Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
round — 对浮点数进行四舍五入
[, int $precision
= 0
[, int $mode
]] )
返回将 val
Note: PHP 默认不能正确处理类似 "12,300.2" 的字符串。见字符串转换为数值。
Example #1 round() 例子
echo round ( 3.4 ); // 3
echo round ( 3.5 ); // 4
echo round ( 3.6 ); // 4
echo round ( 3.6 , 0 ); // 4
echo round ( 1.95583 , 2 ); // 1.96
echo round ( 1241757 , - 3 ); // 1242000
echo round ( 5.045 , 2 ); // 5.05
echo round ( 5.055 , 2 ); // 5.06
Example #2 mode
echo round ( 9.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ); // 10
echo round ( 9.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN ); // 9
echo round ( 9.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN ); // 10
echo round ( 9.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD ); // 9
echo round ( 8.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ); // 9
echo round ( 8.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN ); // 8
echo round ( 8.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN ); // 8
echo round ( 8.5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD ); // 9
版本 | 说明 |
5.3.0 |
引入了 mode 参数
5.2.7 | round() 的内部运作修改符合 C99 的标准。 |
[#1] php at persignum dot com [2015-08-03 19:30:02]
Because this function is missing round up and round down constants and the top note doesn't really show you how to round up or down to the nearest number, here is an easy way to always round up or always round down to the nearest number.
int is the number you want to round
n is the nearest number you want rounded to.
Round up to the nearest number
function round_up($int, $n) {
return ceil($int / $n) * $n;
And to round down to the nearest number
function round_down(int, $n) {
return floor($int / $n) * $n;
[#2] slimusgm at gmail dot com [2014-09-02 03:34:49]
If you have negative zero and you need return positive number simple add +0:
$number = -2.38419e-07;
var_dump(round($number,1) + 0);//float(0)
[#3] serg at kalachev dot ru [2014-08-24 06:31:29]
Excel-like ROUNDUP function:
public static function round_up($value, $places)
$mult = pow(10, abs($places));
return $places < 0 ?
ceil($value / $mult) * $mult :
ceil($value * $mult) / $mult;
echo round_up(12345.23, 1); // 12345.3
echo round_up(12345.23, 0); // 12346
echo round_up(12345.23, -1); // 12350
echo round_up(12345.23, -2); // 12400
echo round_up(12345.23, -3); // 13000
echo round_up(12345.23, -4); // 20000
[#4] esion99 at gmail dot com [2014-07-01 22:49:37]
Unexpected result or misunderstanding (php v5.5.9)
echo round(1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); // 1.5
echo round(1.551, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); //1.6
[#5] spectrumcat at gmail dot com [2014-03-19 14:22:56]
In case someone will need a "graceful" rounding (that changes it's precision to get a non 0 value) here's a simple function:
function gracefulRound($val, $min = 2, $max = 4) {
$result = round($val, $min);
if ($result == 0 && $min < $max) {
return gracefulRound($val, ++$min, $max);
} else {
return $result;
$_ = array(0.5, 0.023, 0.008, 0.0007, 0.000079, 0.0000048);
foreach ($_ as $val) {
echo "{$val}: ".gracefulRound($val)."\n";
0.5: 0.5
0.023: 0.02
0.008: 0.01
0.0007: 0.001
0.000079: 0.0001
0.0000048: 0
[#6] takingsides at gmail dot com [2014-03-07 15:00:21]
In my opinion this function lacks two flags:
- PHP_ROUND_UP - Always round up.
- PHP_ROUND_DOWN - Always round down.
In accounting, it's often necessary to always round up, or down to a precision of thousandths.
function round_up($number, $precision = 2)
$fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0');
return (ceil($number * $fig) / $fig);
function round_down($number, $precision = 2)
$fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0');
return (floor($number * $fig) / $fig);
[#7] djcox99 at googlemail dot com [2014-01-13 11:28:19]
I discovered that under some conditions you can get rounding errors with round when converting the number to a string afterwards.
To fix this I swapped round() for number_format().
Unfortunately i cant give an example (because the number cant be represented as a string !)
essentially I had round(0.688888889,2);
which would stay as 0.68888889 when printed as a string.
But using number_format it correctly became 0.69.
[#8] craft at ckdevelop dot org [2013-12-17 13:34:47]
function mround($val, $f=2, $d=6){
return sprintf("%".$d.".".$f."f", $val);
echo mround(34.89999); //34.90
[#9] dastra [2012-07-12 11:16:41]
round() will sometimes return E notation when rounding a float when the amount is small enough - see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44223 . Apparently it's a feature.
To work around this "feature" when converting to a string, surround your round statement with an sprintf:
sprintf("%.10f", round( $amountToBeRounded, 10));
[#10] christian at deligant dot net [2011-09-15 01:24:11]
this function (as all mathematical operators) takes care of the setlocale setting, resulting in some weirdness when using the result where the english math notation is expected, as the printout of the result in a width: style attribute!
echo round($a, 2); // 0.75
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'it_IT@euro', 'it_IT', 'it');
echo round($b,2); // 0,75
[#11] omnibus at omnibus dot edu dot pl [2010-11-19 02:26:22]
Beware strange behaviour if number is negative and precision is bigger than the actual number of digits after comma.
round(-0.07, 4);
So if you validate it against a regular expression requiring the maximum amount of digits after comma, you'll get into trouble.
[#12] Anonymous [2010-10-07 16:07:58]
Here is function that rounds to a specified increment, but always up. I had to use it for price adjustment that always went up to $5 increments.
function roundUpTo($number, $increments) {
$increments = 1 / $increments;
return (ceil($number * $increments) / $increments);
[#13] feha at vision dot to [2010-08-27 07:59:45]
Here is a short neat function to round minutes (hour) ...
function minutes_round ($hour = '14:03:32', $minutes = '5', $format = "H:i")
// by Femi Hasani [www.vision.to]
$seconds = strtotime($hour);
$rounded = round($seconds / ($minutes * 60)) * ($minutes * 60);
return date($format, $rounded);
You decide to round to nearest minute ...
example will produce : 14:05
[#14] lossantis at ig dot com dot br [2010-07-15 07:02:26]
Since the mode parameter for options like PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP is available as of PHP 5.3, here is an alternative for ceiling:
<?php echo 252 / 40; // 6.3 ?>
If I round this:
<?php echo round(252 / 40); // 6 ?>
You can also use a ceil (which might be useful for pagination):
<?php echo ceil(252/40); // 7 ?>
[Edited by: googleguy@php.net for clarity]
[#15] hugues at zonereseau dot com [2010-07-01 12:45:48]
I had problem with round() function I didn't gave me the same result in windows or on a linux server :
round(4.725, 2); // gave me 4.72 on linux
round(4.725, 2); // gave me 4.73 on windows
The expected result was 4.73
Here my function to resolve my problem
function mround($number, $precision=0) {
$precision = ($precision == 0 ? 1 : $precision);
$pow = pow(10, $precision);
$ceil = ceil($number * $pow)/$pow;
$floor = floor($number * $pow)/$pow;
$pow = pow(10, $precision+1);
$diffCeil = $pow*($ceil-$number);
$diffFloor = $pow*($number-$floor)+($number < 0 ? -1 : 1);
if($diffCeil >= $diffFloor) return $floor;
else return $ceil;
echo mround(4.725, 2); // Yes 4.73
[#16] Anonymous [2009-11-02 08:52:35]
This functions return ceil($nb) if the double or float value is bigger than "$nb.5" else it's return floor($nb)
function arounds_int($nb) {
if(!is_numeric($nb)) {
return false;
$sup = round($nb);
$inf = floor($nb);
$try = (double) $inf . '.5' ;
if($nb > $try) {
return $sup;
return $inf;
[#17] michaeldnelson dot mdn at gmail dot com [2009-09-25 06:42:12]
This function will let you round to an arbitrary non-zero number. Zero of course causes a division by zero.
function roundTo($number, $to){
return round($number/$to, 0)* $to;
echo roundTo(87.23, 20); //80
echo roundTo(-87.23, 20); //-80
echo roundTo(87.23, .25); //87.25
echo roundTo(.23, .25); //.25
[#18] Bevan [2009-09-17 12:24:15]
Formats a number to the specified number of significant figures.
function format_number_significant_figures($number, $sf) {
// How many decimal places do we round and format to?
// @note May be negative.
$dp = floor($sf - log10(abs($number)));
// Round as a regular number.
$number = round($number, $dp);
// Leave the formatting to format_number(), but always format 0 to 0dp.
return number_format($number, 0 == $number ? 0 : $dp);
[#19] martinr at maarja dot net [2008-01-12 15:40:18]
Please note that the format of this functions output also depends on your locale settings. For example, if you have set your locale to some country that uses commas to separate decimal places, the output of this function also uses commas instead of dots.
This might be a problem when you are feeding the rounded float number into a database, which requires you to separate decimal places with dots.
See it in action:
echo round('3.5558', 2);
setlocale(constant('LC_ALL'), 'et_EE.UTF-8');
echo '<br />'. round('3.5558', 2);
The output will be:
[#20] tom at crysis-online dot com [2007-03-17 20:31:17]
I just found out then that even if you round a double (3.7) to an integer (4), it's data type remains as 'double'. So it's always good to use the settype() function when using the round() function to prevent any problems with your scripts.
[#21] maxteiber at gmail dot com [2006-10-16 05:15:04]
the result of this function always depends on the underlying C function. There have been a lot of compiler bugs and floating-point precission problems involving this function. Right now the following code:
echo round(141.075, 2);
on my machine.
So never really trust this function when you do critical calculations like accounting stuff!
Instead: use only integers or use string comparisons.
[#22] terry at scribendi dot com [2004-01-12 11:45:24]
To round any number to a given number of significant digits, use log10 to find out its magnitude:
<?php round($n, ceil(0 - log10($n)) + $sigdigits); ?>
Or when you have to display a per-unit price which may work out to be less than a few cents/pence/yen you can use:
// $exp = currency decimal places - 0 for Yen/Won, 2 for most others
$dp = ceil(0 - log10($n)) + $sigdigits;
$display = number_format($amount, ($exp>$dp)?$exp:$dp);
This always displays at least the number of decimal places required by the currency, but more if displaying the unit price with precision requires it - eg: 'English proofreading from $0.0068 per word', 'English beer from $6.80 per pint'.
[#23] ianring (at) golden.net [2003-08-07 12:30:11]
The round() function may indeed work properly with half-values (eg. 1.5), but this little method will give you peace of mind. Add some "fuzz" to your function with a miniscule delta value.
$delta = 0.00001;
$x = round($x+$delta);
This is fine, unless $x has a value of 1.49999 ... if you worried about that, use this method instead:
$x = round($x);
you can change your "optimistic" delta into a "pessimistic" delta by subtracting instead of adding.
Ian Ring
[#24] tichoux at charlevoix dot net [2002-10-23 14:06:31]
for a poll, if you want to have 100% and not 99 or 99.99 % you can do that :
round( number_format( (($individual_result*100)/$total_result), 2), 1);
[#25] php at silisoftware dot com [2002-08-14 14:15:13]
Here's a function to round to an arbitary number of significant digits. Don't confuse it with rounding to a negative precision - that counts back from the decimal point, this function counts forward from the Most Significant Digit.
round(1241757, -3); // 1242000
RoundSigDigs(1241757, 3); // 1240000
Works on negative numbers too. $sigdigs should be >= 0
function RoundSigDigs($number, $sigdigs) {
$multiplier = 1;
while ($number < 0.1) {
$number *= 10;
$multiplier /= 10;
while ($number >= 1) {
$number /= 10;
$multiplier *= 10;
return round($number, $sigdigs) * $multiplier;
[#26] twan at ecreation dot nl [2000-05-15 18:51:00]
If you'd only want to round for displaying variables (not for calculating on the rounded result) then you should use printf with the float:
<?php printf ("%6.2f",3.39532); ?>
This returns: 3.40 .