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(PECL xdiff >= 0.2.0)
xdiff_string_diff — Make unified diff of two strings
, string $new_data
[, int $context
= 3
[, bool $minimal
= false
]] )
Makes an unified diff containing differences between old_data
string and
string and returns it. The resulting diff is human-readable.
An optional context
parameter specifies how many lines of context should be
added around each change. Setting minimal
to true will result in outputting the shortest patch file possible (can take a long time).
First string with data. It acts as "old" data.
Second string with data. It acts as "new" data.
Indicates how many lines of context you want to include in the diff result.
Set this parameter to TRUE
if you want to minimalize the size of the
result (can take a long time).
Returns string with resulting diff or FALSE
if an internal error happened.
Example #1 xdiff_string_diff() example
The following code makes unified diff of two articles.
$old_article = file_get_contents ( './old_article.txt' );
$new_article = $_REQUEST [ 'article' ];
$diff = xdiff_string_diff ( $old_article , $new_article , 1 );
if ( is_string ( $diff )) {
echo "Differences between two articles:\n" ;
echo $diff ;
This function doesn't work well with binary strings. To make diff of binary strings use xdiff_string_bdiff() / xdiff_string_rabdiff() .