionCache dbm:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_gcache_data
SSLSessionCache shm:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_gcache_data(512000)

SSLSessionCacheTimeout 指令

说明 Number of seconds before an SSL session expires in the Session Cache
语法 SSLSessionCacheTimeout seconds
默认值 SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300
作用域 server config, virtual host
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the timeout in seconds for the information stored in the global/inter-process SSL Session Cache and the OpenSSL internal memory cache. It can be set as low as 15 for testing, but should be set to higher values like 300 in real life.


SSLSessionCacheTimeout 600

SSLUserName 指令

说明 Variable name to determine user name
语法 SSLUserName varname
作用域 server config, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl
兼容性 仅在 Apache 2.0.51 及以后的版本中可用

This directive sets the "user" field in the Apache request object. This is used by lower modules to identify the user with a character string. In particular, this may cause the environment variable REMOTE_USER to be set. The varname can be any of the SSL environment variables.

Note that this directive has no effect if the FakeBasic option is used (see SSLOptions).



SSLVerifyClient 指令

说明 Type of Client Certificate verification
语法 SSLVerifyClient level
默认值 SSLVerifyClient none
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets the Certificate verification level for the Client Authentication. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the client authentication process used in the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotation with the reconfigured client verification level after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.

The following levels are available for level:

  • none: no client Certificate is required at all
  • optional: the client may present a valid Certificate
  • require: the client has to present a valid Certificate
  • optional_no_ca: the client may present a valid Certificate
    but it need not to be (successfully) verifiable.

In practice only levels nonerequire are really interesting, because level optional doesn't work with all browsers and level optional_no_ca is actually against the idea of authentication (but can be used to establish SSL test pages, etc.)


SSLVerifyClient require

SSLVerifyDepth 指令

说明 Maximum depth of CA Certificates in Client Certificate verification
语法 SSLVerifyDepth number
默认值 SSLVerifyDepth 1
作用域 server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
覆盖项 AuthConfig
状态 扩展(E)
模块 mod_ssl

This directive sets how deeply mod_ssl should verify before deciding that the clients don't have a valid certificate. Notice that this directive can be used both in per-server and per-directory context. In per-server context it applies to the client authentication process used in the standard SSL handshake when a connection is established. In per-directory context it forces a SSL renegotation with the reconfigured client verification depth after the HTTP request was read but before the HTTP response is sent.

The depth actually is the maximum number of intermediate certificate issuers, i.e. the number of CA certificates which are max allowed to be followed while verifying the client certificate. A depth of 0 means that self-signed client certificates are accepted only, the default depth of 1 means the client certificate can be self-signed or has to be signed by a CA which is directly known to the server (i.e. the CA's certificate is under SSLCACertificatePath), etc.


SSLVerifyDepth 10

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