Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 5)
mysqli_stmt::$errno -- mysqli_stmt_errno — Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
)Returns the error code for the most recently invoked statement function that can succeed or fail.
Client error message numbers are listed in the MySQL errmsg.h header file, server error message numbers are listed in mysqld_error.h. In the MySQL source distribution you can find a complete list of error messages and error numbers in the file Docs/mysqld_error.txt.
仅以过程化样式:由 mysqli_stmt_init() 返回的 statement 标识。
An error code value. Zero means no error occurred.
Example #1 面向对象风格
$mysqli = new mysqli ( "localhost" , "my_user" , "my_password" , "world" );
if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , mysqli_connect_error ());
$mysqli -> query ( "CREATE TABLE myCountry LIKE Country" );
$mysqli -> query ( "INSERT INTO myCountry SELECT * FROM Country" );
$query = "SELECT Name, Code FROM myCountry ORDER BY Name" ;
if ( $stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( $query )) {
$mysqli -> query ( "DROP TABLE myCountry" );
$stmt -> execute ();
printf ( "Error: %d.\n" , $stmt -> errno );
$stmt -> close ();
$mysqli -> close ();
Example #2 过程化风格
$link = mysqli_connect ( "localhost" , "my_user" , "my_password" , "world" );
if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , mysqli_connect_error ());
mysqli_query ( $link , "CREATE TABLE myCountry LIKE Country" );
mysqli_query ( $link , "INSERT INTO myCountry SELECT * FROM Country" );
$query = "SELECT Name, Code FROM myCountry ORDER BY Name" ;
if ( $stmt = mysqli_prepare ( $link , $query )) {
mysqli_query ( $link , "DROP TABLE myCountry" );
mysqli_stmt_execute ( $stmt );
printf ( "Error: %d.\n" , mysqli_stmt_errno ( $stmt ));
mysqli_stmt_close ( $stmt );
mysqli_close ( $link );
Error: 1146.