Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
bcmul — 2个任意精度数字乘法计算
, string $right_operand
[, int $scale
= int
] ) 左操作数
此可选参数用于设置结果中小数点后的小数位数。也可通过使用 bcscale() 来设置全局默认的小数位数,用于所有函数。
Example #1 bcmul() 示例
echo bcmul ( '1.34747474747' , '35' , 3 ); // 47.161
echo bcmul ( '2' , '4' ); // 8
[#1] gar37bic at gmail dot com [2012-11-19 17:06:20]
When using printf to print the results of bcmath operations, use string format, i.e. '%s', not numeric formats such as '%d' or '%f'. For example, the output of factorial (23) will be incorrect if using %d or %f:
Result using %f:
factorial (22) = 1124000727777607680000 (correct)
factorial (23) = 25852016738884978212864 (incorrect)
Result using %s:
factorial (22) = 1124000727777607680000
factorial (23) = 25852016738884976640000
Using echo, this is not a problem - PHP will output the bcmath string type correctly.
[#2] admin at spamhere dot sinfocol dot org [2011-01-03 22:17:01]
Well, I have a little problem implementing Blake Hash in my server because it is not a x64 server machine. I made a little function that use the powerfull of BC library to do the bitwise operation Shift.
echo 'Left Shift test<br />';
bprint('1', decbin(1));
bprint('1 << 32 (Fail)', decbin(1 << 32)); //Fail, operation not succesfull in 32-bit machine
bprint('shiftleft(1, 32) (Success)', dec2bin(shiftleft('1', '32'))); //decbin fails, so we use personalized function, success
echo '<br />';
echo 'Right Shift test<br />';
bprint('9223372036854775808', dec2bin('9223372036854775808'));
bprint('9223372036854775808 >> 63 (Fail)', decbin(9223372036854775808 >> 63));
bprint('rightshift(9223372036854775808, 63) (Success)', decbin(rightshift('9223372036854775808', '63')));
function shiftleft($num, $bits) {
return bcmul($num, bcpow('2', $bits));
function rightshift($num, $bits) {
return bcdiv($num, bcpow('2', $bits));
function bprint($title, $content) {
echo $title . '<br />' . str_pad($content, 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<br />' . PHP_EOL;
function dec2bin($dec) {
// Better function for dec to bin. Support much bigger values, but doesn??t support signs
for ($b = '', $r = $dec; $r >1;) {
$n = floor($r / 2);
$b = ($r - $n * 2) . $b;
$r = $n; // $r%2 is inaccurate when using bigger values (like 11.435.168.214)!
return ($r % 2) . $b;
[#3] Nitrogen [2009-07-08 17:55:37]
I made this to multiply an unlimited size of integers together (meaning no decimals)..
This could be useful for those without the BCMath extension.
function Mul($Num1='0',$Num2='0') {
// check if they're both plain numbers
if(!preg_match("/^\d+$/",$Num1)||!preg_match("/^\d+$/",$Num2)) return(0);
// remove zeroes from beginning of numbers
for($i=0;$i<strlen($Num1);$i++) if(@$Num1{$i}!='0') {$Num1=substr($Num1,$i);break;}
for($i=0;$i<strlen($Num2);$i++) if(@$Num2{$i}!='0') {$Num2=substr($Num2,$i);break;}
// get both number lengths
// $Rema is for storing the calculated numbers and $Rema2 is for carrying the remainders
// we start by making a $Len1 by $Len2 table (array)
// we use the classic lattice method for calculating the multiplication..
// this will multiply each number in $Num1 with each number in $Num2 and store it accordingly
// cycle through each stored number
// add up the numbers in the diagonal fashion the lattice method uses
// reverse the results around
// cycle through all the results again
for($i=0;$i<count($Rema2);$i++) {
// reverse this item, split, keep the first digit, spread the other digits down the array
if($o==0) @$Rema2[$i+$o]=$Rema3[$o];
else @$Rema2[$i+$o]+=$Rema3[$o];
// implode $Rema2 so it's a string and reverse it, this is the result!
// just to make sure, we delete the zeros from the beginning of the result and return
while(strlen($Rema2)>1&&$Rema2{0}=='0') $Rema2=substr($Rema2,1);
printf(" Mul(%s,%s); // %s\r\n",$A,$B, Mul($A,$B));
printf("BCMul(%s,%s); // %s\r\n",$A,$B,BCMul($A,$B)); // build-in function
It was a fun experience making.. even though this took me longer than the BCAdd alternative I did..
Memory allocation might be an issue for rediculously larger numbers though.. if someone wants to benchmark the performance of my function; feel free.
[#4] ju(...) [2008-04-02 00:00:54]
Except that with xpheas method, you lose all the benefits of arbitrary precision as the * operator only works on int and float and those are restricted in length (See int ant float types for more information).