【失败】华为Mate2 使用LEAP WIFI
Jun 07, 2016 pm 03:38 PM试了半天,终于替换了网上说的wpa_supplicant,但是还是不行。。。 刚买了华为的Mate2,结果发现上不了公司的Leap Wifi了。 搜到几个有用的页面: 1. http://blog.csdn.net/quqi99/article/details/17144869 这个基本上就可以解决问题了。 其中提到了google
刚买了华为的Mate2,结果发现上不了公司的Leap Wifi了。
1. http://blog.csdn.net/quqi99/article/details/17144869
2. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=40023
#43 DavidAll...@gmail.com
Hurray! LEAP is working on my 4.2 Nexus 7! I am running the 4.1.2 wpa_supplicant executable on my otherwise stock 4.2 system. Here are the instructions for the steps I went through to do this: Step 1: Get a copy of the proper 4.1 wpa_supplicant executable for your device. My approach: download factory image If you have a Nexus device, use this page: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images Un-tar image Use unzip to extract file "system.img" from image-xxxxxx.zip Use expand script (simg2img) to expand the system.img file, creating tmp.img file. Script is found here: http://usefulshellscript.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/simg2img.py Mount tmp.img file using this command (as root): mount -t ext4 -o loop tmp.img /mnt (or the mount point of your choice) Copy wpa_supplicant executable from the bin subdirectory, for example: cp -p /mnt/bin/wpa_supplicant ./wpa_supplicant-4.1.2 Unmount the image file and clean up the gigabytes of files you've created during this process Step 2: Transfer the file to your Android device (I used WiFi File Explorer, but do whatever works for you) 3. Install the 4.1 version of wpa_supplicant (commands assume the new version is in the Download directory - modify as needed) On your device, open a terminal session, become root Make the /system directory writeable: mount -o rw,remount /system Copy your new file there: cp -p /sdcard/Download/wpa_supplicant-4.1.2 /system/bin Make it executable: chmod 775 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant-4.1.2 Rename the old version: mv /system/bin/wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant-4.2 Create a link to the new version (makes it clear which version you're running): ln -s /system/bin/wpa_supplicant-4.1.2 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant Verify this all worked: /system/bin/wpa_supplicant -v - should return version 4.1.2 Restart your system and LEAP should work as in 4.1.x 还没最后实验成功,期待能用。





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