早速、テスト コードに直接進みましょう
//評価時間: 211
//new 関数時間: 251
//評価時間: 384
//新しい関数時間: 1024
皆さん、焦らないでください。これらの質問を踏まえて、私はついに eval と new Function を実行するための動的関数を作成しました。効果を参照してください
//The test results of IE8 are as follows
//Eval time is: 34
//New Function time is: 20
//The test results of Chrome are as follows
//eval time is: 7
//new Function time is: 4
//Test results Opera
//eval time is: 7
//new Function time is: 18
The above results test is super slow to execute EVAL on FF. Other browsers are not much different. We don't have to investigate too much here. ); Maybe you think what this 0 here means. Adding 0 is mainly to be compatible with all browsers. If you don’t add it, versions below IE9 will report an error
But I really don’t know how to analyze the real meaning of 0. I just know that adding this can solve the disgusting IE incompatibility problem
The above two chestnuts show that if it is for the conversion of JSON strings, eval is obviously faster, and if it is dynamic function analysis, then new Function is faster, here is what it says There are two advantages and disadvantages. The other is that eval compatibility is not very good. If there is an error in parsing, other JS scripts may not be executed.
But the latter will not, it will only target this Function me This person doesn't like things that are too troublesome, so he decisively abandons eval and uses new Function instead. If there is anything I don’t understand correctly, please correct me. Comments are welcome.