Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)
maxdb_commit -- maxdb::commit — Commits the current transaction
Commits the current transaction for the database connection specified by the
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 面向对象风格
$maxdb = new maxdb ( "localhost" , "MONA" , "RED" , "DEMODB" );
if ( maxdb_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , maxdb_connect_error ());
$maxdb -> autocommit ( FALSE );
maxdb_report ( MAXDB_REPORT_OFF );
$maxdb -> query ( "DROP TABLE mycustomer" );
maxdb_report ( MAXDB_REPORT_ERROR );
$maxdb -> query ( "CREATE TABLE mycustomer LIKE hotel.customer" );
$maxdb -> query ( "INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3000,'Mrs','Jenny','Porter','10580','1340 N.Ash Street, #3')" );
$maxdb -> query ( "INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3100,'Mr','Peter','Brown','48226','1001 34th Str., APT.3')" );
$maxdb -> commit ();
$maxdb -> close ();
Example #2 过程化风格
$link = maxdb_connect ( "localhost" , "MONA" , "RED" , "DEMODB" );
if (! $link ) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , maxdb_connect_error ());
maxdb_autocommit ( $link , FALSE );
maxdb_report ( MAXDB_REPORT_OFF );
maxdb_query ( $link , "DROP TABLE mycustomer" );
maxdb_report ( MAXDB_REPORT_ERROR );
maxdb_query ( $link , "CREATE TABLE mycustomer LIKE hotel.customer" );
maxdb_query ( $link , "INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3000,'Mrs','Jenny','Porter','10580','1340 N.Ash Street, #3')" );
maxdb_query ( $link , "INSERT INTO mycustomer VALUES (3100,'Mr','Peter','Brown','48226','1001 34th Str., APT.3')" );
maxdb_commit ( $link );
maxdb_close ( $link );
The above examples produces no output.