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Lisa Kudrow
リリース: 2025-03-23 01:39:09
260 人が閲覧しました

Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a relaxing life simulation game filled with Sanrio characters, but that doesn't mean that there are no challenges for you to complete. From completing early game quests to becoming best friends with everyone, there are a lot of achievements for you to complete.


In this guide, we'll take a look at every achievement that you can obtain in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. In total, there are currently 53 achievements on Steam, however this version of the game does not have City Town yet, which is available through Apple Arcade. As such, more may be added in the future.

All Hello Kitty Island Adventure PC Achievements


Below, you can find all 53 achievements in the game, including what they require and some tips to help you.


What To Do

Tips To Complete

Happy Landing! Complete Happy Landing This is the first quest that you complete just by arriving.
Dinosaurs Not Included Open the Resort Gate with Chococat This occurs during Power Up The Gate.
Happy Hattery Put a hat on a Null You can put hats on Nuls by interacting with them.
Open for Visits Unlock a visitor cabin You will unlock visitor cabins after completing the quest Friends and Family.
A Bakers Dozen! Take 13 Gudetama pictures The camera will unlock once you start Gudetama Snap. From here, you'll be able to take pictures of Gudetama that are scattered pretty much everywhere in the game.
A New Home Open the Nature Preserve You can unlock the Nature Preserve once you reach friendship level 2 with Keroppi.
Definitely Haunted Restore the Haunted Mansion Complete the quest called Re-Haunt The Spooky Swamp.
Haunted Fall through the Haunted Mansion floor While completing Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp, fall through a trap door.
Bog Champ Restore The Spooky Swamp This is also completed during Re-Haunt the Swamp.
Traveling Party Have a resident as a companion Once you unlock a resident's ability, they can be asked to follow you.
Swing Partners Reboot the Dance Hall band Complete the quest called Bring Back the Swing.
Mermaids are Real Activate the Mermaidifier This is done through the quest called Comic Relief, which requires you to gather parts of the Mermaid Outfit.
Ruining Rampage Explore the Red Hot Ruins Complete the quest called Enraging Ruins, which unlocks at friendship level 7 with Retsuko.
Nap Time Use a bed and change the time By sleeping in a bed within a cabin, you can change the time of day.
For the Love of Baking Bake 100 recipes You will need to bake a total of 100 dishes in the Oven, but you can repeat the dishes.
Reef Revival Restore Rainbow Reef Complete the quest called Reef Revival.
Paradise in the Desert Restore the Oasis Complete the quest called Revive the Oasis.
Critter Master Catch 100 Critters Use your net to catch 100 critters!
Behind the Waterfall Visit Merry Meadows To reach Merry Meadows, you'll need to complete Curious Caverns.
Rage Mode Ignite the Volcano with Retsuko's Rage Complete the quest called Fire Up The Volcano.
Superb Gift Giver Give 50 3-heart Gifts To do this, just be sure to give everyone their favorite gifts.
Piza Perfection (this seems to be a typo) Unlock 11 Pizza recipes This is done at the Pizza Oven.
Regional Explorer Reach every region of Friendship Island Visit the Seaside Resort, the Spooky Swamp, Gemstone Mountain, Rainbow Reef, and Mount Hothead (Icy Peak does not count for this).
Friendship Forever Complete A Challenging Rescue This quest is required in order to unlock both Tophat and Big Challenges.
Flower Collector Obtain 10 unique flowers You can plant flowers in the Merry Meadows.
True Gamer Play all Friendship Island Minigames There are 5 minigames in Friendship Island that you can play with Game Tickets.
Delicious Desserts Unlock 16 Dessert recipes This is done at the Dessert Machine.
New Heights Reach Cloud Island Complete the quest called Stargazing, which unlocks after you rescue Big Challenges.
Excellent Espresso Unlock 13 Espresso Machine recipes This is done at the Espresso Machine.
Master of the Ruins Complete 20 Puzzle Rooms There are puzzle rooms spread throughout each map that you can access.
Soda Satisfaction Unlock 14 Soda recipes This is done at the Soda Machine.
Through Thick and Thin Have a character follow you to the lowest trench and tallest peak The lowest trench is found north of the Kelp Maze mailbox. On the map, you can see the round shape of it near the southern edge of Gemstone Mountain.
Master Angler Catch 100 fish Use your fishing rod to catch 100 fish!
Baking Bliss Unlock 20 Oven recipes This is done at the Oven in Hello Kitty's Cafe.
Candy Connoisseur Unlock 10 Candy Cloud recipes This is done at the Candy Cloud Machine in Cloud Island.
Floral Pattern Obtain a patterned flower Flowers will have a chance to gain a pattern when you use fertilizer on them. Try to spread fertilizer each day to increase the chances of this to occur.
Dozens Surely! Take 120 Gudetama pictures This is worked on pretty much the entire time you play the game. Whenever you reach somewhere new, look around for any Gudetama in sight.
Egg-cellent Chef Unlock 14 Egg Pan recipes This is done at the Egg Pan Station.
Cabin Crazy Repair 25 cabins You can repair cabins by using Strawberry Crates.
Stick Nation Craft the Golden Stick The Golden Stick is crafted with 99 Sticks.
Hello Bestie! Become best friends with Hello Kitty This requires you to reach level 25 friendship with Hello Kitty.
Everyone's Bestie Become best friends with 15 characters This requires you to max out your friendship with 15 characters.
Tropical Challenge Craft the Gold Seaside Trophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Aquatic Challenge Craft the Gold Reef Trophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Swampy Challenge Craft the Gold Swamp Trophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Rocky Challenge Craft the Gold GemstoneTrophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Volcanic Challenge Craft the Gold HotheadTrophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Floating Challenge Craft the Gold Cloud Trophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Floral Challenge Craft the Gold Meadow Trophy You will get gold trophy pieces by completing challenge courses in the area at the gold tier.
Adorned in Flowers Make a Flower Crown You can make Flower Crowns at the Creation Station after reaching friendship level 16 with Wish Me Mell.
Friendships Restored Reunite the Island Spirit with her Best Friends. This is a very late-game quest that requires you to complete the multi-step quest chain called Friendship Never Fades.
Time for Milk Have Milk as a 5-Star Visitor Milk will become a possible visitor once you complete Time for Milk (quest).
Everyone is Welcome Have 20 5-Star Visitors By completing visitor quests, you can boost star ratings.

All Hello Kitty Island Adventure Game Center Achievements


There are considerably less Game Center achievements for Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Each Game Center achievement is tied to a quest, with many of them expanded upon in the PC achievements listed above.

In total, you can complete the following 11 achievements.



Bog Champ Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp
Definitely Haunted Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp
Foggy Bog Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp
Spirit Tracks Re-Haunt the Spooky Swamp
Reef Revival Reef Revival
Dinosaurs Not Included Power Up The Gate
Mermaids Are Real Comic Relief
Happy Landing! Happy Landing
Friendship Forever A Challenging Rescue
Rage Mode Enraging Ruins
Swing Partners Bring Back The Swing

These can be viewed from the Game Center. To get here, head to the Settings on your Apple device, and then scroll to the bottom, where you'll see 'Game Center'. Click on this, and then click on your profile.

At this point, click on 'Achievements' and then choose Hello Kitty Island Adventure. From here, you'll be able to see all 11 achievements for the game, as well as the percentage of people who completed it.


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