Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
is_link — 判断给定文件名是否为一个符号连接
如果文件存在并且是一个符号连接则返回 TRUE
,否则返回 FALSE
Example #1 创建并确认一个文件是否为符号连接
$link = 'uploads' ;
if ( is_link ( $link )) {
echo( readlink ( $link ));
} else {
symlink ( 'uploads.php' , $link );
Note: 此函数的结果会被缓存。参见 clearstatcache() 以获得更多细节。
自 PHP 5.0.0 起, 此函数也用于某些 URL 包装器。请参见 支持的协议和封装协议以获得支持 stat() 系列函数功能的包装器列表。
[#1] Anonymous [2015-11-06 21:52:54]
We have a simple conversion in place to convert the @ signs and dots in your address. You may still want to include a part in the email address that is understandable only by humans as our conversion can be performed in the opposite direction. You may submit your email address as user@NOSPAM.example.com for example (which will be displayed as user at NOSPAM dot example dot com. If we remove your note we can only send an email if you use your real email address.
[#2] gggeek [2013-09-18 20:53:12]
On windows, take care that is_link returns false for Junctions.
Ways of telling apart a directory from a junction include doing both a stat() and and lstat() call and checking if there is any difference in the results
[#3] PaulE [2009-06-02 02:03:24]
A workaround for Windows LNK files:
function _is_link($filename)
return true;
$ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
if(strtolower($ext) == 'lnk')
return (_readlink($filename) ? true : false);
return false;
function _readlink($file)
return readlink($file);
// Get file content
$handle = fopen($file, "rb");
$buffer = array();
$buffer[] = fread($handle, 1);
// Test magic value and GUID
if(count($buffer) < 20)
return false;
if($buffer[0] != 'L')
return false;
if((ord($buffer[4]) != 0x01) ||
(ord($buffer[5]) != 0x14) ||
(ord($buffer[6]) != 0x02) ||
(ord($buffer[7]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[8]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[9]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[10]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[11]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[12]) != 0xC0) ||
(ord($buffer[13]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[14]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[15]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[16]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[17]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[18]) != 0x00) ||
(ord($buffer[19]) != 0x46))
return false;
$i = 20;
if(count($buffer) < ($i + 4))
return false;
$flags = ord($buffer[$i]);
$flags = $flags | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 8);
$flags = $flags | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 16);
$flags = $flags | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 24);
$hasShellItemIdList = ($flags & 0x00000001) ? true : false;
$pointsToFileOrDir = ($flags & 0x00000002) ? true : false;
return false;
$i = 76;
if(count($buffer) < ($i + 2))
return false;
$a = ord($buffer[$i]);
$a = $a | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 8);
$i = 78 + 4 + $a;
if(count($buffer) < ($i + 4))
return false;
$b = ord($buffer[$i]);
$b = $b | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 8);
$b = $b | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 16);
$b = $b | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 24);
$i = 78 + $a + $b;
if(count($buffer) < ($i + 4))
return false;
$c = ord($buffer[$i]);
$c = $c | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 8);
$c = $c | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 16);
$c = $c | (ord($buffer[++$i]) << 24);
$i = 78 + $a + $b + $c;
if(count($buffer) < ($i +1))
return false;
$linkedTarget = "";
for(;$i < count($buffer); ++$i)
$linkedTarget .= $buffer[$i];
return false;
return $linkedTarget;
return false;
echo _readlink('test.lnk');
[#4] foobarfarter [2008-10-18 15:06:36]
@radon8472 at hotmail dot com
The windows .lnk-things are real files, the explorer only treats them like links. Try to open one with Win+R->"notepad X:\Path\Visiblefilename.lnk You will see much 0-Bytes, but the linked path is displayed right on the screen. It should be possible to do the same by php.
[#5] radon8472 at hotmail dot com [2008-07-31 21:38:52]
This function returns "false" for windows *.lnk files (tested under windows XP).
filetype also returns "file" an not "link" like expected.
I didn`t find a solution for this.
[#6] mbirth at webwriters dot de [2008-05-20 08:24:54]
To find out whether a file is hardlinked to another filename, check the number of links of the stat() output. If it is >1 there is another filename for that file.
To find out whether two filenames are pointing to the same file, check the inode number of those 2 filenames. If it is equal, the 2 filenames are hardlinked together.
[#7] neverpanic->gmail[com] [2006-12-30 02:50:18]
For me (Debian Sarge VPS) is_link returns true even for directories if you don't add a trailing slash to the filename.
if ($dir{strlen($dir)-1} == '/') $dir = substr($dir, 0, -1);
This works for me. It can't detect a symlink somewhere in a complete path, though (i.e. is_link(/www/somedir/file.php) will return false, just as is_link(/www/) would)
[#8] brendy at gmail dot com [2006-05-05 19:22:27]
On Mac OSX, to see if a file is a FInder alias:
if( getFinderAlias( $someFile , $target ) ) {
echo $target;
else {
echo "File is not an alias";
function getFinderAlias( $filename , &$target ) {
$getAliasTarget = <<< HEREDOC
set checkFileStr to "{$filename}"
set checkFile to checkFileStr as POSIX file
tell application "Finder"
if original item of file checkFile exists then
set targetFile to (original item of file checkFile) as alias
set posTargetFile to POSIX path of targetFile as text
get posTargetFile
end if
end tell
end try
$runText = "osascript << EOS\n{$getAliasTarget}\nEOS\n";
$target = trim( shell_exec( $runText ) );
return ( $target == "" ? false : true );
[#9] andudi at gmx dot ch [2002-06-02 10:44:12]
On my SuSE 7.2 is_link does not work on directories, but to find out, if a dir is a link, I use now this:
$linkdir = $path.$linkdirname;
if (realpath($linkdir) != realpath($path)."/".$linkdirname):
//$linkdir is a symbolic linked dir!
and this works fine :-)
Andreas Dick