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Black Widow is a flexible duelist with deadly long-range sniping abilities and precise close-range attacks, however, she struggles against sustained pressure and crow control. Here’s what heroes to play and how to counter Black Widow:
Hulk: Gamma Grenade (LShift) knocks Black Widow airborne, disrupting her sniper shots and grappling hook setups. Hulk’s Incredible Leap (Space) lets him close the gap and force her into a melee fight, where she’s at a disadvantage.
Venom: Cellular Corrosion (Right Click) slows Black Widow, preventing her from repositioning or escaping easily. Feast of the Abyss (Q) allows Venom to ambush Widow, healing himself while dealing heavy damage.
Peni Parker: Cyber-Web Snare (Right Click) immobilizes Widow, neutralizing her agility and locking her in place for follow-up damage. Spider-Sweeper (Q) provides sustained damage in an area, punishing Widow for staying in range.
Spider-Man: Spectacular Spin (Q) stuns Black Widow, interrupting her momentum and creating an opening to attack. Get Over Here! (E) pulls Widow into melee range, where Spider-Man can outmaneuver her.
Magik: Stepping Discs (LShift) lets Magik teleport out of Black Widow’s sniper range and reposition safely. Umbral Incursion (E) launches Widow airborne, stopping her combos and allowing for quick follow-ups.
Punisher: Scourge Grenade (Right Click) blinds Black Widow, reducing her sniper accuracy and close-range effectiveness. Culling Turret (E) zones Widow out, forcing her into bad positions or taking significant damage.
Star-Lord: Blaster Barrage (E) rains down high damage over a wide area, punishing Widow for trying to stay hidden or hold a position. Stellar Shift (Right Click) allows Star-Lord to evade Widow’s grappling hook or sniper shots.
Jeff the Land Shark: It’s Jeff! (Q) displaces Black Widow, throwing off her aim and combos. Healing Bubble (E) sustains Jeff’s team, countering Widow’s burst damage.
Loki: Doppelganger (E) creates illusions to confuse Widow, wasting her attacks and abilities. Devious Exchange (F) allows Loki to dodge Widow’s damage and reposition to safety.
Mantis: Spore Slumber (LShift) sedates Widow, stopping her movement and abilities. Soul Resurgence (Q) provides healing over time, neutralizing Widow’s burst damage advantage.
Straight Shooter (Right Click): Widow’s sniper shot deals devastating damage at long range. Stay mobile and avoid open sightlines.
Edge Dancer (E): A spinning kick that knocks enemies airborne, followed by a grappling hook combo. Spread out to reduce its impact.
Electro Plasma Explosion (Q): Deals wide-area damage and slows nearby enemies. Avoid grouping up to limit its effect.
Disrupt Her Combos: Use stuns, slows, or knockbacks to stop Widow from chaining her attacks effectively.
Keep Moving: Stay mobile to avoid her sniper shots and setups.
Target Her Aggressively: Black Widow has low durability, so focus her early to reduce her impact on the fight.
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