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(mongodb >=1.0.0)
MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::insert — Add an insert operation to the bulk
)Adds an insert operation to the MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite.
( array|object )A document to insert.
If the document
did not have an
_id, a MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID will
be generated and returned; otherwise, no value is returned.
Example #1 MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::insert() example
$bulk = new MongoDB \ Driver \ BulkWrite ;
$document1 = [ 'title' => 'one' ];
$document2 = [ '_id' => 'custom ID' , 'title' => 'two' ];
$document3 = [ '_id' => new MongoDB \ BSON \ ObjectID , 'title' => 'three' ];
$_id1 = $bulk -> insert ( $document1 );
$_id2 = $bulk -> insert ( $document2 );
$_id3 = $bulk -> insert ( $document3 );
var_dump ( $_id1 , $_id2 , $_id3 );
$manager = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager ( 'mongodb://localhost:27017' );
$writeConcern = new MongoDB \ Driver \ WriteConcern ( MongoDB \ Driver \ WriteConcern :: MAJORITY , 1000 );
$result = $manager -> executeBulkWrite ( 'db.collection' , $bulk , $writeConcern );
object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID)#3 (1) { ["oid"]=> string(24) "54d51146bd21b91405401d92" } NULL NULL