Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2)
SplFileInfo::getFilename — Gets the filename
Gets the filename without any path information.
The filename.
Example #1 SplFileInfo::getFilename() example
$info = new SplFileInfo ( 'foo.txt' );
var_dump ( $info -> getFilename ());
$info = new SplFileInfo ( '/path/to/foo.txt' );
var_dump ( $info -> getFilename ());
$info = new SplFileInfo ( 'http://www.php.net/' );
var_dump ( $info -> getFilename ());
$info = new SplFileInfo ( 'http://www.php.net/svn.php' );
var_dump ( $info -> getFilename ());
string(7) "foo.txt" string(7) "foo.txt" string(0) "" string(7) "svn.php"
[#1] Alex Russell [2015-09-28 15:39:28]
I was trying to work out the difference between this and getBasename (http://php.net/manual/splfileinfo.getbasename.php) and the only difference I could really see was a special case of a file in the filesystem root with the root specified:
function getInfo($reference)
$file = new SplFileInfo($reference);
$test = [
foreach ($test as $file) {
// will return:
[#2] wloske at yahoo dot de [2009-10-19 09:12:53]
It should be mentioned that the function returns the name of the directory if "filename" is of type "directory". Hence
$info = new SplFileInfo('/path/to/');
should return "to"
The function name is kind of misleading here and I am glad to have it tried.