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Huawei のラップトップはどうですか?費用対効果は高いですか?

リリース: 2024-08-05 21:07:27
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Huawei ノートパソコンは、スタイリッシュな外観と強力なパフォーマンスで市場で多くの注目を集めています。しかし、その価格性能比はどのくらいでしょうか?この問題は、Huawei ノートブックを購入したい多くのユーザーを悩ませています。 PHP エディターの Zimo は、Huawei ノートパソコンのパフォーマンス、機能、価格を詳細に分析し、誰もが費用対効果を完全に理解し、情報に基づいた購入決定ができ​​るように支援します。

Huawei のラップトップはどうですか?費用対効果は高いですか?

1. Huawei のノートパソコンは費用対効果が高いですか?

ファーウェイは決してコスト効率の高いモデルではありません。 Huawei ノートブックはエコロジーに重点を置いています。Huawei 社の携帯電話をお持ちの場合は、予算が許す限り Huawei ノートブックを購入するのが最も適切な選択です。基本的に、画面の品質と性能の要件は満たされますが、マルチ画面連携によってもたらされる携帯電話、タブレット、ヘッドフォンなどの周辺製品の効率向上は目に見えてわかります。

ファーウェイの製品ラインは比較的シンプルで、主にハイエンドのXシリーズ、ミッドレンジのデジタルシリーズ、ローエンドのDシリーズに分かれています。このうち、デジタルシリーズはピュアデジタルとデジタルSに分かれます。一般的にデジタルよりスペックや金型の面で優れているのがSで、ミドル~ハイエンド(またはエントリーハイエンド)という位置づけですが、デジタル シリーズはミッドレンジの製品です。

現在推奨されているものはすべて上記にリストされており、主に Matebook X Pro 2022 モデル、Matebook 14s/16s 2022 モデル、Matebook D14 および D16 2022 モデルを含む、すべて第 12 世代 Core シリーズです。

1. Matebookの消費量は、日常使用には非常に十分です。画面解像度は依然として 3.1K (3120*2080) で、画面占有率は依然として優れており (92.5%)、10 点タッチをサポートし、色精度は△E

2. Matebook 14s 2022年モデル:エントリーレベルのハイエンドノートブック

結局のところ、価格と構成の点で、14sは(X Proと比較して)今年のHuaweiノートブックになるはずです。 45W 第 12 世代 Core 標準電圧処理プロセッサー (i5-12500H、i7-12700H) + 2.5K 解像度 90Hz ハイブラシ タッチ スクリーン このような仕様と 6599 元の価格を組み合わせると、多くの人にとってこれが最初の選択肢になると思います。予算が6000元以上のユーザーは、画面の品質とパフォーマンスがすべて利用可能です。

他のソフトウェアの効率という点では、Matebook はすべてありますが、量は多くありませんが、種類は豊富で、基本的に日常使用には十分です。

3. Matebook 16s 2022 モデル: 大画面の生産性ノートブック

16s は基本的に大画面の生産性ノートブックと言えます。第 12 世代 Core H45 標準電圧プロセッサを搭載しており、60W の消費電力性能を備えています。画面品質も良好で、16 インチ 3:2 比率 2.5K 解像度 △E

4. Matebook 14 2022 モデル: 2K 薄型軽量のメインストリーム ビジネス ノートブック

ミッドレンジ ノートブック、優れたコア構成、2K 解像度 3:2 比率のタッチ スクリーン、より優れたマルチスクリーンの共同操作エクスペリエンス、処理を備えた優れたメインストリーム ノートブックプロセッサーは第12世代Core P28プロセッサーで消費電力は35W、バッテリー容量は56Whとバランスの取れたパフォーマンスとバッテリー寿命を実現しています。マシン全体の重量は 1.49 kg で、標準的な 14 インチ ノートブック サイズです。これは、欠点のない、まともな主流の 14 インチの薄型軽量ノートブックです。

5. Matebook D16 2022: 大画面オーディオおよびビデオノートブック

全体的な構成は一流ではなく、大画面のエンターテイメントオーディオとビデオと軽度のパフォーマンス要件を持つユーザーに焦点を当てたエントリーレベルの製品です。画面は16インチ16:10の大画面で、第12世代Core P28プロセッサーを搭載しており、日常使いには基本的にストレスフリーです。ハイパーターミナルをサポートし、アップグレードされた1080Pカメラも備えています。 、数字を入力する必要が多い人に最適です。

6. Matebook D14: エントリーレベルのメインストリームノートブック

D14 は定期的なアップグレードであり、第 12 世代 Core プロセッサーにアップグレードされ、ハイパーターミナルをサポートします。画面は比較的普通で、16:9 の高色域画面で、第 12 世代 Core P28 プロセッサーが気に入っています。

2. Huawei のラップトップはどうですか?

Huawei ラップトップの全体的なパフォーマンスは非常に優れています。外観デザインはシンプルでエレガントで、本体は薄くて軽く、持ち運びが簡単です。パフォーマンスの面では、ハイエンドの構成、高速な実行速度、強力なグラフィックス処理能力を備えており、オフィスやエンターテインメントのさまざまなニーズに対応できます。同時に、ファーウェイのラップトップはバッテリー寿命も長く、通常の使用で数時間持続できます。さらに、ファーウェイのラップトップは非常に使いやすく、オペレーティングシステムはフレンドリーで、細部まで適切に処理され、ユーザーエクスペリエンスも優れています。ただし、価格が比較的高いため、予算が限られている消費者には適していません。

3. Huawei ノートパソコンの保証プロセスは何ですか?

昨年 10 日間だけ購入した Honor ノートパソコンのマザーボードを焼き付けた私の経験によると、保証修理には 2 つのオプションがあります: 直接送るか、直接送ってください

自分で送ってください シウ:

私の携帯電話は Huawei 製なので、「サービス」アプリが付属しています

You can check the address of Huawei's service center in it, and then make an appointment for repair time. Then just arrange a time to send it there.

But please note that the service center may not be able to repair laptops, even if its service scope includes laptop repairs. I was deceived like this last time, and then the clerk was told that because it was a newly opened service center, it did not have the authority to repair laptops.

Then I complained directly about it. Since I didn’t have the right to repair it, I was told directly when I made an appointment that it couldn’t be repaired. When I made an appointment, I clearly wrote down the repair notebook, and you accepted my appointment application. However, when I arrived, they said it couldn't be repaired and made my trip in vain.

Sending for repair:

When I sent for repair, I also filled in the address through the "Service App" that comes with the Huawei mobile phone, and then collected it by courier.

Sending it for repair is very simple. Just fill in what's wrong, then write the address, and someone will come and collect it.

However, it is not that simple for me to send it for repair.

The courier didn't know why it didn't find my order. I waited for 3 days and didn't come to collect it. When I called, I found out that there was something wrong with the courier's system and there was no order for me. As a result, I had to apply for repair again. Hey╮(╯_╰)╭

The warranty process is probably like this~~

By the way, let me tell you about the follow-up of my notebook~

After I sent it, there was no news for a whole week. I called and answered The engineer on the phone said that the motherboard was burned and needed to be transferred from the factory, which would take a week.

After a week, there was still no news, so I called again, and it was the same engineer (I recognized his voice). He said that the motherboard was repaired, but the fingerprint recognition failed, and then he said to give them a little more time.

Two days later, he called me and said: The fingerprint scanner still can’t be repaired, but your computer was only 13 days old when it was delivered. Let’s apply for a replacement for you.

After listening to it, I thought, okay. Because I bought it on JD.com, they said that after activation, it does not support changing to a new computer. Then he said he could get a new one. This is not beautiful(ಡωಡ)hiahiahia

After the new notebook was delivered, I have been using it for more than a year now and there has been no problem.

4. Are Huawei laptops good?

Here to help the subject avoid pitfalls

Notebooks that Huawei series cannot buy (there are better Lenovo ones at the same price):

matebook D series, Honor 14, 15 series (low color gamut)

The most worth buying Series:

matebook13 14 Ryzen Edition 2020

Honor magicbookpro Ryzen Edition/i+mx350

As for the i version of matebook13 14, it is mainly about average heat dissipation and performance release. I will not recommend it here and I will not say no. Recommended, if you insist on the i version, Lenovo Xiaoxin is more suitable

To stick to one sentence, it is not advisable to talk about whether a brand laptop is good or not regardless of the model number

5. How about Huawei Honor laptop?

The most eye-catching among Huawei notebooks is the Honor MagicBook. There are currently two mainstream models of this notebook, namely i5 and i7, both of which are equipped with Core. And the mainstream 14-inch screen used. Recently, 14-inch has been the mainstream configuration of computers, but now there are more 13-inch, 15-inch, or 17-inch computers, and there are still relatively few screens like 14-inch on the market. So the size is just right for our daily use, and the overall notebook is very thin and light.

6. How about Huawei laptops?

Hello, the performance and quality of Huawei laptops are very good, with the following advantages:

1. High configuration: Huawei laptops are equipped with Intel or AMD high-performance processors, with efficient running speed and processing capabilities.

2. Beautiful design: Huawei laptops adopt exquisite body design and high-quality materials, and have a stylish and beautiful appearance.

3. Thin, light and portable: Huawei laptops are small, lightweight and easy to carry, making them very suitable for business people and students.

4. Excellent screen: Huawei laptops are equipped with high-definition screens, with high color reproduction and clear and delicate pictures.

5. Affordable price: Compared with similar products from other brands, the price of Huawei laptops is relatively affordable.

To sum up, Huawei laptop is a cost-effective product that is very suitable for daily office, study and entertainment needs.

7. How is the quality of Huawei laptops?

Huawei's notebooks currently on the market are all thin and light office notebooks. They are in the first echelon of notebooks in terms of quality and workmanship, but they are above average in terms of processor performance. Another point is that the price/performance ratio is not high, but its ecological content There are many, such as multi-screen collaboration, one-touch transfer, etc. For those who have Huawei or Honor mobile phones, it is particularly convenient for daily office work, Internet access, and learning.

8. How about Huawei xpro laptop?

Huawei MateBook X Pro notebook, i5-8265U, has a mid-range configuration.

8GB memory, 512GB solid state, 0GB mechanical hard drive, currently priced at around 7,999.


Huawei MateBook X Pro is a thin and light notebook, weighing 1.33kg and 14.6mm thick. Side A is made of metal, side C is made of metal, side D is made of metal, there is no logo light, the workmanship is above average, and the colors are silver or black.

In terms of interfaces, there are 3.5mm headset, USB 3.0, and Thunderbolt 3 interfaces on the left, USB 3.0 interfaces on the right, and no interfaces on the back.

The camera is located below the screen, with 720p resolution, the camera is at a medium level, and supports Windows Hello unlocking.

The speakers are located on the C side, 4 in total, and the speakers are at the upper-middle level.

14.0-inch mirror IPS screen, 2000p screen resolution, can be opened and closed at 150 degrees. 99% SRGB color gamut, maximum brightness of 300 nits, non-touch screen, 60Hz refresh rate, the screen is at an upper-middle level.

The keyboard is average, no numeric keypad, no standard keyboard layout, backlight, not splash-proof, and fingerprint unlocking.

The trackpad is powered by Synaptics and is at a mid-range level.

i5-8265U configuration. The i5-8265U CPU belongs to the office series of processors.

The heat dissipation of 3 heat pipes + 1 fan, the heat dissipation specifications are at a medium level, the fan noise is at a medium level, and the noise is 43.0 decibels under full load.

Under the extreme full load condition, the maximum temperature in the C-side keyboard area is 42.0 degrees. The maximum temperature of the CPU is 74.0 degrees, the frequency is maintained at 2.6GHz, and the power consumption is 12.0W. So in extreme cases, the heat dissipation is at a medium level.

Battery capacity of 57.4Wh, the battery capacity is at a medium level, and the battery life is at a medium level. There is no support for fast charging, and the charging speed is at a medium level.

The difficulty of disassembly is medium. There are 2 memory slots, 0 replaceable memory slots, and a maximum of 8GB memory. Intel 9560 network card supports the 5GHz band, and the network card is at a medium level.

Original 512GB, SATA speed solid state, model is Samsung PM981, read speed is 3287.0MB/s, write speed is 2946.0MB/s, the speed is at the first echelon level. Solid state drives can be upgraded, but mechanical hard drives cannot.

9. Huawei Computers: Performance, Price and Review of Huawei Laptops

Performance of Huawei Computers

Huawei Computers are famous for their high performance. Huawei MateBook series uses powerful processors and high-performance graphics cards to ensure a smooth usage experience. Whether it's office work or gaming, Huawei computers can handle it easily.

The price of Huawei computers

For price-sensitive consumers, Huawei computers are very cost-effective. Compared with other brands, Huawei computers not only maintain leadership in performance, but are also more affordable. Whether it is entry-level or flagship model, it can meet the needs of different consumers.

Evaluation of Huawei computers

Many authoritative evaluation organizations have spoken highly of Huawei computers. From appearance to performance, from battery life to heat dissipation, Huawei computers perform well and have become the favorite choice of many users.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope it can help you better understand and choose a Huawei computer that suits you.

10. How to use wired connection on Huawei laptop?

You can directly plug the broadband into the broadband connection of your Huawei laptop to connect via wired connection.

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