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Samsung ノートパソコンの公式 Web サイトを見つけたいですか? PHP エディター Baicao は、Samsung ノートパソコンの公式 Web サイトを素早く正確に見つける方法や、公式 Web サイトの機能の紹介など、Samsung ノートパソコンの公式 Web サイトに関する関連チュートリアルをすべての人にまとめました。詳細については、次のチュートリアルを読み続けてください。


1. Samsung ラップトップの公式 Web サイト?

公式 Web サイトは次のとおりです:


2. Samsung ノートパソコンの公式 Web サイトとは何ですか?

公式 Web サイトは次のとおりです:


韓国の Samsung 社の電子製品の 1 つで、モバイル ラップトップに適しています。


サムスングループは、世界のトップ500企業の1つです。 2007 年の「ビジネス ウィーク」世界トップ 100 ブランド リストでは、サムスン電子はブランド価値が 169 億ドルで世界第 21 位にランクされ、5 年連続で最もブランド価値が上昇した企業の 1 つとなりました。 Samsung Electronics のブランド成長と同様に、Samsung ノートブックも Samsung Electronics のブランド成長を目撃し、目覚ましい成果を上げてきました。

2001 年 10 月 9 日、サムスン ノートブックは新製品 NV5000 で中国に正式に上陸し、その技術、品質、サービスにおける優れた利点により、多くの強力なプレーヤーとともにノートブック コンピューター市場の最前線に確固たる地位を築きました。最初の超軽量かつ超薄型の Centrino ノートブック X10、世界初で最薄の 12 インチワイドスクリーンノートブック Samsung Q30、世界初の前方移動式キーボード、最も人間工学に基づいた健康ノートブック Samsung X1 から、世界初の超大型ノートブックまで。 19 インチ ノートブック ディスプレイ、取り外し可能な多目的ハイエンド ノートブック M70、およびマイクロソフトとサムスン ノートブックと共同で発売された初のウルトラポータブル ノートブック コンピューター (UMPC) Q1 は、継続的なイノベーションを通じてノートブック業界の最新トレンドと市場発展をリードしています。そして画期的な発見。

Samsung ノートブックは、「イノベーションをあなたのために」という製品コンセプトを堅持し、品質とデザインの継続的な改善を常に堅持しています。同社の製品は主に、X (超薄型、ハイエンド、ファッショナブル シリーズ)、Q (小型ポータブル シリーズ)、R (メインストリーム、コスト効率の高いシリーズ)、P (商用シリーズ)、7 インチの超小型シリーズを含む UMPC シリーズです。


サムスンは、世界をリードするノートブックメーカーとして、研究開発、開発を統合しています。上流と下流の産業チェーンのリソースが完全に統合されており、サムスン ノートブックは世界で唯一の生産拠点です。

26,000平方メートルの面積をカバーし、2002年に設立されました。2003年9月に登録され、2003年4月に正式に生産され、2003年11月にISO認証に合格しました。工場は、環境から外圧、振動や落下、歪み、LCD 画面からキーボードに至るまで、ノートブックの品質テストの世界的リーダーです。17 件の厳格なテストにより、ノートブックの 20,000 回の画面開閉テストの信頼性と耐久性が保証されています。 1点あたり5,000回の耐ストレステストや500万回のキーボード操作繰り返しテストなど、ほぼ「過酷」な品質テストをクリアしており、安心してご使用いただける確かな品質です

研究開発と技術面では、Samsungエレクトロニクスは、メモリ、LCD パネル、ハード ドライブ、光学ドライブ、さらにはマザーボードなどの主要分野のコア テクノロジーに関する専門知識を備えており、上流および下流の業界チェーンにおける強力な強みと統合されたリソースにより、サムスン ノートブックは業界イノベーションのリーダーとなっています。

工業デザインの面では、Samsung ノートパソコンは一流のエンジニア、デザイナー、マーケティング担当者を擁しており、その精緻でスタイリッシュな工業デザインは毎年数多くの国際的および国内のデザイン賞を受賞しています。超軽量、超薄型、ピアノ塗装、またはシルバーの艶消しパネルなど、ファッショナブルで現代的な消費をもたらした

3. Samsung には正規の交換用携帯電話はなく、正規の整備済み携帯電話のみを購入できますが、目を輝かせるためには、正規のルートで購入するのが最善です。

Samsung 公式携帯電話 (リソース携帯電話とも呼ばれます)。 ) は 7D バージョン、S バージョン、R バージョンに分かれており、7D バージョンが最高であり、S バージョンが 2 番目です。7 日以内に返品された Samsung 携帯電話は、検査に合格した後に販売され、その後品質に問題はありません。携帯電話の背面には7Dマークが付いており、IP68の防塵防水に対応しています(Aシリーズおよび折りたたみ式スクリーンは非対応)。

S バージョン: 15 日以内に交換され、テストに合格した後、品質に問題なく再販売される正規販売の Samsung 携帯電話。品質は新しい携帯電話と同じで、IP68 の防塵性をサポートします。 A シリーズおよび折り畳み機ではサポートされていません)、背面に S マークが印刷されており、Samsung のアフターセールス オペレーション センターによる 1 年間の独占保証が付いています

R バージョン: Samsung の再生工場の公式 15 日間交換、実店舗を指します新品と下取りされる機械やリサイクル機械は、IP68の防塵・防水に対応し、裏蓋には消費者の権利を保護するためのRマークが印刷され、再販売されます。 1年間の全国保証(修理の場合は送料)をお楽しみください。

4. Samsung official website

Samsung official website: Explore the wonderful world of innovative technology

As a world-renowned technology giant, Samsung Electronics has always been committed to bringing people amazing innovative products and solutions. Samsung’s official website is a website platform that allows people to have an in-depth understanding of the Samsung brand and explore the latest technology. Through Samsung's official website, users can obtain the latest product information, understand technology trends, benefit from smart solutions, and establish close connections with the glorious world of technology.

Whether it is smartphones, TVs, home appliances, digital products or enterprise solutions, Samsung’s official website provides a comprehensive and rich product line to meet the needs of different users. Through Samsung's official website, users can easily browse and purchase the latest Samsung products, allowing the power of technology to truly integrate into their lives.

The latest technology helps the future

Samsung Electronics leads the world's technology trend with its unique innovation capabilities and excellent technical strength. As one of the world's top R&D and manufacturing companies, Samsung Electronics has numerous patented technologies and innovations in the electronics field.

Samsung’s official website allows users to learn about Samsung Electronics’ latest research and development progress in various fields through exciting technological information and blog articles. Whether it is artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things or 5G technology, on Samsung's official website, you can find professional interpretations and the latest developments to unveil the mystery of future technological development.

Through Samsung’s official website, you can also learn about Samsung Electronics’ efforts and achievements in sustainable development. Samsung Electronics firmly believes in the importance of corporate social responsibility and is committed to promoting environmental protection and sustainable operations. By adopting renewable energy, promoting environmentally friendly innovation, and participating in community development, Samsung Electronics not only achieves technological breakthroughs, but also sets an example for the industry in terms of sustainable development.

User experience as the core

Samsung Electronics has always adhered to the user-centered design concept and is committed to providing an excellent user experience. Whether it is the intelligent design of Samsung mobile phones, the visual enjoyment of Samsung TVs, or the intelligent control of Samsung home appliances, user experience has always been the focus of Samsung Electronics.

On Samsung’s official website, users can find detailed introductions and usage tips about Samsung products, and learn about Samsung’s unremitting efforts to pursue excellent experience. Whether you are an ordinary user or an enterprise customer, Samsung's official website has solutions and professional services tailored for you. Through Samsung's official website, you can enjoy a better shopping experience, more comprehensive product support and more considerate after-sales service.

Reliable quality comes from innovation

As one of the world's leading technology companies, Samsung Electronics has always been famous for its excellent quality and reliable performance. In order to ensure excellent and consistent product quality, Samsung Electronics strictly controls every aspect of the R&D, design and manufacturing processes. Whether it is the selection of materials for electronic components, the manufacturing process of products, or strict quality control, Samsung Electronics consistently pursues the ultimate quality.

On Samsung’s official website, users can learn about Samsung Electronics’ unremitting pursuit of product quality. Through rich explanations and case introductions, you can learn more about Samsung Electronics' innovations in product design and manufacturing, as well as its insistence on quality. Only products with reliable quality can win the trust of users, and Samsung Electronics relies on this reliability and quality to stand out in the market competition.

Samsung official website: Explore the infinite possibilities of technology

To sum up, Samsung official website is a platform to showcase the strong strength and innovative achievements of Samsung Electronics. Through Samsung's official website, users can explore the wonderful world of the latest technology and learn about Samsung Electronics' innovative breakthroughs in various fields.

Whether you are a technology enthusiast or a user looking for reliable products and solutions, Samsung’s official website is worthy of your attention. In the world of Samsung Electronics, technology and life are perfectly integrated, bringing you a more convenient, smarter, and better life experience.

Welcome to visit Samsung’s official website and explore the infinite possibilities of technology together!

5. Samsung inspection official website?

Samsung anti-counterfeiting official website https://support-cn.samsung.com/product_validation/ProductVeriFication/accessories.html

6. Samsung mobile phone official website?

Samsung does not offer official replacement phones, only official refurbished phones. You can buy official reprinted phones, but you need to keep your eyes open. It is best to buy through formal channels.

Samsung’s official rebranded mobile phones (also called resource phones) are divided into 7D version, S version, and R version. Among them, the 7D version is the best, followed by the S version.

7D version: Samsung National Bank mobile phones that are returned within 7 days are sold. They have passed the test and are refurbished and have no quality problems before being sold again. There is a 7D logo printed on the back of the phone. The quality is the same as that of a new phone. It supports IP68 dustproof and waterproof (A series and folding screens are not supported). It has a nationwide warranty and a one-year warranty.

7. How long does it take for Samsung’s official website to restock?

It’s cheaper to go to Taobao or Pinduoduo, the 8+256wifi version is more than 5400

8. Samsung official website check

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Today I want to share some important information about Samsung official website inspection. When we buy electronic products, especially high-value products, it is crucial to ensure their authenticity. As one of the world's leading electronic product manufacturers, Samsung's products are loved and trusted by consumers. However, as more and more fake and shoddy products appear on the market, ensuring the authenticity of Samsung products has become particularly important.

Why should you use the Samsung official website verification function?

Now, there are many channels to purchase Samsung products, including major e-commerce platforms, physical stores and individual dealers. However, the emergence of counterfeit and shoddy products has caused great trouble to consumers. By manufacturing counterfeit products, malicious merchants will not only cause economic losses to consumers, but also affect their experience and trust. Therefore, in order to ensure that you are buying a genuine Samsung product, I highly recommend using the verification function provided by Samsung’s official website.

How to use the Samsung official website verification function?

It is very simple to use the Samsung official website verification function. You just need to follow these steps:

First, open your browser and visit the Samsung official website. On the top navigation bar of the official website homepage, find and click the "Check Product" option. After entering the product inspection page, you need to enter the product's serial number or IMEI number. This information can be found on the product box or on the label of the product itself. After completing the input, click the "Check" button. Wait a moment and the system will automatically verify and display the product's authenticity and warranty information.

Through the above steps, you can quickly and easily check whether the Samsung product you purchased is genuine. If the product is verified and displays authenticity and warranty information, congratulations, you are purchasing a genuine Samsung product. If the product verification fails or other inconsistent information is displayed, then you may have purchased a counterfeit product.

Why should you choose the Samsung official website verification function?

Compared with the inspection methods of other channels, choosing the Samsung official website inspection function has the following advantages:

Reliability: As an official channel, Samsung official website has accurate product information and the latest verification technology. Through the official website verification function, you can get the most reliable verification results. Convenience: In just a few simple steps, you can complete product inspection at home or anywhere with an internet connection. No need to go to a physical store or ask a professional for help. Timeliness: The verification function on Samsung’s official website updates product verification results in real time, ensuring that you can obtain product authenticity and warranty information in a timely manner. This is very important when buying a second-hand product or when it needs timely repairs. Comprehensiveness: Through the verification function on Samsung’s official website, you can not only verify the authenticity of the product, but also learn about the product’s warranty and other relevant information. This information will help you better understand the status of the product you purchased.

Therefore, choosing the Samsung official website verification function is the best way to ensure that you are buying genuine Samsung products.


Before using the Samsung official website verification function, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Make sure that the entered serial number or IMEI number is accurate to avoid verification failure due to input errors. Be cautious about products that are priced too low, especially when purchasing from unofficial channels. Some counterfeit and shoddy merchants may adopt a low-price strategy in order to confuse consumers. If the product verification results do not meet expectations, you can try verification multiple times or contact Samsung official customer service for further assistance. They will provide professional guidance and assistance.


When purchasing Samsung products, it is very important to determine the authenticity of the product. By using the Samsung official website verification function, you can easily verify whether the product is genuine and learn about the product's warranty and other relevant information. This provides consumers with a reliable and convenient option, helping them avoid the risk of counterfeit products. I strongly recommend that everyone use the verification function provided by the official website after purchasing Samsung products to ensure that they are purchasing truly high-quality products.

Thank you everyone for reading! Hope this article is helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message below and I will respond as soon as possible!

9. Samsung mobile phone official website

Samsung mobile phone official website: providing you with excellent quality and unlimited possibilities

As one of the global electronics giants, Samsung has always been a high-profile brand in the mobile phone industry. Whether it is technological innovation, design appeal or user experience, Samsung mobile phones have always won high praise from users. As a world-class company, Samsung continues to strive to become one of the first choices for users to buy mobile phones. Therefore, Samsung mobile phone official website is the best channel for users to understand, purchase and experience the best quality products.

Explore excellent technology

Samsung mobile phone official website provides users with a platform to explore excellent technology. From powerful processors to advanced camera technology, Samsung phones leverage innovative technology to deliver exceptional performance. Through Samsung's official website, users can learn about the latest mobile phone models and their impressive features.

Samsung’s Galaxy series is one of the most popular series in the mobile phone market. The Galaxy series combines advanced hardware and software technologies to bring users an unparalleled experience. On the official Samsung mobile phone website, users can find the latest Galaxy series mobile phones and learn about their unique features and innovative designs.

Quality Assurance and After-sales Service

Samsung mobile phone official website is committed to providing excellent quality assurance and high-quality after-sales service. As a globally renowned brand, Samsung has always attached great importance to the quality of its products. By purchasing Samsung mobile phones through the official website, users can be sure to buy genuine mobile phones and enjoy the guarantee of Samsung’s global after-sales service.

Samsung mobile phone official website also provides detailed product warranty information and after-sales support. Whether it is a hardware problem or a software failure, users can find the most appropriate solution through the contact information provided on the official website. These after-sales services ensure that users get the best experience and give users more confidence in the brand value of Samsung mobile phones.

Personalized settings and customized functions

Samsung mobile phone official website not only provides users with a one-stop shopping platform, but also provides users with personalized settings and customized functions. Through the official website, users can customize the appearance and function settings of their mobile phones according to their personal preferences.

Samsung’s One UI interface allows users to easily customize the look and layout of their phone. Users can download a variety of themes and wallpapers from the official website to give their phones a brand new look. In addition, users can also download various personalized applications through the application store provided on the official website to meet their needs for mobile phone customization.

Growing together with users

Samsung mobile phone official website is not only a platform to buy mobile phones, but also a community that grows together with users. The official website provides a wealth of user communication and sharing functions. Users can participate in various activities, discuss technical issues and share usage experiences through the official website.

Samsung Mobile’s official website also provides regularly held online and offline activities, giving users the opportunity to interact with other Samsung users. These activities provide users with a broad communication platform, allowing them to feel the warmth and care of Samsung as a community.


Samsung mobile phone official website is the best choice for users to understand, purchase and experience the best quality products. Through the official website, users can explore excellent technology, enjoy quality assurance and after-sales service, personalized settings and customized functions, and grow with other users. Samsung mobile phone official website has always been committed to providing users with unlimited possibilities and constantly exceeding user expectations.

10. Samsung official website phone number

Samsung official website phone number - providing a full range of customer services

As a world-renowned technology giant, Samsung has always been committed to providing customers with excellent products and excellent customer service. As a Samsung product user, you can contact Samsung’s official website by phone at any time to obtain comprehensive customer support and solutions.

Samsung’s official website phone number is a professional customer service hotline that provides professional answers, technical support, product consultation, after-sales service and a series of services over the phone. No matter you encounter any problems when using Samsung electronic products, whether it is about mobile phones, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines or other products, just call Samsung's official website and you will get professional help.

All-weather professional support

Samsung’s official website phone number provides round-the-clock professional support. Regardless of your geographical location and time zone, just call Samsung’s official website phone number to establish contact with professional customer service personnel. Whether you need consultation during the product selection stage or technical support during product use, Samsung's official website phone number can provide you with quick and effective help.

The customer service team on Samsung’s official website is composed of professionally trained staff. They have rich product knowledge and technical knowledge and can accurately understand your problems and provide solutions. No matter how big or small the problem you encounter, Samsung's official website phone number will answer you with the most professional attitude and expertise.

Personalized solutions

The customer service team on Samsung’s official website is not only dedicated to answering frequently asked questions, but can also provide personalized solutions based on your personal needs. If you encounter special problems or specific requirements when using Samsung products, just call Samsung's official website and inform your needs, and the customer service staff will tailor a suitable solution for you based on your situation.

Customer service staff may ask you to provide some relevant information to better understand and analyze your problem. Please rest assured that the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to solve your problems and provide customer support services.

After-sales service

Samsung’s official website phone number also provides comprehensive after-sales service. If you need warranty, return or exchange or other after-sales service after purchasing a Samsung product, just contact Samsung’s official website phone number, and the customer service staff will provide you with detailed guidance. and help.

Not only that, Samsung also provides a series of online support and self-service. You can visit Samsung's official website to browse FAQs, user guides, software downloads and other information, or submit an online request for more support. The combination of Samsung's official website phone and online support provides you with more comprehensive and convenient customer service.


As a user of Samsung products, you can rest assured to rely on Samsung’s official website phone number for comprehensive customer support. Whether it is product selection, technical support or after-sales service, the professional team on Samsung's official website phone number will provide you with help and solutions at any time.

If you encounter problems, don’t hesitate to call Samsung’s official website immediately and get in touch with professional customer service staff. They will help you solve the problem as soon as possible. Through the Samsung official website phone number, you will experience high-quality customer service, making your Samsung product experience smoother and more satisfying.

以上がサムスンのラップトップの公式ウェブサイト?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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