著者:Nian Qing、ChainCatcher
グレイスケールの公式ウェブサイトのデータによると、ETHE Trustは2017年12月に設立され、2019年6月に上場され、7月23日にETFとして上場されました。現在、ETHE は 263 万 ETH を保有しています。設立が早かったため、Grayscale の ETH 保有コストはわずか数百ドルです。また、ETHE が ETF に転換された後も、その金利は 2.5% にとどまっていると考えられています。 ETHEへの信託は、以前は期間中の償還が認められておらず、6か月のロックイン期間があった信託であり、競合他社の10倍であるETHEの手数料も相まって、多額の流出をもたらすことになる。
ETHE 信託於2019年上市,和 GBTC 一樣,是美國市面上最早出現的綁定 ETH的基金之一。此前ETHE 為封閉式基金,因為其結構導致基金價格相對於資產淨值溢價和折價而存在一定的套利機會,但因為此前的FTX、DCG等一系列破產事件,GBTC等信託一度被市場詬病為“機構泡沫與崩潰的始作俑者”。
再加上,ETF相較信託產品透明度更高,流動性更強,門檻和贖回風險更低,更容易被共同基金經理和養老基金接受,因此在市場上更容易受歡迎,因此,在其他機構都在申請加密資產現貨ETF 的同時,灰階的GBTC和ETHE 等信託產品為了不被逐漸邊緣化,都最終轉換成了ETF 產品。
因為先前 GBTC 成功轉換為比特幣現貨ETF後的拋壓持續了一個多月,因此市場對 ETHE 上市後的潛在大規模流出同樣存在擔憂。
Farside Investors數據顯示,截止到7月22日的數據,GBTC一直面臨資金外流,累計淨流出達184.9億美元。儘管灰階持有的263萬枚ETH(價值約 93億美元)與其GBTC規模相差較大,但可想而至,ETHE 的高費率仍會帶來一定的流出。
不過@分析師Theclues 認為,ETHE與GBTC有非常大的區別,ETHE 上市後的拋壓並不會像 GBTC 那麼激烈。
她認為,BTC ETF 通過之前,並未出現波折,預期穩定,1月10日之前三個月上漲近100%
而ETH ETF 充滿波折,特別是“短期無法通過”至“七月通過「的巨大逆轉,預期炒作從2800重新開始,到目前漲幅21%,Sell news的動力源自於預期炒作資金的獲利情況,對比下來,ETH被拋售的動機與BTC相比不可同日而語。
此外,ETHE就算是短期內有拋壓和砸盤,在長期內也會被其他以太坊ETF 消化。我們從比特幣現貨 ETF 的流入流出動向就可以看出,儘管 GBTC 流出規模大,但截至7月22日,比特幣現貨ETF淨流入已超170億美元。且從價格表現來看,拋壓並未對比特幣價格造成過多影響。
另外ETHE與GBTC相比,還有一個比較關鍵的舉措是,灰度從 ETHE 中分拆出了Mini Trust ETF。 據其官網介紹,截至2024 年7 月18 日,灰度以太坊信託(ETHE Trust)的10% 的底層ETH 在創建灰度以太坊迷你信託(ETH Trust)的同時被拆分,因此,ETHE Trust 股份的淨值將比2024 年7 月18 日的前一天淨值低10%(不考慮ETH價格的任何潛在上漲或下跌),ETHE Trust 股東無需採取任何行動即可獲得分拆收益,並將有權以1:1 的比例獲得ETH Trust 股份。因此,他們對 ETH 的整體敞口將保持不變。
即目前灰階擁有ETHE 和ETH 兩支ETF,ETHE 持有初始90%的ETH,管理費2.5%,更適合機構和專業投資者,ETH 持有10% 的初始ETH,管理費較低來減少用戶的流失和降低潛在的拋壓。
因此,與GBTC相比,隨著持有人過渡到 Mini Trust ETF,ETHE流出將更加溫和。
Grayscale’s Mini Trust ETF can also help long-term holders reasonably avoid taxes, which helps ETHE holders find a good middle ground between not reducing income and selling, especially those affected by potential capital gains Taxes hit holders.
Currently, many institutions have estimated the inflow scale of ETH ETF:
Grayscale Research TeamexpectsThe demand for US spot Ethereum ETF will reach 25%-30% of spot Bitcoin ETF demand. A large portion of the Ethereum supply (such as staked ETH) may not be used in ETFs.
ASXNDigital Asset Research believes that when the ETH ETF is launched, ETHE holders will have 2 months to exit at a price range close to the par price. This is a key variable that will help stop ETHE outflows, especially exit traffic. Internal estimates for ASXN are that it will see inflows of $800 million to $1.2 billion per month. This is calculated by taking a market cap-weighted average of monthly Bitcoin inflows and then multiplying them by the market cap of ETH.
Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas predicts that the Ethereum spot ETF may obtain 10% to 15% of the assets obtained by the Bitcoin spot ETF, reaching $5 billion to $8 billion.
Galaxy then expects ETH ETF net inflows to reach 20-50% of BTC ETF net inflows in the first five months, with a target of 30%, which means $1 billion per month net inflow.
Shenyu predicts that the main capital inflow in the initial stage of listing between June and December may come from retail investors, accounting for 80 to 90% of the total funds, with less participation from institutional users. Considering that ETHE is similar to GBTC, the market may face some arbitrage and selling pressure. Whether it can withstand this selling pressure remains to be seen. After December, institutional investors may gradually enter the market.
However, the market generally believes that the inflows brought by the ETH ETF are limited.
JPMorgan Chase’s Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou predicted at the end of May that inflows into Ethereum ETFs may only be a fraction of Bitcoin’s.
Citibank expects ETF inflows to account for 30%-35% of Bitcoin inflows. That number will reach $4.7 billion to $5.4 billion over the next six months, CoinDesk said, citing the report.
Both of the above two banks believe that Bitcoin has a first-mover advantage and emphasize that the functions provided by Ethereum cannot be achieved through ETFs, thus limiting demand.
At present, the general view in the market is that. Since the approval of the Ethereum spot ETF appeared in the Sell the News phenomenon in May, and the market waited long enough for the SEC to approve the 19-b and S-1 application documents, this led to the impact of the ETF on the market. It is likely that it has already been digested, so the ETH ETF will not bring much volatility to the price of ETH.
In addition, there are some more optimistic views that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin after the first batch of ETFs are launched.
Research from analytics firm Kaiko shows that the upcoming ETH ETF should enhance ETH’s performance relative to BTC. Kaiko said that since regulators approved the ETF in May, the ETH to BTC ratio - a metric used to compare the two major cryptocurrencies - has risen significantly, from 0.045 to 0.05, and has remained high. In other words, it takes more Bitcoin to purchase one ETH, and this trend will only deepen when the ETF comes online. Although the price of ETH has been up and down since May, this ratio shows that ETH is ready to rise.
SynFutures 執行長 Rachel Lin在 5 月表示,除了需求因素外,供應變化也將帶來上行空間,這將導致BTC與ETH的價格比率收緊。她認為,現在市場對以太坊持的態度「將出現大規模牛市。
以上がイーサリアムスポットETFは今日取引を開始しますが、流入と売り圧力はどれくらいですか?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。