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語り継がれる神話の時代: 最高の神と派閥を説明し、ランク付け

リリース: 2024-09-03 12:03:58
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Age of Mythology: Retold には 4 つの派閥があり、それぞれの派閥には崇拝する 3 ~ 4 人の神がいます。開始神によって派閥が決まるため、どの組み合わせで開始するかを知ることが重要です。さらに、ゲームを進めていくと、他にも数多くのマイナーな神から選ぶことができます。

私は、Age of Mythology: Retold のすべての派閥を最高から最低までランク付けし、さらにランク付けしました。その下の各勢力が利用できる神。 それぞれの神が属する異なるシステムを補完するので、すべての神を合わせて別のランキングを作成するのは公平ではないと思いました。さらに、メジャーな神とマイナーな神を分けました。

最後の注意: このランキングは、4 つの勢力すべてで長時間プレイした後、私が個人的に結論付けたものです。ただし、最適な Tier リストは自分で作成するものです。独自の判断を下す前に必ず少し実験してください。また、このランキングは客観的なリストではなくツールであると考えてください。結局のところ、私たちは皆、自分の意見を持っています!


  • 1.エジプト人
    • すべてのエジプトの主要な神、ランク
    • 1。イシス
    • 2.
    • 3を設定します。 Ra
    • すべてのエジプトの小神、ランク
    • 1。トート (年齢 IV)
    • 2.オシリス (年齢 IV)
    • 3.ホルス (年齢 IV)
    • 4.ソベク (年齢 III)
    • 5.セクメト (年齢 III)
    • 6.ネフティス(年齢III)
    • 7.バスト (Age II)
    • 8.アヌビス (Age II)
    • 9.プタハ(Ⅱ世)
  • 2.ギリシャ人
    • すべてのギリシャの主要な神、ランク
    • 1。ハーデス
    • 2.ゼウス
    • 3.ポセイドン
    • すべてのギリシャの小神、ランク
    • 1。ヘパイストス (年齢 IV)
    • 2.ヘラ (年齢 IV)
    • 3.アルテミス (アヴェ IV)
    • 4.ディオニュソス (年齢 III)
    • 5.アポロ(エイジIII)
    • 6.アフロディーテ(Age III)
    • 7.アテナ(Age II)
    • 8.アレス (Age II)
    • 9.ヘルメス(Ⅱ世)
  • 3.北欧
    • すべての北欧の主要な神、ランク
    • 1。オーディン
    • 2.ロキ
    • 3.トール
    • 4.フレイ
    • すべての北欧の小神、ランク
    • 1。ヘル (年齢 IV)
    • 2.ヴィダール (年齢 IV)
    • 3.テュール (年齢 IV)
    • 4.バルドル (年齢 IV)
    • 5.ブラギ (3 歳)
    • 6.ニョルド (年齢 III)
    • 7.エイギル (年齢 III)
    • 8.スカディ (年齢 III)
    • 9.フレイヤ (2 歳)
    • 10.フォルセティ (Age II)
    • 11.ウルル(Ⅱ世)
    • 12.ヘイムダル(Age II)
  • 4.アトランティス人
    • すべてのアトランティスの主要な神、ランク
    • 1。ガイア
    • 2.オラノス
    • 3.クロノス
    • すべてのアトランティスの小神、ランク
    • 1。ヘリオス (年齢 IV)
    • 2.アトラス (年齢 IV)
    • 3.ヘカテ (年齢 IV)
    • 4.テイア (年齢 III)
    • 5.レイア (年齢 III)
    • 6.ハイペリオン (エイジ III)
    • 7.プロメテウス(Age II)
    • 8.レト(Ⅱ世)
    • 9.オケアナス(Age II)


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

私はエジプト人が Age of Mythology: Retold の最大の勢力であると信じています。彼らの好意の生成は記念碑によって制限されていますが、かなり早く稼働させて生成率を向上させることができます。



Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

Age of Mythology: Retold に登場するエジプトの主要な神々は、イシスによって小さくなってしまいます。彼女自身のバフと恩恵がはるかに強力で便利であるだけでなく、彼女が選択したマイナーな神の中には、各時代に最適な神が含まれています。

最も緊急なことは、彼女はあなたの記念碑の周囲の広い半径で敵の神の力の使用を無効にすることです。これは他の多くの戦略や能力に対するかなり強力なカウンターです。そのうち 5 つも得られるということは、かなり広い範囲をカバーできることになります。

1. Isis

2. Set

3. Ra

All Egyptian Minor Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Egyptian minor Gods have one of the most catastrophic God Powers in the game, although their myth units aren’t the strongest on average compared to some other Pantheons. Considering the Egyptian’s unique economy, however, most of the technologies are dedicated to improving the military, allowing for powerful units in the late game.

It was pretty difficult to choose between Thoth and Osiris, although the magnitude of Thoth’s God Power is hard to compare to.

1. Thoth (Age IV)

2. Osiris (Age IV)

3. Horus (Age IV)

4. Sobek (Age III)

5. Sekhmet (Age III)

6. Nephthys (Age III)

7. Bast (Age II)

8. Anubis (Age II)

9. Ptah (Age II)

2. Greeks

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Greeks provide a more classical experience, with worshippers and legendary heroes. Although their champions are excellent against myth units, there’s a limit to their number. Also, having to dedicate a portion of your Workers to generate Favor puts a strain on the economy that other factions don’t have to deal with.

Amassing an army of humans, myth creatures, and heroes, however, allows for a powerful army that’s fun to use. Additionally, their human units are much stronger than other factions, making the Greeks one bit more formidable, for only a slight economic hold-up.

All Greek Major Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

Hades is objectively the greatest major God that the Greeks have to offer. Not only do myth units gain much more hit points, but fallen humans have a 20% chance of returning as shades. Alongside other militaristic buffs, Hades will make warfare and defense much, much easier.

Naturally, if you’re playing on a naval map, then Poseidon does have merit, although shouldn’t be a go-to.

1. Hades

2. Zeus

3. Poseidon

All Greeks Minor Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Greek minor Gods are more concerned with trickery and effects to make your armies’ fight easier. There are only two God Powers that directly harm and lay waste to your foes, with all others performing sabotage, such as turning enemy soldiers to pigs or encasing your own soldiers in bronze.

However, their myth units are generally very powerful, especially the Colossi that Hephaestus provides.

1. Hephaestus (Age IV)

2. Hera (Age IV)

3. Artemis (Ave IV)

4. Dionysus (Age III)

5. Apollo (Age III)

6. Aphrodite (Age III)

7. Athena (Age II)

8. Ares (Age II)

9. Hermes (Age II)

3. Norse

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

As much as I wanted to love the Norse, I find their playstyle a little too convoluted. Their basic military act as both the builders and the scouts, meaning you’ll have to micromanage these units instead of easily ordering dedicated scouts or builders.

Generating Favor by attacking and destroying means that you’ll always be keen on the attack, which only divides your attention further as you try to execute raids whilst also managing your civilization to not fall behind. However, assembling an army is easy and Gatherers can be promoted to Berserkers. I can’t say it’s not fun to amass a Norse force, but the system can prove a headache.

All Norse Major Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Norse have a total of four more Gods available than the other Pantheons, although not all of them are that great. However, the best major Gods allow for a range of bonuses and benefits to the economy and military.

Both Odin and Loki make excellent candidates for any game, with Thor being a little too concerned with Dwarves and Freyr only having one good thing going.

1. Odin

2. Loki

3. Thor

4. Freyr

All Norse Minor Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The many Norse minor Gods provide an array of interesting and devastating abilities. Their myth units are powerful and diverse, as are their God Powers. I’d say most of the best abilities in Age of Mythology: Retold are a part of the Norse Pantheon.

Whether you want to lay waste to your foes outright with a God Power or uproot a forest to attack them, this roster of minor Gods has it all. Granted, not all of them are good, but there are many of them.

1. Hel (Age IV)

2. Vidar (Age IV)

3. Tyr (Age IV)

4. Baldr (Age IV)

5. Bragi (Age III)

6. Njord (Age III)

7. Aegir (Age III)

8. Skadi (Age III)

9. Frejya (Age II)

10. Forseti (Age II)

11. Ullr (Age II)

12. Heimdall (Age II)

4. Atlanteans

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Atlanteans are heavily specialized people, but this will mark their downfall most of the time. Not having access to military units until the second age made me ripe for annihilation by every other faction who bee-lined toward me.

Although the citizens are efficient workers and their army can be a very dominating one, other players simply won’t let the Atlanteans get to that stage as it’s so easy to wipe them out by slaughtering and stifling their Citizens. They make for a faction that requires a high level of skill, but are far too easy to cut down before they’re a threat.

All Atlantean Major Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The Atlantean major Gods are mostly concerned with utility and assistance, such as Gaia’s lush coverage and Oranos’ Sky Passages. They may not help you win any wars, but they’ll make the road to militarisation easier.

I believe Gaia to be the best as her bonuses make getting started easier, which is vital for this faction. However, Oranos’ pick of Minor Gods includes the best of each age, so he is in a very close second.

1. Gaia

2. Oranos

3. Kronos

All Atlantean Minor Gods, ranked

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods and Factions explained and ranked

The God Powers of the following minor Gods are typically less concerned with dealing direct damage, but with setting up traps and spreading confusion and nasty surprises. Turning your enemy’s units against each other and being able to summon your entire army to a point can be devastating with the right setup and effort.

Late-age Gods also have some pretty devastating myth units that really take advantage of some of the God Powers, leading to dangerous assaults and attacks if you gather enough Favor.

1. Helios (Age IV)

2. Atlas (Age IV)

3. Hekate (Age IV)

4. Theia (Age III)

5. Rheia (Age III)

6. Hyperion (Age III)

7. Prometheus (Age II)

8. Leto (Age II)

9. Oceanus (Age II)

Now that you have a comprehensive tier list of all factions and Gods in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll be able to pick which faction and Gods to use with confidence.

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