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PDO_FIREBIRD DSN — Connecting to Firebird databases
The PDO_FIREBIRD Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements:
The DSN prefix is firebird:
The name of the database.
The character set.
The SQL role name.
Example #1 PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with path
The following example shows a PDO_FIREBIRD DSN for connecting to Firebird databases:
Example #2 PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with port and path
The following example shows a PDO_FIREBIRD DSN for connecting to a Firebird database using hostname port and path:
Example #3 PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with localhost and path to employee.fdb on Debian system
The following example shows a PDO_FIREBIRD DSN for connecting to a Firebird database employee.fdb using localhost:
[#1] nelson at integrasoftware dot com dot br [2007-11-18 15:24:59]
my Firebird connection example:
$str_conn = "firebird:dbname=C:\db\banco.gdb;host=localhost";
$dbh = new PDO($str_conn, "SYSDBA", "masterkey");