ブラウザ拡張機能でバックグラウンド スクリプトからコンテンツ スクリプトへの通信でエラーが発生する原因は何ですか?

リリース: 2024-10-18 10:33:29
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What Causes Errors in Communicating from Background Scripts to Content Scripts in Browser Extensions?

Creating a Communication Chain for Background, Content, and Injected Scripts

When working with browser extensions, coordinating communication between different components is crucial. One common scenario is sending messages from a background script to a content script, which then relays the messages to an injected script. However, if this communication is not handled properly, errors can occur.

Error in Message Sending from Background to Content Script

In the provided code, there appears to be an issue in sending messages from the background script to the content script. Here's an analysis of the potential causes:

Content Script Injection Timing

When an extension is loaded, content scripts are not immediately injected into existing tabs. The injection occurs only when a webpage matching the content script's URL pattern is navigated to or opened. However, in your code, the background script is attempting to send messages immediately after loading, which can fail if the content script has not yet been injected.

Solutions to Address the Issue

To address this issue, consider implementing one of the following solutions:

1. Check for Content Script Readiness before Sending Messages:

In the background script, add an extra step to verify if the content script is ready before sending messages. You can do this by sending a "ping" message to the content script and checking for a response. If there is no response, inject the content script and then resend the message.

2. Always Inject Content Script and Ensure Only One Execution:

This involves always injecting the content script but taking steps to ensure that the logic within the content script only executes once. You can use a flag to keep track of whether the script has been executed and skip execution if it has already occurred.

Additional Considerations

1. Handle Orphaned Content Scripts:

When an extension is reloaded, previously injected content scripts may become orphaned, meaning they remain active but cannot communicate with the background script. In cases where content scripts persistently interfere with events on the webpage or cause unintended behaviors, you may need to implement mechanisms to handle orphaned scripts.

2. Heartbeat Mechanism for Orphaned Content Scripts:

To monitor orphaned content scripts, consider using a heartbeat mechanism. Have the content script periodically send heartbeat messages to the background script. If a heartbeat fails, the content script can remove its event listeners and deregister itself to avoid interference. The background script should respond to heartbeat messages to indicate that the content script is still active and communicating.

Example Code for Heartbeat Mechanism:

<code class="javascript">// Background script
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if(request.heartbeat) { sendResponse(request); return; }
  /* ... */

// Content script
function heartbeat(success, failure) {
  chrome.runtime.sendMessage({heartbeat: true}, function(reply){
    } else {

以上がブラウザ拡張機能でバックグラウンド スクリプトからコンテンツ スクリプトへの通信でエラーが発生する原因は何ですか?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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