Dumps Immediate Dumps Conditional Dumps Memory Dumps File Dumps Immediate Dumps There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump Immediate dumps can be specified using the ALTER SESSION command ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace
Immediate Dumps |
Conditional Dumps |
<span> </span> |
Memory Dumps |
File Dumps |
Immediate Dumps
There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump
Immediate dumps can be specified using the ALTER SESSION command
'immediate trace name dump level level';
Immediate dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG
ORADEBUG DUMP dump level
Immediate dumps can also be specified using the DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV procedure
EXECUTE dbms_system.set_ev (sid,serial#,65535,level,'dump');
Immediate dumps cannot be invoked from init.ora
Conditional Dumps
Conditional dumps are invoked when an error occurs
Conditional dump can be specified in the init.ora file e.g
event="error trace name dump level level"
Conditional dumps can be specified in the current session
'error trace name dump level level';
Conditional dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG
ORADEBUG EVENT error trace name dump level level
<span> </span>
ORADEBUG SESSION_EVENT error trace name dump level level
Dumping the Global Area |
The following command can be used to dump the global area ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name global_area level level'; Levels are (bitmask)
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect ORADEBUG DUMP GLOBAL_AREA level The structure of the fixed SGA is externalised in X$KSMFSV
This can be queried using SELECT SUBSTR (ksmfsnam,1,20) AS "Name", SUBSTR (ksmfstyp,1,20) AS "Type", ksmfsadr AS "Address", ksmfssiz AS "Size" FROM x$ksmfsv; <span> </span> |
Dumping the Library Cache The following command can be used to dump the library cache ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name library_cache level level'; where level is one of the following
For example ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name library_cache level 1'; The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect ORADEBUG DUMP LIBRARY_CACHE level |
Dumping the Row (Dictionary) Cache ROW_CACHEThe row cache is also known as the dictionary cache The following command can be used to dump the row cache <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name row_cache level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is one of the following
For example <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name row_cache level 1';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP ROW_CACHE <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Multiple Buffers Multiple BuffersTo dump buffer headers and buffer contents for buffers currently in the cache <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name buffers level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is one of the following
Dumping Individual Buffers Individual BuffersIn Oracle 8.0 and above is is possible to dump buffer all buffers currently in the cache for a specific block For example where a block has been modified and is subject to consistent read from a number of transactions, there may be more than one copy of the block in the buffer cache First identify(确定,定位,指定) the tablespace number for the block e.g for tablespace TS01 <span> SELECT ts# FROM sys.ts$</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> WHERE name = 'TS01';</span> ログイン後にコピー Set the tablespace number using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name set_tsn_p1 level <em>level</em>'; //</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is the tablespace number + 1 Identify (确定,定位,指定)the relative DBA for the block This is equal to <span> RelativeFileNumber * 4194304 + BlockNumber</span> ログイン後にコピー e.g. for a block with relative file number of 5 and a block number of 127874 <span> 5 * 4194304 + 127874 = 21099394</span> ログイン後にコピー Dump the buffer using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name buffer level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is the relative DBA e.g. <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name buffer level 21099394'; <span><strong>注释: </strong></span></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span><strong><span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span></strong></span> ログイン後にコピー <span><strong><span> 'immediate trace name set_tsn_p1 level <em>level</em>'; 和 </span></strong></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span>ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name buffer level 21099394';</span> ログイン後にコピー 也就是说,dump(转存)一个指定的数据块的内容时,要将该数据块所在的表空间的表空间号提供给负责执行dump(转存)的进程(通过使用第一句话),之后, <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span><strong>负责执行dump(转存)的进程还得知道该数据块的RDBA是多少(通过使用第二句话),这样,负责执行dump(转存)的进程就可以锁定(或说找到)该数据块的具 体位置从而将其内容转存出来。这里,说明一点,RDBA里使用的是相对文件号(<span>RelativeFileNumber</span>),</strong></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span><strong>相对文件号(<span>RelativeFileNumber</span>)是给在一个表空间范围里的文件进行的编号,</strong></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span><strong>DBA里使用的是绝对文件号(absolute<span>FileNumber</span>,简称</strong></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><span><strong><span>FileNumber</span>),</strong></span><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><strong>绝对文件号(absolute<span>FileNumber</span>,简称</strong><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><strong><span>FileNumber</span>)是</strong><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><strong>给在一个数据库范围里的文件进行的编号。</strong> ログイン後にコピー <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">
ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Memory Heaps Memory HeapsTo dump the top-level heap in a memory area <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels are
Levels are correct to Oracle The levels can be combined. For example a level 3 dump will contain both the PGA and SGA |
Dumping Memory Subheaps Memory SubheapsEach heap may have one or more subheaps. These can be dumped using the command <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where the level is the address of the subheap. The syntax for this command changed in Oracle 9.2
Oracle 9.0.1 and belowFor Oracle 9.0.1 and below a summary dump is obtained by setting the level to the decimal value of the address. A detailed dump is obtained by adding 1 to the decimal value of the address. For example to dump the subheap at address 0x8057eb78, first convert the address to decimal (2153245560) The subheap address can be found in the heapdump, for example <span> ds=0x8057eb78</span> ログイン後にコピー For a summary dump use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level 2153245560';</span> ログイン後にコピー For a detailed dump, add 1 to the address e.g. <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level 2153245561';</span> ログイン後にコピー Oracle 9.2.0 and aboveIn Oracle 9.2 and above, for a summary dump <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level 1, addr 2153245560';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP HEAPDUMP_ADDR 1 2153245560</span> ログイン後にコピー In Oracle 9.2 and above, for a detailed dump <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name heapdump_addr level 2, addr 2153245560';</span> ログイン後にコピー Note that in Oracle 9.2 it is no longer necessary to add 1 to the address The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP HEAPDUMP_ADDR 2 2153245560</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Process State Process StateTo dump the process state use: <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name processstate level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー For example <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name processstate level 10';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP PROCESSSTATE <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー The amount of library cache dump output for state object dumps can be limited using event 10065 |
Dumping System State System StateA system state dump contains the process state for every process. Every state object for every process is dumped. A state object represents the state of a database resource including
State objects are held in the SGA A system state dump does not represent a snapshot of the instance because the database is not frozen for the duration of the dump. The start point of the dump will be earlier than the end point. Oracle recommends the use of system state dumps to diagnose
To dump the system state use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name systemstate level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー For example <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name systemstate level 10';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP SYSTEMSTATE <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー A system state dump can be triggered by an error, for example the following init.ora parameter <span> event = "60 trace name systemstate level 10"</span> ログイン後にコピー will generate a systemstate dump whenever a deadlock is detected (ORA-00060) The amount of library cache dump output for state object dumps can be limited using event 10065 |
Dumping the Error Stack Error StackAn error stack describes the current state of a process. It includes the current SQL statement and the process state for the process. Oracle recommends taking an error stack dump to diagnose
Error stack dumps can also be triggered by an error To dump an error stack use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name errorstack level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is one of the following
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP ERRORSTACK <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー An alternative syntax for the same command is <span> ORADEBUG EVENT IMMEDIATE TRACE NAME ERRORSTACK <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー To dump a level 3 errorstack when ORA-00942 (table or view does not exist) use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> '942 trace name errorstack level 3';</span> ログイン後にコピー A conditional errorstack dump can also be specified without a level e.g. <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> '604 trace name errorstack';</span> ログイン後にコピー Alternatively a conditional errorstack dump can be specified in the init.ora file <span> event = "942 trace name errorstack level 3"</span> ログイン後にコピー Errorstacks can also be dumped conditionally using ORADEBUG <span> ORADEBUG EVENT 942 TRACE NAME ERRORSTACK LEVEL 3</span> ログイン後にコピー A level 3 errorstack contains the following divs
Dumping Hang Analysis Hang AnalysisThis dump is available in Oracle 8.0.6 and Oracle 8.1.6 and above. It is not available in Oracle 8.1.5. It contains
The HANGANALYZE dump is more selective than a SYSTEMSTATE dump in that it only includes details of processes of interest. It is particularly intended for situations where a database is hanging. For example <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name hanganalyze level 5';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP HANGANALYZE <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー e.g. <span> ORADEBUG DUMP HANGANALYZE 5</span> ログイン後にコピー A HANGANALYZE dump can also be generated on an error e.g. when a deadlock is detected (ORA-00060) using the init.ora file <span> event = "60 trace name hanganalyze level 5"</span> ログイン後にコピー or in the current session using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> '60 trace name hanganalyze level 5';</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Work Areas Work AreasTo dump the current workareas use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name workareatab_dump level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels are (bitmask)
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP WORKAREATAB_DUMP <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Enqueues EnqueuesTo dump the current enqueue states use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name enqueues level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels are
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP ENQUEUES <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Latches LatchesTo dump the current latch status use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name latches level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels are
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP LATCHES <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Events EventsTo dump the events set for the current session <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name events level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels are
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP EVENTS <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Shared Server (MTS) Processes Shared Server (MTS) ProcessesTo dump buffer headers and buffer contents for buffers currently in the cache <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name shared_server_state level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level is in the range 1 to 14 The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP SHARED_SERVER_STATE <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー In Oracle 8.1.7 and below, this dump is called MTSSTATE |
Dumping Background Messages Background process messages can be traced using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name bg_messages level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where level identifies the background process (+1) For example to find the level of SMON, first identify the index number using the following query <span> SELECT indx + 1 FROM x$ksbdp</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> WHERE ksbdpnam = 'SMON';</span> ログイン後にコピー The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP BG_MESSAGES <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
File Dumps
Dumping Columns ColumnsTo dump the internal representation of columns use the DUMP built-in function <span> DUMP (<em>column_value</em>, <em>format</em>)</span> ログイン後にコピー where format is
For example <span> SELECT DUMP (1001,16) FROM dual;</span> ログイン後にコピー returns <span> Typ=2 Len=3: c2,b,2</span> ログイン後にコピー To output a column in hexadecimal use the 'XXXXXXXX' format mask e.g. <span> SELECT TO_CHAR (65536,'XXXXXXXX') FROM dual;</span> ログイン後にコピー returns <span> 10000</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Database Blocks Database BlocksThe syntax used for dumping database blocks changed when Oracle8 was introduced
Oracle 7 and belowIn Oracle7, blocks are identified by a file number and a block number. These must be converted into a data block address. The block can then be dumped using the ALTER SESSION command. <span> COLUMN decimalDBA new_value decimalDBA</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> SELECT</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> dbms_utility.make_data_block_address (&file,&block) decimalDBA</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> FROM dual;</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> 'immediate trace name blockdump level &decimalDBA';</span> ログイン後にコピー Oracle 8 and aboveIn Oracle8 and above, blocks are uniquely identified by an absolute file number and a block number. The syntax of the ALTER SYSTEM command has been extended to include block dumps To dump a block <span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATAFILE <em>absolute_file_number</em> </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> BLOCK <em>block_number</em>;</span> ログイン後にコピー To dump a range of blocks <span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATAFILE <em>absolute_file_number</em> </span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> BLOCK MIN <em>minimum_block_number</em> </span> ログイン後にコピー <span> BLOCK MAX <em>maximum_block_number</em>;</span> ログイン後にコピー The DATAFILE clause can specify an absolute file number of a datafile name. If the DATAFILE clause specifies a datafile name, the blocks can also be dumped from a closed database e.g. <span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATAFILE '<em>file_name</em>'</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> BLOCK <em>block_number</em>;</span> ログイン後にコピー Normally a symbolic block dump is output. However, this may not be possible if the block has become corrupt. It is possible to output the block dump in hexadecimal. To dump a block in hexadecimal, enable event 10289 <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> '10289 trace name context forever, level 1';</span> ログイン後にコピー dump the block(s) using one of the above commands and then disable 10289 again using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS</span> ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー ログイン後にコピー <span> '10289 trace name context off';</span> ログイン後にコピー On Unix systems blocks can also be dumped using the od utility. <span> dd bs=8k if=<em>filename</em> skip=200 count=4 | od -x</span> ログイン後にコピー where
As blocks are written back to the datafiles asynchronously by DBWR, it is possible that changed blocks have not been written back to the disk when they are dumped using operating system utilities. The probability that a block has been written back to disk can be increased by performing a checkpoint using <span> ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT;</span> ログイン後にコピー or a logfile switch using <span> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Indexes Index Tree DumpsAn index tree can be dumped using <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name treedump level <em>object_id</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー where object_id is the object number of the index (in DBA_OBJECTS) The tree dump includes
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP TREEDUMP <em>object_id</em></span> ログイン後にコピー In Oracle 9.2 a treedump may crash if the index has been created by a primary / unique constraint e.g. <span> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 NUMBER PRIMARY KEY);</span> ログイン後にコピー or <span> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 NUMBER);</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> ALTER TABLE t1 </span> ログイン後にコピー <span> ADD CONSTRAINT t1pk PRIMARY KEY (c1);</span> ログイン後にコピー The treedump crashes when ind$.property > 256 This problem can be prevented by creating the index before creating the constraint |
Dumping Undo Segment Headers Undo HeadersTo dump an undo segment header use the command function <span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP UNDO_HEADER '<em>segment_name</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー In Oracle 9.0.1 and above, if system managed undo is enabled, the segment name has to be in double quotes and upper case. This is because there is a leading underscore in the segment name. A list of undo segment IDs and names can be obtained using <span> SELECT segment_id, segment_name</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> FROM dba_rollback_segs</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> ORDER BY segment_id;</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Undo Blocks Undo BlocksTo dump an undo block use the equivalent datafile block dump command For example to dump an undo block in Oracle8 and above use ALTER SYSTEM DUMP DATABASE absolute_file_number BLOCK block_number; |
Dumping Undo for a Transaction Undo for a TransactionTo dump all the undo written for a specific transaction, first identify the transaction ID using <span> SELECT xidusn, xidslot, xidsqn</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> FROM v$transaction;</span> ログイン後にコピー Dump the undo using the transaction ID <span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP UNDO BLOCK '<em>segment_name</em>'</span> ログイン後にコピー <span> XID xidusn xidslot xidsqn;</span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping File Headers To dump all the datafile headers use ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name file_hdrs level level'; Levels (circa Oracle 8.1.5) are
In later versions, level 7 appears to generate additional trace The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect ORADEBUG DUMP FILE_HDRS level |
Dumping Control Files ControlfilesTo dump the current latch status use <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name controlf level <em>level</em>';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels (circa Oracle 8.1.5) are
In later versions, level 15 appears to generate additional trace The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP CONTROLF <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Redo Log Headers Redo Log HeadersTo dump the redo log headers <span> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name redohdr level 1';</span> ログイン後にコピー Levels (circa Oracle 8.1.5) are
The following ORADEBUG command has the same effect <span> ORADEBUG DUMP REDOHDR <em>level</em></span> ログイン後にコピー |
Dumping Redo Logs |
To identify the current redo log use
<span> SELECT member FROM v$logfile</span>
<span> WHERE group# = </span>
<span> ( SELECT group# FROM v$log</span>
<span> WHERE status = 'CURRENT'</span>
<span> );</span>
To dump a redo log file use
<span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP LOGFILE '<em>FileName</em>';</span>
<span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP LOGFILE 'R:/Oracle/Oradata/JD92001/Redo01.log';</span>
The syntax of this statement is as follows
<span> ALTER SYSTEM DUMP LOGFILE '<em>FileName</em>'</span>
<span> SCN MIN <em>MinimumSCN</em></span>
<span> SCN MAX <em>MaximumSCN</em></span>
<span> TIME MIN <em>MinimumTime</em></span>
<span> TIME MAX <em>MaximumTime</em></span>
<span> LAYER <em>Layer</em></span>
<span> OPCODE <em>Opcode</em></span>
<span> DBA MIN <em>FileNumber</em> . <em>BlockNumber</em></span>
<span> DBA MAX <em>FileNumber</em> . <em>BlockNumber</em></span>
<span> RBA MIN <em>LogFileSequenceNumber</em> . <em>BlockNumber</em></span>
<span> RBA MAX <em>LogFileSequenceNumber</em> . <em>BlockNumber</em>;</span>
The minimum and maximum SCN is a decimal number
The minimum and maximum time is a decimal number representing the number of seconds since midnight 01Jan1988. These are calculated using the following formula
<span> time = (((((yyyy - 1988)) * 12 + mm - 1) * 31 + dd - 1) * 24 + hh) * </span>
<span> 60 + mi) * 60 + ss;</span>
yyyy |
Year |
mm |
month |
01-12 |
dd |
day |
01-31 |
hh |
hour |
00-23 |
mi |
minute |
00-59 |
ss |
second |
00-59 |
<span> </span> |
<span> </span> |
This is the same formula that is used to represent time within the redo log
The layer and opcode are those used to indicate specific operations within the redo log e.g. LAYER 5 OPCODE 4 is an undo segment header commit operation
Note that there must be spaces around the periods in the DBA and RBA.
See Metalink Note 1031381.6 for further examples
Oracle Internals
参考:set_tsn_p1 百度