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(PECL mongo >=0.8.0)
为数据库对象创建的唯一标识符。 如果插入数据库的对象不具有 _id 字段,将会为 _id 字段添加一个 MongoId 实例作为值。 如果数据具有自然的唯一字段(比如说,用户名或 timestamp),用来作为 _id 字段也不错,它不会被 一个 MongoId 替换。
MongoId 类实例满足了关系数据库中自增列的角色: 如果数据不具有天然的唯一键,则提供一个。 自增列在分布式数据库中不会工作得很好,因为它无法快速找到下一个数字。 这个类能够满足在分布式下快速产生唯一值的条件。
每个 MongoId 具有 12 个字节(使它的字符串形式是 24 个十六进制字符)。 前四个字节是一个时间戳(timestamp),后三个是客户端主机名的 hash 摘要,然后两个是运行脚本的进程 ID, 最后三位是一个自增值。
MongoId 是可以序列化/反序列化的。 它们序列化后的格式和它们的字符串格式比较像:
] )$value
)关于 » ids 的 MongoDB 核心文档。
[#1] Lionel [2013-07-08 01:51:36]
Just to be careful with the strict comparison. Object inequalities holds.
$m1 = new MongoId('51b14c2de8e185801f000006');
$m2 = new MongoId('51b14c2de8e185801f000006');
var_dump($m1 === $m2); //gives you boolean false
var_dump($m1 == $m2); //gives you boolean true
$m3 = new MongoId('51b14c2de8e185801f000006');
$m4 = new MongoId('51b14c2de8e185801f000007');
var_dump($m3 === $m4); //gives you boolean false
var_dump($m3 == $m4); //gives you boolean false
[#2] georgedot dont spam me gmail caom [2013-07-03 07:29:43]
Due to Recent changes.
* [PHP-554] - MongoId should not get constructed when passing in an invalid ID.
Constructor will throw an exception when passing invalid ID.
$_id = new MongoId(); //Generates new ID
$_id = new MongoId(null); //Generates new ID
$_id = new MongoId("invalid id"); //throws MongoException
//Revert to old behaviour
$_id = "invalid id";
try {
$_id = new MongoId($_id);
} catch (MongoException $ex) {
$_id = new MongoId();
//Nifty hack
class SafeMongoId extends MongoId {
public function __construct($id=null) {
try {
} catch (MongoException $ex) {
[#3] Ryan S [2012-12-05 17:46:53]
it is important to note that
array("_id" => new MongoId("50cf7d2841d41f4f35000000"))
// ??
array("_id" => array("$id" => "50cf7d2841d41f4f35000000"))
This issue can arrise when using json_encode() and json_decode(). If not paying close enough attention one can assume due to the encoded value of the object that it is just this simple:
$item = $db->myCollection->findOne();
print json_encode($item);
// {"_id": {"$id": "50cf7d2841d41f4f35000000"}}
$item = $db->myCollection->findOne(json_encode($item));
// $item is empty aka not found
Simple solution to handle these situations:
class MongoId2 extends MongoId {
public function __construct($id = null) {
if(is_array($id)) {
$id = (object) $id;
if(is_object($id) && isset($id->{'$id'})) {
$id = $id->{'$id'};
return parent::__construct($id);
[#4] rmarscher [2012-10-12 15:11:16]
You can also cast the id to a string rather than access the $id property to get a string representation of the MongoId.
$stringId = (string) $mongoId;
[#5] alex dot turpin at gmail dot com [2011-07-11 09:15:34]
If you need to get the actual ID string, and you try the usual way, PHP will whine because it starts with a dollar sign and it thinks it's a variable. Instead, use this notation:
$mongoid->{'$id'} //Get the $id property of a MongoId object
[#6] sararschreiber at gmail dot com [2010-10-12 12:23:25]
this is useful for querying for an object by id, given the id's hex:
$userid = '4cb4ab6d7addf98506010000';
$theObjId = new MongoId($userid);
$connection = new Mongo();
$db = $connection->thedb->users;
// this will return our matching entry.
$item = $db->findOne(array("_id" => $theObjId));