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[#1] chaz_meister_rock at yahoo dot com [2007-08-29 11:54:18]
Windows 64 Caveats with ODBC
I'm pretty sure PHP only accesses the 32-bit ODBC stuff on Windows 64. Therefore, you will need to configure your ODBC DSNs via the Data Source Administrator found at:
[#2] [2006-10-11 07:28:02]
I had big performance problems retrieving data form MS SQL Server with odbc only when the query was unsing a join.
I found out, that I had to connect with the cursor-type "SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC" and everything was ok:
$conn = odbc_connect("ShopLive", 'shop', 'xxx', SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);
[#3] sven at ajaxtechforums dot com [2006-02-27 15:07:19]
I found this to be a perfect alternative to the MaxDB special drivers of version 7.5.00. Just weren't that easy to install on *nix. Windows seems fine. Anyway The ODBC is a perfect alternative for connecting the SAPDB/MaxDB towards PHP.
Installation guide for the odbc alternative (instead of the MAXDB-php driver) can be found here:
[#4] xangelusx at hotmail dot com [2005-11-11 07:45:56]
If you receive an error stating "Connection is busy with results for another hstmt, SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect" try opening your odbc connection using the SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY option
$db_link = odbc_connect($dsn, $username, $password, SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY)
or die('Error connecting to server. Server says: '.htmlspecialchars(odbc_errormsg()));
[#5] Quickdraw [2005-05-05 11:06:11]
In response to Holger's comment about using @@identity:
Be carefull. If the table you're inserting into has a trigger that also inserts into another table that has an identity column you'll get the key of that other table! use scope_identity() instead of @@identity
[#6] [2005-05-04 20:14:38]
I searched for the solution of why odbc connection of a network remote drive under Windows + Apache 2.0.X, cannot give the query, but seems no one provides the solution.
In fact, it is very simple.
Go to Control Panal -> Services;
Find and double click "Apache2";
In the page of "Log On", choose Log on as "This account" and give an account in the web server system which have the right to control the network remote drive;
Finally, restart Apache, and that's it.
[#7] denials at gmail dot com [2005-01-23 15:05:30]
Ever wonder why you're experiencing really slow data retrieval times using IBM DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows? The default cursor type used by Unified ODBC is not supported by DB2, so it gets downgraded to a forward-only cursor -- and that negotiation occurs with every row fetch.
One way to force your PHP applications to use forward-only cursors is to modify your DB2 client configuration with a handy CLI patch2 setting value of 6:
You have to update this client setting on the same machine on which you are running the PHP application. This works on Windows operating systems as well as on Linux & UNIX operating systems.
I ran a few basic benchmarks (fetch 10,000 rows consisting of 3 INTEGER columns from a remote database server) and concluded that this setting can make a major difference to your application speed:
Without CLI patch2 setting: ~22 seconds
With CLI patch2 setting: ~ 1.75 seconds
Note that the drawback of using this patch setting (or any other method of using forward-only cursors) makes odbc_num_rows() always return "-1" for the number of rows affected by a SELECT statement.
[#8] pascals at NOSPAM dot pobox dot com [2004-02-27 15:15:22]
If the bundled ODBC library stumbles on some field formats (like some REAL from Pervasive.SQL), have a look at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net/.
After many headaches, I have adoped odbtp: it's a very solid library and best of all it's not tied to a particular OS.
[#9] vbwebprofi at gmx dot de [2003-11-04 04:31:21]
On my search for a function to retriew the NewID of an inserted row wich has an autoincrement I found this solution like the mysql_insert_id for an ODBC connection to MS-Access :
// make your connection below
$Connection = odbc_connect(...);
$Result = odbc_exec($Connection, "select @@identity");
$NewID = odbc_result($Result, 1);
// make here all what you want with the NewID
In my mind this should also work with MS-SQL-Server and with Sybase - via ODBC and direct (mssql_.../sybase_...).
HTH ...