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(PHP 5, PHP 7)
debug_print_backtrace — 打印一条回溯。
= 0
[, int $limit
= 0
]] )debug_print_backtrace() 打印了一条 PHP 回溯。它打印了函数调用、被 included/required 的文件和 eval() 的代码。
从 5.3.6 开始,这个参数是以下选项的位掩码:
DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS | 是否忽略 "args" 的索引,包括所有的 function/method 的参数,能够节省内存开销。 |
从 5.4.0 开始,这个参数能够用于限制返回堆栈帧的数量。
默认为 (limit
=0) ,返回所有的堆栈帧。
版本 | 说明 |
5.4.0 |
添加了可选的参数 limit 。
5.3.6 |
添加了可选的参数 options 。
Example #1 debug_print_backtrace() 范例
// include.php file
function a () {
b ();
function b () {
c ();
function c (){
debug_print_backtrace ();
a ();
// 文件 test.php
// 这是你应该运行的文件
include 'include.php' ;
#0 c() called at [/tmp/include.php:10] #1 b() called at [/tmp/include.php:6] #2 a() called at [/tmp/include.php:17] #3 include(/tmp/include.php) called at [/tmp/test.php:3]
[#1] AB [2015-10-18 18:59:55]
This code will give you a simple horizontal stack trace to assist debugging:
class A {
public function testA() {
echo "<LI>Class A.testA ----??";
echo "<LI>".$this->whoDidThat();
public function whoDidThat() {
$count = 0;
foreach($who as $k=>$v) {
if ($count++ > 0) {
if ( $count>2) {
return $result;
class B extends A {
public function testB() {
echo "<LI>Class B.testB";
echo "<LI>".$this->whoDidThat();
public function testA() {
echo "<LI>Class testB.testA ---- Y";
echo "<LI>".$this->whoDidThat();
class C {
public function test() {
echo "<HR>";
$b=new B();
echo "<HR>Class C calling B.testA";
$c=new C();
echo debug_print_backtrace();
When run you get
Class C calling B.testA
*Class testB.testA ---- Y
[#2] chris dot kistner at gmail dot com [2010-04-01 04:31:43]
Here's a function that returns a string with the same information shown in debug_print_backtrace(), with the option to exclude a certain amount of traces (by altering the $traces_to_ignore argument).
I've done a couple of tests to ensure that it prints exactly the same information, but I might have missed something.
This solution is a nice workaround to get the debug_print_backtrace() information if you're already using ob_start() in your PHP code.
function get_debug_print_backtrace($traces_to_ignore = 1){
$traces = debug_backtrace();
$ret = array();
foreach($traces as $i => $call){
if ($i < $traces_to_ignore ) {
$object = '';
if (isset($call['class'])) {
$object = $call['class'].$call['type'];
if (is_array($call['args'])) {
foreach ($call['args'] as &$arg) {
$ret[] = '#'.str_pad($i - $traces_to_ignore, 3, ' ')
.$object.$call['function'].'('.implode(', ', $call['args'])
.') called at ['.$call['file'].':'.$call['line'].']';
return implode("\n",$ret);
function get_arg(&$arg) {
if (is_object($arg)) {
$arr = (array)$arg;
$args = array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, chr(0)) !== false) {
$key = ''; // Private variable found
$args[] = '['.$key.'] => '.get_arg($value);
$arg = get_class($arg) . ' Object ('.implode(',', $args).')';
[#3] bishop [2009-07-28 13:20:13]
Another way to manipulate and print a backtrace, without using output buffering:
// print backtrace, getting rid of repeated absolute path on each file
$e = new Exception();
print_r(str_replace('/path/to/code/', '', $e->getTraceAsString()));
[#4] dany dot dylan at gmail dot com [2008-11-10 21:51:21]
I like the output of debug_print_backtrace() but I sometimes want it as a string.
bortuzar's solution to use output buffering is great, but I'd like to factorize that into a function. Doing that however always results in whatever function name I use appearing at the top of the stack which is redundant.
Below is my noddy (simple) solution. If you don't care for renumbering the call stack, omit the second preg_replace().
function debug_string_backtrace() {
$trace = ob_get_contents();
// Remove first item from backtrace as it's this function which
// is redundant.
$trace = preg_replace ('/^#0\s+' . __FUNCTION__ . "[^\n]*\n/", '', $trace, 1);
// Renumber backtrace items.
$trace = preg_replace ('/^#(\d+)/me', '\'#\' . ($1 - 1)', $trace);
return $trace;
[#5] taner [2007-08-21 04:52:03]
bortuzar: a simpler version, w/o output buffering:
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO EventLog (Trace) VALUES ('%s')",
mysql_real_escape_string(join("\n", debug_backtrace())) );
[#6] bortuzar at gmail dot com [2007-06-05 11:23:07]
If you want to get the trace into a variable or DB, I suggest to do the following:
$trace = ob_get_contents();
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO EventLog (Trace) VALUES ('%s')",
[#7] aidan at php dot net [2005-03-15 01:47:24]
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat.
More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link: