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崩壊:スターレイル - アンフォレウスの永遠の聖都オケマのすべての宝箱の場所

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
リリース: 2025-01-22 02:03:08
824 人が閲覧しました

崩壊:スターレイル 3.0 アップデートでは、クエスト、秘密、ステラ ジェイドや貴重な素材を提供する多数の報酬チェストが満載の広大なアンフロエウス地域が導入されます。 このガイドは、最初にアクセスできるゾーンであるオケマ内のすべてのチェストを見つけることに重点を置いています。


マルモラル宮殿 (南の部屋と浴室) チェストの場所 (合計 12 個)

Honkai: Star Rail - All Chest Locations In Eternal Holy City Okhema In Amphoreus

浴場を含む南の宮殿エリアには 12 個のチェストがあります。

Chest Number Location
1 North side of the transition hall (left of the northern room door, opposite Golden Short Spear).
2 Smaller room south of the transition hall (south wall, atop crates).
3 North side of the main bath chamber (left of the doorway to side rooms).
4 Northwest section of the baths (left of the droma, near a side pool).
5 Right-hand side pool (near Peleus).
6 First room south of the main bath chamber (northwest corner).
7 Room outside the private bath chamber (next to the Hall of Respite Space Anchor, behind a red shield).
8 Private bath chamber (left side of the balcony; Spirithief chest).
9 Room west of the private chambers (southeastern corner, behind a table).
10 Large library chamber (corner beneath the eastern stairs).
11 Open-air gathering place southwest of the Palace (right of the eastern bath, near a box and chair).
12 South of the staircase to the main Palace entrance (behind a blue shield, next to a bench).

マルモラル宮殿 (北セクションと生命の庭園) チェストの場所 (合計 12 個)

Honkai: Star Rail - All Chest Locations In Eternal Holy City Okhema In Amphoreus

最後の 12 個の宝箱は、生命の園を含む宮殿の北側セクションと上層階にあります。

Chest Number Location
1 North of the main Palace entrance (behind Stagira).
2 Small pasture with a droma (near boxes).
3 Room west of the Court of Seasons Space Anchor (behind a blue shield).
4 Northern edge of the Palace (hallway beside stairs leading to the upper level; Spirithief chest).
5 Behind the elevator to the Garden of Life.
6 Blue-lit bathing area north of the Court of Seasons (near a potted plant).
7 Thin hallway east of the Court of Seasons (right turn toward the main bath chamber).
8 Orange-lit sauna room (southwest side, among stone beds).
9 Towel room (against a shelf with towels).
10 Garden of Life (south of the Garmentmaker doll or west of the Garden of Life Space Anchor).
11 Small alcove east of the Garden of Life (near a staircase and centurion construct).
12 Upper level of the main bath chamber (northeast of the Hero's Bath Space Anchor, in the northernmost golden bath).

Honkai: Star Rail - All Chest Locations In Eternal Holy City Okhema In Amphoreus

以上が崩壊:スターレイル - アンフォレウスの永遠の聖都オケマのすべての宝箱の場所の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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