HTML アンカー タグは、Web サイト間の移動、あるページから別のページへの移動、マウスをクリックして何らかの画像やテキストを開くために使用される HTML の最も重要な要素の 1 つです。これは、含まれるハイパーリンクの開始と終了を定義するために使用されます。ほとんどの場合、これは検索エンジンが宛先 URL を定義するために使用します。これは有益であり、ランディング ページとの関連性がより高くなります。
- 下線と赤色のリンクはアクティブなリンクを示します
- 下線と紫色のリンクは、訪問済みのリンクを示します。
- 下線と青色のリンクは、未訪問のリンクを示します。
<a href="Link_URL">Link Home</a>
上に示したように、構文 以下に定義されている主要部分へのリンクを含むタグ:

1. href 属性
この属性はハイパーリンクを定義するために使用され、宛先アドレスを知ることができます。ハイパーリンクは、Web ページのドキュメントとターゲット リンクの間のコネクタとして機能します。
2. 名前属性
の name 属性タグは、ページの特定のポイントに移動するために使用されます。
- It’s most useful for defining large pages or to define subdivisions.
- Example:Homepage So in this example we are adding #tag at the anchor name. it’s helpful to the browser to find or jump to the defined location like home. #name can be placed after the filename.
3. Target attribute
- The target attribute is used to define the destination page or the defined target page may be opened.
- It’s used as a common option that is used by target attributes to link with other pages.
- If the target attribute defines with a blank value like “target=_blank” then it will open a new tab at the target location.
4. Title Attribute
- The title attribute is one of the important attributes used to give special attention where one can easily move when they click the link.
- If the user moves the mouse pointer onto the link reference, the title text which was given into the attribute point will be shown there.
- It works like a tooltip or details where the link will navigate. This approach makes webpages or documents more user-friendly.
Working of Anchor in HTML
- There are two scenarios through which we can anchor tags like Internal link and External link.
- Internal links are those which are showing entities that are other pages of our domain, where external links are used to show web pages that don’t consider as a part of our domain.
- Let’s see how anchor tag exactly works with both links. Internal links work as a navigator between websites to show navigation menus which are useful to everyone who visits the website can easily navigate on the required menu. As discussed above in the title attribute, internal links are useful to navigate on specific content.
- Those are also used by search engine web crawlers to exactly define the pages of a website as well as for sharing authority purposes.
- External links play an important role in tag, it’s always best practice to provide exact attribution to the source. It is useful for related content, which can show us for referring website visitors.
- Sometimes other sites upload some kind of external links, which are going to point towards our website is considered as backlinks, those give permission to flow into our site which is beneficial to improve the position of our site at SERP. (Search Engine Result Page).
- One more good thing to keep our visitors on our site for a longer time, by using target=”_blank” while writing external links, which will open a new tab.
- The text we are going to use as an Ideal anchor text identifies keywords, which are more suitable to the web page.
- Working with anchor by using Absolute and Relative By using absolute URL one can see the whole description of the destination link. It contains protocol which helps to complete domain name to reach the destination.
- Relative URL used to link given web pages showing the exact position of the relative towards the position of the current page.
- Whenever internal links are written, which are showing other pages of the same site in this case we are going to write relative URLs.
Here we are going to show some examples having use of actual tag.
1. HTML code
<h4>Examples for Anchor in HTML </h4>
<a href="">Latest News </a><br><br>
<a href="HTMLcolor.html">Navigate on other File</a><br>

On clicking the latest news, the output is :
By clicking on the link “Navigate on other File” it will show another webpage as:

2. HTML Code
<h2>Reach to EDUCBA </h2>
<li><a href="">Website</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email US</a></li>
<li><a href="tel:+123456789">Phone</a></li>
Output :

The output shows some links, and that those links are in blue they are unvisited, the link showing in purple has visited the link and this is used to show the difference in links.
3. HTML Code
<h4>Image and File Demo</h4>
<p><a href="C:\Users\\Sonali\Desktop\jerry.jpeg">Image Demo</a> It will
open image</p>
<a href="./generate-zip?id=4" download="">Download File</a>
Output :

While clicking on image demo it will open the image as:
While clicking on another link it will download the file as :
結論 - HTML のアンカー
HTML のアンカー タグは、ターゲットの場所に直接移動するリンクを定義するために使用されます。これは、hre 属性、name 属性、target 属性などの主要コンポーネントに基づいています。タグは、内部リンクと外部リンク、および絶対 URL と相対 URL に使用されます。
以上がHTMLのアンカーの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。