Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
FPM(FastCGI 进程管理器)用于替换 PHP FastCGI 的大部分附加功能,对于高负载网站是非常有用的。
可以工作于不同的 uid/gid/chroot 环境下,并监听不同的端口和使用不同的 php.ini 配置文件(可取代 safe_mode 的设置);
stdout 和 stderr 日志记录;
在发生意外情况的时候能够重新启动并缓存被破坏的 opcode;
"慢日志" - 记录脚本(不仅记录文件名,还记录 PHP backtrace 信息,可以使用 ptrace或者类似工具读取和分析远程进程的运行数据)运行所导致的异常缓慢;
fastcgi_finish_request() - 特殊功能:用于在请求完成和刷新数据后,继续在后台执行耗时的工作(录入视频转换、统计处理等);
基本 SAPI 运行状态信息(类似Apache的 mod_status);
基于 php.ini 的配置文件。
[#1] dreamcat4 at gmail dot com [2014-05-16 15:17:34]
Doesn't work? Enable logging!
The php-fpm.log file is a great place to fault-find errors and get to the bottom of a problem. But be sure to enable logging for your specific worker pool. Or you won't see anything!
To enable error logging for the default [www] worker pool, add this line in the [www] section of your php-fpm.conf:
catch_workers_output = yes
[#2] kokushibyou at gmail dot com [2013-04-25 22:04:08]
PHP-FPM is FAST - but be wary of using it while your code base is stored on NFS - under average load your NFS server will feel some serious strain. I have yet to find a work around for this bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52312
[#3] joel k [2011-06-30 12:56:07]
the fpm process supports the USER2 signal, which is used to reload the config file.
kill -USR2 [pid]
should do the trick.
[#4] robin at robinwinslow dot co dot uk [2010-12-12 10:05:44]
Init script setup
You will probably want to create an init script for your new php-fpm. Fortunately, PHP 5.3.3 provides one for you, which you should copy to your init directory and change permissions:
$ cp <?php-5.3.3-source-dir>/sapi/fpm/init.d.php-fpm.in /etc/init.d/php-fpm
$ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/php-fpm
It requires a certain amount of setup. First of all, make sure your php-fpm.conf file is set up to create a PID file when php-fpm starts. E.g.:
pid = /var/run/php-fpm.pid
(also make sure your php-fpm user has permission to create this file).
Now open up your new init script (/etc/init.d/php-fpm) and set the variables at the top to their relevant values. E.g.:
Your init script is now ready. You should now be able to start, stop and reload php-fpm:
$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm start
$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm stop
$ /etc/init.d/php-fpm reload
The one remaining thing you may wish to do is to add your new php-fpm init script to system start-up. E.g. in CentOS:
$ /sbin/chkconfig php-fpm on
Disclaimer: Although I did just do this on my own server about 20 mins ago, everything I've written here is off the top of my head, so it may not be 100% correct. Also, allow for differences in system setup. Some understanding of what you are doing is assumed.