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[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

リリース: 2024-08-23 15:00:10
368 人が閲覧しました

 バンダイナムコエンターテインメントが発売予定のTPS「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」(PC / PS5 / Xbox Series X|S)。そのクローズドネットワークテスト(以下,CNT)が9月13日~16日に開催予定だ。

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

 本作は,バンダイナムコエンターテインメント,バンダイナムコフィルムワークス,BANDAI SPIRITSの3社が手がけるメディアミックスコンテンツ「SYNDUALITY」プロジェクトの一角を担うタイトルだ。


 今回9月のCNTに先駆けて,メディア向けの体験会がLFS池袋 esports Arenaにて行われた。本稿では最新バージョンとなるCNT版のプレイレポートと,プロデューサーの二見鷹介氏のインタビューをお届けする。

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張 [プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張 [プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

The latest version aims to be easy to play for a wide range of people, from zone game beginners to those with CBT experience

The latest version scheduled to be used in CNT is based on data obtained from the closed beta test (hereinafter referred to as "CBT") and feedback from players, which was held from March 28 to April 1, 2024. The above adjustments have been made.

The first thing that struck me was the addition of a movie that serves as both a tutorial on the game system and an introduction to the world setting.

In the CNT version, for a while after the tutorial started, a movie would play every time you completed a mission, and it would show you things you should do in the next request, points to be careful of during the request, etc.
Even after going out into the field, I felt that it was easier to check the goals needed to complete the request, making it easier to play.

Movies inserted before and after the request
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張 [プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

In CNT, the number of magus appearances that can be selected has increased to 4 types
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

A "TARGET" icon will now be displayed on enemies that need to be defeated. Sniping from a long distance has become easier, and at the same time, the number of cases of surprise attacks has decreased
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

The map structure also seems to have changed from CBT, and it looks like there are more points where you can take shelter from the rain
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

What I felt had a big impact on the play feel was the increased tempo due to the change in reload specifications. In the CNT version, reloading was no longer interrupted during item acquisition or boost dash, so it felt like exploring the field and eliminating weaker enemies proceeded smoothly.

Since the reload action is no longer canceled by boost, fighting while moving has become much easier
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

The time it takes to complete a single request is clearly shorter than when playing CBT, and by the time I got used to it after about an hour of playing, the difference became more noticeable.

I made a lot of progress in playing around collecting materials, but the leader and his subordinates of the bandits that occasionally appeared were quite formidable enemies, and if I encountered them in a place with little cover, there was a high probability that I would be defeated. However, at the end of the trial session, after purchasing a railgun, he patiently repeated sniping and finally succeeded in destroying the group of thieves. While enjoying the tense battles against powerful enemies, I also had the fun of customizing the aircraft by combining weapons and parts.

It is quite difficult to defeat a bounty like the leader of a group of thieves in the early stages. I didn't feel like I could defeat them by any means other than sniping, but the reward when I succeeded was huge (I got the same reward for completing 10 normal requests in one go)
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張 [プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

I also experienced cooperative play in response to requests for cooperation. By fighting with two people, we not only increase our firepower, but also don't have to worry about getting hit by our allies' bullets, so we were able to move around comfortably without feeling cramped
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張 [プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

Interview with “SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada” producer, Takasuke Futami

Here's an interview with producer Takasuke Futami. As time permits, I listen to the feedback from CBT and improvements in CNT.

Mr. Takasuke Futami
[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

I heard that CNT has been adjusted in response to the feedback from the CBT held in March, but what kind of feedback did you receive?

Mr. Futami:
Basically, we received a lot of positive opinions. There were a lot of enthusiastic players, and 30-40% of those who participated in CBT continued to play all day long.
Also, the response rate for the questionnaire is normally around 20-30%, but it was over 50%. What's more, many people filled out the questionnaire with a limit of 4,000 characters, which made me very happy.

The CNT version's adjustments were aimed at making the game easier to understand and play, so I was wondering if there were a lot of negative opinions about the CBT version, such as ``the game is difficult.'' However, there were many positive reactions.

Mr. Futami:
Indeed, we have received feedback from people who got into the game through anime or plastic models that it's "difficult." Also, we did not sufficiently announce that ``this is a game where items will be lost if you do not return safely.'' This was a major point of reflection during CBT.

Many of the participants had a lot of experience playing shooters, but once the tutorial was over and they were able to move around freely, there were many cases where they went out and came back exhausted.

In response to this, in order to make the game's rules that ``you must return home safely and bring back your items'' at an early stage, in this CNT version, what should you do from the tutorial to the beginning? We have created a form of generous support.

The movie that plays before and after the sortie is one of the most generous supports. I felt that it was quite elaborately made, but I wonder if this was made after CBT.

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

Mr. Futami:
Yes, I made it in a hurry after CBT finished (lol). It was difficult, but I felt that I should make it as easy to understand as a road sign, so I did it without making any compromises.
I think the rules of this game will be easy to understand if you have played a so-called zone game like ``Escape from Tarkov,'' but if you don't have that experience, it can be confusing if you start playing it right away. ,We will try to provide solid support for that.

In addition to support for zone game beginners, what areas have you adjusted in this CNT version?

Mr. Futami:
In addition to adjustments for beginners, we have incorporated opinions from the core layer and expanded it in quite a bit. For example, as you progress through the game, you will find more difficult requests and more unique requests. I think those who played a lot last time will enjoy the new experience again.

Even in the early stages of the game, the boss of the thieves was a very tough enemy. There is also a random element to the placement, so I think there were many surprising experiences, such as encountering them at the start of the game.

Mr. Futami:
The placement of enemies and the frequency with which they appear are also some of the things that have changed considerably from CBT. As you progress through the game a little, you will come across areas where bandits will appear in groups, and we have intentionally created dangerous areas. This is also intended to let players experience the game's theory of ``Going to dangerous places only after you are familiar with the game and equipped.''

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

While there were many adjustments made to make the game easier to play, I think there were also some changes that deliberately put restrictions on movement.
For example, I think the reason why the boost gauge is consumed by jumping is because in the previous CBT, the so-called "grasshopper strategy" of constantly jumping and shooting at each other was strong.

Mr. Futami:
This will also be changed based on feedback from players who have played CBT. Being able to jump all the time was a problem because there was a huge difference in movement between those who could jump and shoot well using the keyboard and mouse and those who couldn't.
Therefore, with CNT, we made it possible to make adjustments 5 or 6 times in a row. Jump shooting is strong, but if you use it too many times in a row, the boost will run out, so it's a balance that comes with some risks.

 Are there any other aspects of operation that were frequently requested?

Mr. Futami:
The most common comment was, ``I wish reloads would stop being canceled when some action is taken.'' Of course, this is an improvement. Although this is a small change, we have also made a number of other minor adjustments to make the game more enjoyable.

This is a bit off topic from the topic of adjustment, but the fact that you can't boost dash backwards is quite unique. Is this a concern that players who are good shooters will have too much of an advantage, which is related to the jump shooting issue mentioned earlier?

Mr. Futami:
There are many complex reasons for this. There were a lot of people who said, ``I want to make my aircraft move more gracefully!'' using Buck's boost dash, but as you pointed out, if you move too ``gorgeously,'' the difference in skill between players becomes obvious. is. Also, it becomes easier to see the difference between devices such as controllers and keyboards and mice.

We want people who are new to FPS and TPS to play this game, so we set the game speed to a relaxed level so that you can enjoy the tension of carefully walking around the field.

I see.

Mr. Futami:
Another big reason is that we wanted to differentiate ourselves from other robot titles. The mecha in ``SYNDUALITY'' is more like a tank than a robot, so I wanted to add some solidity to it by adding some chunky movement to it.

However, we do not take the stance that we will never include buck-boost in the future. I think this will be an area that we will adjust after release after receiving feedback from more people.

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

This work is a PvPvE online raid, so you can freely choose your position, whether you want to cooperate with other players or fight against them. What kind of stance did most people play in CBT?

Mr. Futami:
 There were many people who cooperated. In the survey, about 70% of respondents said they only enjoyed cooperative play.
However, when asked the question, "Did you do PK during CBT?", 40 to 50% of people answered "yes." So, I find myself thinking, ``Aren't you all lying a little bit?'' (laughs)

(lol). It's true that in CBT, when you start a battle, it's usually a two-on-one battle, and I got the impression that there were a lot of people playing cooperatively. Since cooperative play will be expanded in CNT, I have a feeling that PvP will become quite difficult.

Mr. Futami:
In this game, the person who challenges other players to battle is the "bounty head," so basically the bounty head is at a disadvantage and is more likely to be targeted, which I don't think is a problem as it matches the world setting. .

However, in CNT, bounty hunters can fight together, and we have added the element of bounter hunter ranking, so the range of play is expanded in PvP as well. I think there will probably be some players who will use PK to hunt the bounty this time.
On the other hand, when players who are not bounty hunters, in other words members of the association, attack people (comrades) in the same position as them, the risk of so-called betrayal is quite severe.

Can you betray me after requesting cooperation?

Mr. Futami:
You can betray him, but you can't do surprise attacks like shooting him from behind while fighting together. If you cancel a joint fight, the other party will be notified, so it is no longer possible to suddenly betray them.
After all, being surprised by betrayal was unpopular in the survey as being quite stressful.

The point of not showing your back to other players is something that was emphasized in the advice movie that was added this time.

Mr. Futami:
I think it's an experience unique to this game to have your heart pounding as you think about all sorts of things, feeling doubtful in situations like whether to accept a joint fight or cancel, or what to do when another player appears when you're about to take the elevator home. So, this is a point that I would like you to enjoy. However, I also tried to reduce the parts that made me feel stressed.

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

It's certainly a unique part of this work, so it would be a loss if you don't experience it.

Mr. Futami:
I hope you will fully enjoy the role play of being an association member and a bounty leader. There is something interesting about both that can only be experienced from that position.

You can also see the appearance of other people's Magus on the results screen, so you can play Magus that looks evil but is kind, or a Magus that looks neat and has a kind title, but is actually a bounty hunter and goes on a rampage. It might be interesting too (lol).
I think it's fun to role-play with other players in mind and observe how other people are enjoying the game.

So, in addition to the aircraft parts and weapons, there are also quite a few types of costumes for Magus?

Mr. Futami:
yes. If you purchase the retail version, you will be able to get a wide variety of costumes. There are casual clothes like T-shirts, and you can also take them off.

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

There are currently 4 types of Magus, but will there be more variations?

Mr. Futami:
 I cannot comment on that in the current situation.
You can get multiple Magus by completing in-game requests, but you can have each one have a different personality, or you can have the same type and only change the appearance. Just changing Magus will change the playing experience tremendously, so I'd like people to pay attention to that as well.

Everyone only uses female Magus, but the uncle Magus is also very reassuring, and the young boy Magus is a very capable junior character. I hope you have fun trying out Magus as well.

[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張

Lastly, please give a message to the readers who are looking forward to CNT.

Mr. Futami:
This time, the rules are easy to understand, and we have put a lot of emphasis on support, so even people who are interested in this game, such as those who like mecha, beautiful girls, or a devastated world, can enjoy it. I think you can get it.

It's a game that offers a very rare experience, so if you're interested in it but have never played it before, please take advantage of this CNT opportunity to give it a try. For those of you who played the previous CBT, I hope you can experience how the changes made it feel better.

Thank you very much for today.

以上が[プレイレポ]「SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada」,9月に行われるCNTに先駆けて最新バージョンをプレイ。CBTから序盤のゲームフロー強化や協力プレイが大きく拡張の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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