Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 5)
stream_socket_client — Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
[, int &$errno
[, string &$errstr
[, float $timeout
= ini_get("default_socket_timeout")
[, int $flags
[, resource $context
]]]]] )
Initiates a stream or datagram connection to the destination specified
by remote_socket
. The type of socket created
is determined by the transport specified using standard URL formatting:
transport://target. For Internet Domain sockets
(AF_INET) such as TCP and UDP, the target portion
of the remote_socket
parameter should consist of
a hostname or IP address followed by a colon and a port number. For Unix
domain sockets, the target
portion should point
to the socket file on the filesystem.
The stream will by default be opened in blocking mode. You can switch it to non-blocking mode by using stream_set_blocking() .
Address to the socket to connect to.
Will be set to the system level error number if connection fails.
Will be set to the system level error message if the connection fails.
Number of seconds until the connect() system call should timeout.
Note: This parameter only applies when not making asynchronous connection attempts.
To set a timeout for reading/writing data over the socket, use the stream_set_timeout() , as the
only applies while making connecting the socket.
Bitmask field which may be set to any combination of connection flags.
Currently the select of connection flags is limited to
A valid context resource created with stream_context_create() .
On success a stream resource is returned which may
be used together with the other file functions (such as
fgets() , fgetss() ,
fwrite() , fclose() , and
feof() ), FALSE
on failure.
On failure the errno
arguments will be populated with the actual
system level error that occurred in the system-level
connect() call. If the value returned in
is 0 and the
function returned FALSE
, it is an indication that the error
occurred before the connect() call. This is
most likely due to a problem initializing the socket. Note that
the errno
arguments will always be passed by
Example #1 stream_socket_client() example
$fp = stream_socket_client ( "tcp://www.example.com:80" , $errno , $errstr , 30 );
if (! $fp ) {
echo " $errstr ( $errno )<br />\n" ;
} else {
fwrite ( $fp , "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.example.com\r\nAccept: **\r\n\r\n");
$variable = stream_get_content($client);
if(strstr($variable,'data your looking for'))
echo "The data you are looking for is here";
echo "data not found";
[#2] Vasil Rangelov a.k.a. boen_robot [2011-08-14 13:11:50]
The remote_socket argument, in its end (well... after the port), can also contain a "/" followed by a unique identifier. This is especially useful if you want to create multiple persistent connections to the same transport://host:port combo.
$socket = stream_socket_client('tcp://mysql.example.com:3306/root', $errorno, $errorstr, $timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT);
Note that while (p)fsockopen() follows a similar scheme, it doesn't have this particular feature.
[#3] bisho at onirica dot com [2010-03-29 09:04:28]
stream_socket_client is much easier and faster to use to direct sockets, because you can use directly fwrite / fget / fclose functions, but I find hard to find how to connect to a UNIX domain socket. The URL to use is "udg:///path/to/socket".
For example, to log to the log socket (like syslog), you can use:
$socket = stream_socket_client('udg:///dev/log',
fwrite($socket, ...);
[#4] nicholas at nicholaswilliams dot net [2008-10-28 17:08:50]
For those wanting to use stream_socket_client() to connect to a local UNIX socket who can't find documentation on how to do it, here's a (rough) example:
$sock = stream_socket_client('unix:///full/path/to/my/socket.sock', $errno, $errstr);
fwrite($sock, 'SOME COMMAND'."\r\n");
echo fread($sock, 4096)."\n";
[#5] robin at gareus dot org [2008-08-26 15:34:21]
I came here since fsockopen() does not support any SSL certificate checking in PHP5.
while curl is nice, I use stream_socket_client() to make XML-RPC POST requests via HTTPS and since I have not found any PHP code around that does this, I'll attach an example that also includes HTTP-Digest Auth (eg. trac's WikiRPCInterface2):
# $host: hostname ; eg 'example.org'
# $path: request' eg '/index.php?id=123'
# $data_to_send : data to POST after the HTTP header.
# if $opts is an empty array() a standard HTTP to port 80 request is performed.
# set auth['type']='basic' to use plain-text auth,
# digest-auth will be handled automatically if $auth['username'] is set and a 401
# status is encountered. - use auth['type']='nodigest' to override.
function httpPost($host, $path, $data_to_send,
$opts=array('cert'=>"", 'headers'=>0, 'transport' =>'ssl', 'port'=>443),
$auth=array('username'=>"", 'password'=>"", 'type'=>"")
) {
$transport=''; $port=80;
if (!empty($opts['transport'])) $transport=$opts['transport'];
if (!empty($opts['port'])) $port=$opts['port'];
$context = stream_context_create();
$result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_host', true);
if (!empty($opts['cert'])) {
$result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'cafile', $opts['cert']);
$result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer', true);
} else {
$result = stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'allow_self_signed', true);
$fp = stream_socket_client($remote, $err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
if (!$fp) {
trigger_error('httpPost error: '.$errstr);
return NULL;
$req.="POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$req.="Host: $host\r\n";
if ($auth['type']=='basic' && !empty($auth['username'])) {
$req.="Authorization: Basic ";
elseif ($auth['type']=='digest' && !empty($auth['username'])) {
$req.='Authorization: Digest ';
foreach ($auth as $k => $v) {
if (empty($k) || empty($v)) continue;
if ($k=='password') continue;
$req.=$k.'="'.$v.'", ';
$req.="Content-type: text/xml\r\n";
$req.='Content-length: '. strlen($data_to_send) ."\r\n";
$req.="Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $req);
fputs($fp, $data_to_send);
while(!feof($fp)) { $res .= fgets($fp, 128); }
if ($auth['type']!='nodigest'
&& !empty($auth['username'])
&& $auth['type']!='digest' # prev. digest AUTH failed.
&& preg_match("/^HTTP\/[0-9\.]* 401 /", $res)) {
if (1 == preg_match("/WWW-Authenticate: Digest ([^\n\r]*)\r\n/Us", $res, $matches)) {
foreach (split(",", $matches[1]) as $i) {
if (!empty($ii[1]) && !empty($ii[0])) {
$auth[$ii[0]]=preg_replace("/^\"/",'', preg_replace("/\"$/",'', $ii[1]));
return httpPost($host, $path, $data_to_send, $opts, $auth);
if (1 != preg_match("/^HTTP\/[0-9\.]* ([0-9]{3}) ([^\r\n]*)/", $res, $matches)) {
trigger_error('httpPost: invalid HTTP reply.');
return NULL;
if ($matches[1] != '200') {
trigger_error('httpPost: HTTP error: '.$matches[1].' '.$matches[2]);
return NULL;
if (!$opts['headers']) {
return $res;
[#6] wbeaver at afilias dot info [2007-08-31 14:06:30]
# Some may find it useful to know that your caCert
# must be in pem format, and that PHP seems to like
# your key, cert, and cacert pem's to be concatenated
# in a single file (I suffered various "unknown chain"
# errors, otherwise)
# So, (linux users), concat your components as follows:
# (where current working dir is dir where
# cert components are stored)
# cat key.pem >certchain.pem
# cat cert.pem >>certchain.pem
# cat cacert.pem >>certchain.pem
# Then, the php....
$host = 'host.domain.tld';
$port = 1234;
$timeout = 10;
$cert = '/path/to/your/certchain/certchain.pem';
$context = stream_context_create(array('ssl'=>array('local_cert'=> $cert,
if ($fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, 30,
fwrite($fp, "\n");
echo fread($fp,8192);
} else {
echo "ERROR: $errno - $errstr<br />\n";