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(PECL stats >= 1.0.0)
stats_standard_deviation — Returns the standard deviation
[, bool $sample
= false
] )
The array of data to find the standard deviation for. Note that all values of the array will be cast to float .
Indicates if a
represents a sample of the
population; defaults to FALSE
Returns the standard deviation on success; FALSE
on failure.
Raises an E_WARNING
when there are fewer than 2
values in a
[#1] levim at php dot net [2014-02-24 17:15:30]
Here's an implementation that adheres to the PECL source quite strictly. This is useful for people who want to use it but don't have the extension, as well as for people who want to understand what is going on.
if (!function_exists('stats_standard_deviation')) {
function stats_standard_deviation(array $a, $sample = false) {
$n = count($a);
if ($n === 0) {
trigger_error("The array has zero elements", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if ($sample && $n === 1) {
trigger_error("The array has only 1 element", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$mean = array_sum($a) / $n;
$carry = 0.0;
foreach ($a as $val) {
$d = ((double) $val) - $mean;
$carry += $d * $d;
if ($sample) {
return sqrt($carry / $n);
[#2] tripollite at gmail dot com [2012-06-28 09:58:12]
Function to calculate square of value - mean
function sd_square($x, $mean) { return pow($x - $mean,2); }
Function to calculate standard deviation (uses sd_square)
function sd($array) {
// square root of sum of squares devided by N-1
return sqrt(array_sum(array_map("sd_square", $array, array_fill(0,count($array), (array_sum($array) / count($array)) ) ) ) / (count($array)) );
works better if you don't add +1 to the count
standard deviation of a constant must be 0 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation )
different way :
class Tmath{
public static function variance($data, $round = 2)
if( count($data) == 0 )
return NULL;
$total_ecart = 0;
$moyenne = self::moyenne($data, 10*$round);
if( $moyenne == 0)
return 0;
foreach( $data as $element)
$total_ecart += pow($element, 2);
return round($total_ecart/count($data) - pow($moyenne,2),$round);
public static function ecartType($data, $round = 2)
return round(sqrt(self::variance($data,10*$round)),2);
public static function moyenne($data, $round = 2)
if( count($data) == 0 )
return NULL;
return round(array_sum($data)/count($data),$round) ;
[#3] pmcdougl at gac dot edu [2012-03-06 22:40:42]
It should be known that this function also casts all of the values of the array to floats. If you pass an array of integers, they will come out as an array of floats.
$data = array(2,3,3,3,3,2,5);
$standardDeviation = stats_standard_deviation($data);
0 => int 2
1 => int 3
2 => int 3
3 => int 3
4 => int 3
5 => int 2
6 => int 5
0 => float 2
1 => float 3
2 => float 3
3 => float 3
4 => float 3
5 => float 5
6 => float 2
[#4] Pascal Woerde [2010-09-07 00:04:21]
If you want one function for the population and sample, you can use this function:
function standard_deviation($aValues, $bSample = false)
$fMean = array_sum($aValues) / count($aValues);
$fVariance = 0.0;
foreach ($aValues as $i)
$fVariance += pow($i - $fMean, 2);
$fVariance /= ( $bSample ? count($aValues) - 1 : count($aValues) );
return (float) sqrt($fVariance);
[#5] Sharon [2010-04-16 02:40:46]
If you don't have the stat package you can use these functions:
// Function to calculate square of value - mean
function sd_square($x, $mean) { return pow($x - $mean,2); }
// Function to calculate standard deviation (uses sd_square)
function sd($array) {
// square root of sum of squares devided by N-1
return sqrt(array_sum(array_map("sd_square", $array, array_fill(0,count($array), (array_sum($array) / count($array)) ) ) ) / (count($array)-1) );