管理が不十分だとメモリ リークやパフォーマンスの低下につながる可能性があるため、PHP でのメモリ管理は非常に重要です。詳細な内訳は次のとおりです:
function processLargeFile($filePath) { // Using fopen in 'r' mode for memory efficiency $handle = fopen($filePath, 'r'); if (!$handle) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to open file'); } try { while (!feof($handle)) { // Using yield instead of storing all lines in memory yield fgets($handle); } } finally { // Ensure file handle is always closed, even if an exception occurs fclose($handle); } } // Example of processing a 1GB file with minimal memory usage function processGiantLogFile($logPath) { $stats = ['errors' => 0, 'warnings' => 0]; foreach (processLargeFile($logPath) as $line) { // Process one line at a time instead of loading entire file if (strpos($line, 'ERROR') !== false) { $stats['errors']++; } elseif (strpos($line, 'WARNING') !== false) { $stats['warnings']++; } // Free up memory after processing each line unset($line); } return $stats; }
class DataProcessor { private array $cache = []; private int $maxCacheSize; private array $cacheTimestamps = []; public function __construct(int $maxCacheSize = 1000) { $this->maxCacheSize = $maxCacheSize; } public function processData(string $key, callable $heavyOperation, int $ttl = 3600) { // Check if cached data exists and is still valid if ($this->isValidCacheEntry($key, $ttl)) { return $this->cache[$key]; } $result = $heavyOperation(); // Implement cache cleanup before adding new items $this->maintainCacheSize(); // Store result with timestamp $this->cache[$key] = $result; $this->cacheTimestamps[$key] = time(); return $result; } private function isValidCacheEntry(string $key, int $ttl): bool { if (!isset($this->cache[$key]) || !isset($this->cacheTimestamps[$key])) { return false; } return (time() - $this->cacheTimestamps[$key]) < $ttl; } private function maintainCacheSize(): void { if (count($this->cache) >= $this->maxCacheSize) { // Remove oldest entries first (LRU implementation) asort($this->cacheTimestamps); $oldestKey = array_key_first($this->cacheTimestamps); unset($this->cache[$oldestKey]); unset($this->cacheTimestamps[$oldestKey]); } } } // Usage example $processor = new DataProcessor(100); $result = $processor->processData('expensive_calculation', function() { // Simulating expensive operation sleep(2); return 'expensive result'; }, 1800); // Cache for 30 minutes
PHP での文字列操作はメモリを大量に消費する可能性があります。それらを最適化する方法は次のとおりです:
class StringOptimizer { public function efficientConcatenation(array $strings): string { // Use implode instead of concatenation return implode('', $strings); } public function buildLargeHtml(array $data): string { // Use output buffering for large string building ob_start(); echo '<div> <p>Key optimization points:</p> <ul> <li>Using implode() instead of string concatenation</li> <li>Output buffering for building large strings</li> <li>Using strtr() for multiple replacements</li> <li>Precompiling regex patterns</li> <li>Using sprintf() for format strings</li> </ul> <h2> Database Query Optimization </h2> <p>Efficient database operations are crucial for application performance:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">class DatabaseOptimizer { private PDO $pdo; private array $queryCache = []; public function __construct(PDO $pdo) { $this->pdo = $pdo; $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); } public function batchInsert(array $records, string $table): void { // Build bulk insert query $columns = array_keys($records[0]); $placeholders = '(' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($columns), '?')) . ')'; $values = str_repeat($placeholders . ',', count($records) - 1) . $placeholders; $query = sprintf( 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s', $table, implode(',', $columns), $values ); // Flatten array for bulk insert $params = []; foreach ($records as $record) { foreach ($record as $value) { $params[] = $value; } } // Execute bulk insert $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); } public function optimizedSelect(string $table, array $conditions = [], array $fields = ['*']): array { $query = sprintf( 'SELECT %s FROM %s', implode(',', $fields), $table ); if ($conditions) { $where = []; $params = []; foreach ($conditions as $column => $value) { $where[] = "$column = ?"; $params[] = $value; } $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); } // Cache prepared statement $cacheKey = md5($query); if (!isset($this->queryCache[$cacheKey])) { $this->queryCache[$cacheKey] = $this->pdo->prepare($query); } $stmt = $this->queryCache[$cacheKey]; $stmt->execute($params ?? []); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } // Usage example $optimizer = new DatabaseOptimizer($pdo); // Batch insert $records = [ ['name' => 'John', 'email' => 'john@example.com'], ['name' => 'Jane', 'email' => 'jane@example.com'] ]; $optimizer->batchInsert($records, 'users'); // Optimized select $users = $optimizer->optimizedSelect( 'users', ['status' => 'active'], ['id', 'name', 'email'] );
効率的な配列処理は PHP アプリケーションにとって非常に重要です:
class ArrayOptimizer { public function processArray(array $data, callable $callback): array { // Pre-allocate result array $result = []; $count = count($data); // Reserve memory $result = array_fill(0, $count, null); // Process in chunks for memory efficiency foreach (array_chunk($data, 1000) as $chunk) { foreach ($chunk as $key => $item) { $result[$key] = $callback($item); } // Free up memory unset($chunk); } return $result; } public function efficientSearch(array $haystack, $needle): bool { // Use isset for array keys if (isset($haystack[$needle])) { return true; } // Use in_array with strict comparison return in_array($needle, $haystack, true); } public function arrayIntersectOptimized(array $array1, array $array2): array { // Convert second array to hash map for O(1) lookup $map = array_flip($array2); return array_filter( $array1, fn($item) => isset($map[$item]) ); } } // Usage examples $optimizer = new ArrayOptimizer(); // Process large array $data = range(1, 10000); $result = $optimizer->processArray($data, fn($item) => $item * 2); // Efficient search $haystack = range(1, 1000); $found = $optimizer->efficientSearch($haystack, 500); // Optimized array intersection $array1 = range(1, 1000); $array2 = range(500, 1500); $intersection = $optimizer->arrayIntersectOptimized($array1, $array2);
class ErrorHandler { private const MAX_LOG_SIZE = 10485760; // 10MB private const MAX_LOG_FILES = 5; private string $logPath; private array $logLevels = [ 'DEBUG' => 0, 'INFO' => 1, 'WARNING' => 2, 'ERROR' => 3, 'CRITICAL' => 4 ]; public function __construct(string $logPath) { $this->logPath = $logPath; } public function handleError(Throwable $e, string $level = 'ERROR'): void { // Check log file size if (file_exists($this->logPath) && filesize($this->logPath) > self::MAX_LOG_SIZE) { $this->rotateLogFile(); } // Format error message $message = sprintf( "[%s] [%s] %s: %s in %s:%d\nStack trace:\n%s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $level, get_class($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getTraceAsString() ); // Write to log file error_log($message, 3, $this->logPath); // Handle critical errors if ($this->logLevels[$level] >= $this->logLevels['ERROR']) { // Notify administrators or monitoring service $this->notifyAdministrators($message); } } private function rotateLogFile(): void { // Rotate log files for ($i = self::MAX_LOG_FILES - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $oldFile = $this->logPath . ($i > 0 ? '.' . $i : ''); $newFile = $this->logPath . '.' . ($i + 1); if (file_exists($oldFile)) { rename($oldFile, $newFile); } } } private function notifyAdministrators(string $message): void { // Implementation depends on notification system // Could be email, Slack, monitoring service, etc. } } // Usage example $errorHandler = new ErrorHandler('/var/log/application.log'); try { // Some risky operation throw new RuntimeException('Something went wrong'); } catch (Throwable $e) { $errorHandler->handleError($e, 'ERROR'); }
これらの最適化はそれぞれ、堅牢でパフォーマンスの高い PHP アプリケーションの作成に貢献します。アプリケーションの測定とプロファイリングを常に忘れずに行って、最適化が最も影響を与える箇所を特定してください。
以上がPHP パフォーマンスの最適化の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。