And maybe an optional follow-up if you’re up for it.
Automattic, the makers of Jetpack and many other WordPress-y things, have sponsored my site (me = Chris Coyier; site = CSS-Tricks) for quite a while. I use Jetpack myself, and I’m always trying to tell people about its features and benefits.
Yet I get the sense that there is a decent amount of hesitancy (or even general negative feelings) toward Jetpack. I want to hone in on that and understand it better. This will be useful for me in my attempt to be a good sponsoree, and useful for Automattic to improve Jetpack.
Fill out my online form.以上が私はあなたのためにJetpackについて1つの質問を受けました。の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。