This article mainly introduces HTML5 Plus’s Camera, GalleryIO, Storage and Uploader in detail to realize taking photos or album selection on mobile APPPictures For information about the Upload function, interested friends can refer to
Use HTML Plus’s Camera, GalleryIO, Storage and Uploader to take photos with the mobile APP or select pictures from the album to upload. The Camera module manages the camera of the device and can be used for photo and video operations. The camera management object is obtained through The Gallery module manages system albums and supports functions such as selecting pictures or video files from the album, saving pictures or video files to the album, etc. Get the album management object through The IO module manages the local file system and is used for directory browsing, file reading, file writing and other operations on the file system. File system management objects can be obtained through The Storage module manages the application's local data storage area and is used to save and read application data. The difference between application local data and localStorage and sessionStorage is that the data valid domain is different. The former can be operated across domains within the application, the data storage period is persistent, and there is no capacity limit. Application local data management objects can be obtained through The Uploader module manages network upload tasks, is used to upload various files locally to the server, and supports cross-domain access operations. The upload management object can be obtained through plus.uploader. Uploader uploads data using the HTTP POST method. The data format conforms to the Multipart/form-data specification, that is, rfc1867 (Form-based File Upload in HTML) protocol.
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},false); } if ( { plusReady(); } else { document.addEventListener('plusready', plusReady, false); } //加载页面初始化需要加载的图片信息 //或者相册IMG_20160704_112620.jpg //imgId:图片名称:1467602809090或者IMG_20160704_112620 //imgkey:字段例如:F_ZDDZZ //ID:站点编号ID,例如429 //src:src="file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud.HBuilder/.HBuilder/apps/HBuilder/doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg" function showImgDetail (imgId,imgkey,id,src) { var html = ""; html +='<p id="Img'+imgId+imgkey+'" class="image-item ">'; html +=' <img id="picBig" data-preview-src="" data-preview-group="1" '+src+'/>'; html +=' <span class="del" onclick="delImg(\''+imgId+'\',\''+imgkey+'\','+id+');">'; html +=' <p class="fa fa-times-circle"></p>'; html +=' </span>'; html +='</p>'; $("#"+imgkey+"S").append(html); } //删除图片 //imgId:图片名称:IMG_20160704_112614 //imgkey:字段,例如F_ZDDZZ //ID:站点编号ID,例如429 function delImg(imgId,imgkey,id){ var bts = ["是", "否"]; plus.nativeUI.confirm("是否删除图片?", function(e) { var i = e.index; if (i == 0) { var itemname=id+"img-"+imgkey;//429img-F_ZDDZZ var; //{IMG_20160704_112614,_doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-IMG_20160704_112614.jpg,file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud...../doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg} if(itemvalue!=null){ var index=itemvalue.indexOf(imgId+","); if(index==-1){//没有找到 delImgfromint(imgId,imgkey,id,index); }else{ delImgFromLocal(itemname,itemvalue,imgId,imgkey,index); //修改,加了一个index参数 } }else{ delImgfromint(imgId,imgkey,id); } } },"查勘", bts); /*var isdel = confirm("是否删除图片?"); if(isdel == false){ return; }*/ } function delImgFromLocal(itemname,itemvalue,imgId,imgkey,index){ var wa = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(); var left=itemvalue.substr(0,index-1); var right=itemvalue.substring(index,itemvalue.length); var end=right.indexOf("}"); rightright=right.substring(end+1,right.length); var newitem=left+right;,newitem); myAlert("删除成功"); $("#Img"+imgId+imgkey).remove(); wa.close(); } //选取图片的来源,拍照和相册 function showActionSheet(conf){ var pid =; var actionbuttons=[{title:"拍照"},{title:"相册选取"}]; var actionstyle={title:"选择照片",cancel:"取消",buttons:actionbuttons}; plus.nativeUI.actionSheet(actionstyle, function(e){ if(e.index==1){ getImage(pid); }else if(e.index==2){ galleryImg(pid); } } ); } //相册选取图片 function galleryImg(pid) { function(p){ //alert(p);//file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20160704_112620.jpg, function(entry) { //alert(entry.toLocalURL());//file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20160704_112620.jpg //alert(;//IMG_20160704_112620.jpg compressImage(entry.toLocalURL(),,pid); }, function(e) { plus.nativeUI.toast("读取拍照文件错误:" + e.message); }); }, function ( e ) { }, { filename: "_doc/camera/", filter:"image" } ); } // 拍照 function getImage(pid) { var cmr =; cmr.captureImage(function(p) { //alert(p);//_doc/camera/1467602809090.jpg, function(entry) { //alert(entry.toLocalURL());//file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud...../doc/camera/1467602809090.jpg //alert(;//1467602809090.jpg compressImage(entry.toLocalURL(),,pid); }, function(e) { plus.nativeUI.toast("读取拍照文件错误:" + e.message); }); }, function(e) { }, { filename: "_doc/camera/", index: 1 }); } //压缩图片 function compressImage(url,filename,pid){ var name="_doc/upload/"+pid+"-"+filename;//_doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg{ src:url,//src: (String 类型 )压缩转换原始图片的路径 dst:name,//压缩转换目标图片的路径 quality:20,//quality: (Number 类型 )压缩图片的质量.取值范围为1-100 overwrite:true//overwrite: (Boolean 类型 )覆盖生成新文件 }, function(event) { //uploadf(,pid); var path = name;//压缩转换目标图片的路径 //event.target获取压缩转换后的图片url路 //filename图片名称 saveimage(,pid,filename,path); },function(error) { plus.nativeUI.toast("压缩图片失败,请稍候再试"); }); } //保存信息到本地 /** * * @param {Object} url 图片的地址 * @param {Object} pid 字段的名称 * @param {Object} name 图片的名称 */ function saveimage(url,pid,name,path){ //alert(url);//file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud...../doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg //alert(path);//_doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg var state=0; var wt = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(); //; namename=name.substring(0,name.indexOf("."));//图片名称:1467602809090 var id = document.getElementById("").value; var itemname=id+"img-"+pid;//429img-F_ZDDZ var; if(itemvalue==null){ itemvalue="{"+name+","+path+","+url+"}";//{IMG_20160704_112614,_doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-IMG_20160704_112614.jpg,file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.dcloud...../doc/upload/F_ZDDZZ-1467602809090.jpg} }else{ itemvalueitemvalue=itemvalue+"{"+name+","+path+","+url+"}"; }, itemvalue); var src = 'src="'+url+'"'; //alert("itemvalue="+itemvalue); showImgDetail(name,pid,id,src); wt.close(); } //上传图片,实例中没有添加上传按钮 function uploadimge(agree,back) { //; var wa = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(); var DkeyNames=[]; var id = document.getElementById("").value; var length=id.toString().length; var ididnmae=id.toString(); var; var task = plus.uploader.createUpload(getUrl() + 'url', { method: "POST" }, function(t, status) { if (status == 200) { console.log("上传成功"); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: getUrl() + 'url', data: { taskId: taskId, voteAgree: agree, back: back, voteContent: $("#assign").val(), }, async: true, dataType: "text", success: function(data) { wa.close(); goList(data); }, error: function() { wa.close(); myAlert("网络错误,提交审批失败,请稍候再试"); } }); } else { wa.close(); console.log("上传失败"); } } ); task.addData("id",id); for(var i=0; i<imgArray.length;i++){ var itemkey=id+"img-"+imgArray[i]; if(!=null){ var"{"); for(var img=1;img<itemvalue.length;img++){ var imgname=itemvalue[img].substr(0,itemvalue[img].indexOf(",")); var imgurl=itemvalue[img].substring(itemvalue[img].indexOf(",")+1,itemvalue[img].lastIndexOf(",")); task.addFile(imgurl,{key:imgurl}); } } } task.start(); } </script> </body> </html>
The above is the detailed content of HTML5 Plus example code to implement the function of taking pictures or selecting pictures in the album to upload on mobile APP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!