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(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex — Gets an index of iterators
Gets the index of the current inner iterator.
Returns an integer , which is the zero-based index of the current inner iterator.
Example #1 AppendIterator.getIteratorIndex() basic example
$array_a = new ArrayIterator (array( 'a' => 'aardwolf' , 'b' => 'bear' , 'c' => 'capybara' ));
$array_b = new ArrayIterator (array( 'apple' , 'orange' , 'lemon' ));
$iterator = new AppendIterator ;
$iterator -> append ( $array_a );
$iterator -> append ( $array_b );
foreach ( $iterator as $key => $current ) {
echo $iterator -> getIteratorIndex () . ' ' . $key . ' ' . $current . PHP_EOL ;
0 a aardwolf 0 b bear 0 c capybara 1 0 apple 1 1 orange 1 2 lemon