このチュートリアルでは、OpenAI構造化された出力を開始する方法を学び、その新しい構文を理解し、その主要なアプリケーションを調査します。決定論的応答、つまり、一貫したフォーマットの応答は、データ入力、情報検索、質問回答、マルチステップワークフローなど、多くのタスクにとって重要です。プロンプトが同じであっても、LLMSが非常に異なる形式で出力を生成する方法を経験した可能性があります。 たとえば、
# List of hotel reviews reviews = [ "The room was clean and the staff was friendly.", "The location was terrible and the service was slow.", "The food was amazing but the room was too small.", ] # Classify sentiment for each review and print the results for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: Positive Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: Negative Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
言語モデルを厳格な形式で強制するこの機能は重要であり、他のオープンソースツールへの迅速なエンジニアリングまたは依存の数え切れないほどの時間を節約します。def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review): """Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs""" ... # Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
環境のセットアップReview: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"} Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"} Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
# List of hotel reviews reviews = [ "The room was clean and the staff was friendly.", "The location was terrible and the service was slow.", "The food was amazing but the room was too small.", ] # Classify sentiment for each review and print the results for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
OpenAIパッケージに加えて、構造化された出力のJSONスキーマを定義および検証するためにPydantic Libraryが必要です。 PIPを使用してインストールします:
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: Positive Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: Negative Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review): """Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs""" ... # Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
気づいた場合、client.chat.completions.createを使用する代わりに、client.beta.chat.completions.parseメソッドを使用しています。 .Parse()は、構造化された出力用に特別に記述されたチャット完了APIの新しい方法です。
関数の重要な線はresponse_format = sentimentResponseです。これは、実際に構造化された出力を有効にするものです。
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"} Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"} Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
$ pip install -U openai
# List of hotel reviews reviews = [ "The room was clean and the staff was friendly.", "The location was terrible and the service was slow.", "The food was amazing but the room was too small.", ] # Classify sentiment for each review and print the results for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: Positive Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: Negative Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review): """Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs""" ... # Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"} Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"} Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
データベースまたはapisのクエリ 画像またはその他のメディアを生成する言語間でテキストを翻訳します
スマートホームデバイスまたはIoTシステムの制御 カスタムビジネスロジックまたはワークフローの実行知っておくべき重要なのは、構造化された出力を使用すると、OpenAIモデルで関数呼び出しを使用することが非常に簡単であることです。過去には、OpenAIモデルに渡す機能には、複雑なJSONスキーマを作成し、すべての関数パラメーターをタイプのヒントで概説する必要があります。例は次のとおりです。
# List of hotel reviews reviews = [ "The room was clean and the staff was friendly.", "The location was terrible and the service was slow.", "The food was amazing but the room was too small.", ] # Classify sentiment for each review and print the results for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: Positive Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: Negative Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: The sentiment of the review is neutral.
def classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review): """Sentiment classifier with Structured Outputs""" ... # Classify sentiment for each review with Structured Outputs for review in reviews: sentiment = classify_sentiment_with_structured_outputs(review) print(f"Review: {review}\nSentiment: {sentiment}\n")
互換性のあるJSON形式でPydanticモデルを渡し、Chat Completions APIのツールパラメーターに渡します。次に、クエリに応じて、モデルはツールを呼び出すかどうかを決定します。 上記の例でのクエリは「東京の天気は何ですか?」であるため、返されたメッセージオブジェクトのtool_callsに呼び出しが表示されます。
覚えておいてください、モデルはget_weather関数を呼び出すのではなく、私たちが提供したpydanticスキーマに基づいてそれについての引数を生成します:Review: The room was clean and the staff was friendly. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"positive"} Review: The location was terrible and the service was slow. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"negative"} Review: The food was amazing but the room was too small. Sentiment: {"sentiment":"neutral"}
$ pip install -U openai
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key'
モデルの拒否を処理します。 new .Parse()メソッドを使用する場合、メッセージオブジェクトには拒否を示す新しい.Refusal属性があります:ここにあなたの理解を高めるためのいくつかの関連するソースがあります:
OpenAI APIコースの操作
以上がOpenAI構造化された出力を開始しますの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。