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第二十次codeforces竞技结束 #276 Div 2

リリース: 2016-06-07 15:08:13
1074 人が閲覧しました

How many specific orders do you know? Ascending order, descending order, order of ascending length, order of ascending polar angle... Let's have a look at another specific order: d -sorting . This sorting is applied to the strings of lengt

How many specific orders do you know? Ascending order, descending order, order of ascending length, order of ascending polar angle... Let's have a look at another specific order: d-sorting. This sorting is applied to the strings of length at least d, where d is some positive integer. The characters of the string are sorted in following manner: first come all the 0-th characters of the initial string, then the 1-st ones, then the 2-nd ones and so on, in the end go all the (d?-?1)-th characters of the initial string. By the i-th characters we mean all the character whose positions are exactly i modulo d. If two characters stand on the positions with the same remainder of integer division byd, their relative order after the sorting shouldn't be changed. The string is zero-indexed. For example, for string 'qwerty':

Its 1-sorting is the string 'qwerty' (all characters stand on 0 positions),

Its 2-sorting is the string 'qetwry' (characters 'q', 'e' and 't' stand on 0 positions and characters 'w', 'r' and 'y' are on 1 positions),

Its 3-sorting is the string 'qrwtey' (characters 'q' and 'r' stand on 0 positions, characters 'w' and 't' stand on 1 positions and characters 'e' and 'y' stand on 2 positions),

Its 4-sorting is the string 'qtwyer',

Its 5-sorting is the string 'qywert'.

You are given string S of length n and m shuffling operations of this string. Each shuffling operation accepts two integer arguments kand d and transforms string S as follows. For each i from 0 to n?-?k in the increasing order we apply the operation of d-sorting to the substring S[i..i?+?k?-?1]. Here S[a..b] represents a substring that consists of characters on positions from a to b inclusive.

After each shuffling operation you need to print string S.

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