ホームページ ウェブフロントエンド jsチュートリアル js で CSS スタイル セレクターを実装 (圧縮後 2KB)_javascript スキル

js で CSS スタイル セレクターを実装 (圧縮後 2KB)_javascript スキル

May 16, 2016 pm 05:57 PM

最近、ページ コードをより適切に管理するために、js セレクターを作成したいと思って、オンラインで検索しました。優れたパフォーマンスを備えたミニ CSS セレクター: 次のコードは圧縮されており、わずか 2 KB です。

コードをコピー コードは次のとおりです。

var $=(function(){var b=/ (?:[w-\.#] ) (?:[w ?=(['"])?(?:\1|.) ?1])?|*|>/ig,g =/^ (?:[w-_] )?.([w-_] )/,f=/^(?:[w-_] )?#([w-_] )/,j=/ ^([ w*-_] )/,h=[null,null];function d(o,m){m=m||document;var k=/^[w-_#] $/.test( o); if(!k&&m.querySelectorAll){return c(m.querySelectorAll(o))}if(o.indexOf(",")>-1){var v=o.split(/,/g) ,t= [],s=0,r=v.length;for(;s


* "mini" Selector Engine
* Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Version: 0.01 (BETA)
var mini = (function(){
var snack = /(?:[w-\.#] ) (?:[w ?=(['"])?(?:\1|.) ?1])?|*|>/ig,
exprClassName = /^(?:[w-_] )?.([w-_] )/,
exprId = /^(?:[w-_] )?#([w-_] )/,
exprNodeName = /^([w*-_] )/,
na = [null,null];
function _find(selector, context) {
* This is what you call via x() This is what you call via x
* Starts everything off... Start on everything
context = context || document;
var simple = /^[w-_#] $/.test(selector);
if (!simple && context.querySelectorAll) {
return realArray(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
if (selector.indexOf(',') > -1) {
var split = selector.split(/,/g), ret = [], sIndex = 0, len = split.length;
for(; sIndex < len; sIndex) {
ret = ret.concat( _find(split[sIndex], context) );
return unique(ret);
var parts = selector.match(snack),
part = parts.pop(),
id = (part.match(exprId) || na)[1],
className = !id && (part.match(exprClassName) || na)[1],
nodeName = !id && (part.match(exprNodeName) || na)[1],
if (className && !nodeName && context.getElementsByClassName) {
collection = realArray(context.getElementsByClassName(className));
} else {
collection = !id && realArray(context.getElementsByTagName(nodeName || '*'));
if (className) {
collection = filterByAttr(collection, 'className', RegExp('(^|\s)' className '(\s|$)'));
if (id) {
var byId = context.getElementById(id);
return byId?[byId]:[];
return parts[0] && collection[0] ? filterParents(parts, collection) : collection;
function realArray(c) {
* Transforms a node collection into Transforms a node collection
* a real array A real array
try {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(c);
} catch(e) {
var ret = [], i = 0, len = c.length;
for (; i < len; i) {
ret[i] = c[i];
return ret;
function filterParents(selectorParts, collection, direct) {
* This is where the magic happens.
* Parents are stepped through (upwards) to
* see if they comply with the selector. Device
var parentSelector = selectorParts.pop();
if (parentSelector === '>') {
return filterParents(selectorParts, collection, true);
var ret = [],
r = -1,
id = (parentSelector.match(exprId) || na)[1],
className = !id && (parentSelector.match(exprClassName) || na)[1],
nodeName = !id && (parentSelector.match(exprNodeName) || na)[1],
cIndex = -1,
node, parent,
nodeName = nodeName && nodeName.toLowerCase();
while ( (node = collection[ cIndex]) ) {
parent = node.parentNode;
do {
matches = !nodeName || nodeName === '*' || nodeName === parent.nodeName.toLowerCase();
matches = matches && (!id || parent.id === id);
matches = matches && (!className || RegExp('(^|\s)' className '(\s|$)').test(parent.className));
if (direct || matches) { break; }
} while ( (parent = parent.parentNode) );
if (matches) {
ret[ r] = node;
return selectorParts[0] && ret[0] ? filterParents(selectorParts, ret) : ret;
var unique = (function(){
var uid = new Date();
var data = (function(){
var n = 1;
return function(elem) {
var cacheIndex = elem[uid],
nextCacheIndex = n ;
if(!cacheIndex) {
elem[uid] = nextCacheIndex;
return true;
return false;
return function(arr) {
* Returns a unique array Returns a unique array
var length = arr.length,
ret = [],
r = -1,
i = 0,
for (; i < length; i) {
item = arr[i];
if (data(item)) {
ret[ r] = item;
uid = 1;
return ret;
function filterByAttr(collection, attr, regex) {
* Filters a collection by an attribute. A collection filter by an attribute
var i = -1, node, r = -1, ret = [];
while ( (node = collection[ i]) ) {
if (regex.test(node[attr])) {
ret[ r] = node;
return ret;
return _find;

复制代码 代码如下:

body div
div, p
div, p, .example
div p
div > p
ul .example
div #title
ul.foo > * スパン
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