Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PECL mongo >=0.8.1)
这个类用于创建一个正则表达式。 通常这些表达式用于查询数据库中匹配的字符串。不常用的是,它们可以保存到数据库并用于检索。
正则表达式由四部分组成。 首先 / 作为起始的分隔符,然后是 pattern、另一个 / 以及最后包含 flag 的字符串。
Example #1 正则表达式
Mongo 能够识别六种正则表达式标记(flag):
s:dotall,"." 匹配任何字符,包括换行符。
u:匹配 Unicode
)[#1] thusitha555 at gmail dot com [2014-10-27 06:36:33]
here is an example for case insensitive search.If there are two fields (user_name/company_name) in collection;
$searchQuery = array(
'$or' => array(
'user_name' => new MongoRegex("/^$search_string/i"),
'company_name' => new MongoRegex("/^$search_string/i"),
$cursor = $customers->find($searchQuery);
[#2] vinicius at codemakers dot com dot br [2013-12-24 15:17:15]
$search = "V";
// Case Sensitive
$where = array('name' => array('$regex' => new MongoRegex("/^$search/")));
$cursor = $collection->find($where);
//Case Insensitive
$where = array('name' => array('$regex' => new MongoRegex("/^$search/i")));
$cursor = $collection->find($where);
[#3] benyounes dot ousama at gmail dot com [2010-11-19 09:49:26]
First you must declare and define your regexObj
Here I am looking for all entry of my database wich is like "%Nicolas%" and the /i param is used for Insensitive Case
$regexObj = new MongoRegex("/^Nicolas/i");
// I attach the regexObj to my Where Condition
$where = array("ctname" => $regexObj);
// Execute the request
$resultset = $this->db->Infos->find($where);
// Parsing the results
while ($resultset->hasNext())
$clientObj = $resultset->getNext();
echo "Client Name: ".$clientObj["cname"]."</br>";