To remove elements from a multidimensional array based on a specific value, you can utilize the following method:
function removeElementWithValue($array, $key, $value) { foreach ($array as $subKey => $subArray) { if ($subArray[$key] == $value) { unset($array[$subKey]); } } return $array; }
To utilize this function, pass in the multidimensional array, the key you're matching against, and the value you want to remove. For instance, to remove all sub-arrays where the "year" key has a value of 2011, call the function as follows:
$array = removeElementWithValue($array, "year", 2011);
This will modify the original $array by eliminating any sub-arrays meeting the specified criteria.
以上が値に基づいて多次元配列から要素を削除するにはどうすればよいですか?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。