PHP memcached の学習教材とその対処方法はどこで見つかりますか?

リリース: 2016-06-13 12:10:23
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PHP memcached の学習教材はどこで見つかりますか?
私は新卒で memcached を学習したいと思っていますが、残念ながら、PHP memcached の特定の学習教材は見つかりません。 > PHP マニュアルには 10 個のポイントがあります。完全ではありません。URL または情報を教えてください。ありがとうございます~

-----解決策のアイデア----------- -----------

<br /><?php<br />/**<br /> * CMemCache class file<br /> *<br /> * @author Qiang Xue <[email&#160;protected]><br /> * @link<br /> * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC<br /> * @license<br /> */<br /><br />/**<br /> * CMemCache implements a cache application component based on [email&#160;protected] memcached}.<br /> *<br /> * CMemCache can be configured with a list of memcache servers by settings<br /> * its [email&#160;protected] setServers servers} property. By default, CMemCache assumes<br /> * there is a memcache server running on localhost at port 11211.<br /> *<br /> * See [email&#160;protected] CCache} manual for common cache operations that are supported by CMemCache.<br /> *<br /> * Note, there is no security measure to protected data in memcache.<br /> * All data in memcache can be accessed by any process running in the system.<br /> *<br /> * To use CMemCache as the cache application component, configure the application as follows,<br /> * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><br /> * array(<br /> *     'components'=>array(<br /> *         'cache'=>array(<br /> *             'class'=>'CMemCache',<br /> *             'servers'=>array(<br /> *                 array(<br /> *                     'host'=>'server1',<br /> *                     'port'=>11211,<br /> *                     'weight'=>60,<br /> *                 ),<br /> *                 array(<br /> *                     'host'=>'server2',<br /> *                     'port'=>11211,<br /> *                     'weight'=>40,<br /> *                 ),<br /> *             ),<br /> *         ),<br /> *     ),<br /> * )<br /> * 

* In the above, two memcache servers are used: server1 and server2.
* You can configure more properties of every server, including:
* host, port, persistent, weight, timeout, retryInterval, status.
* See [email protected]}
* for more details.
* CMemCache can also be used with [email protected] memcached}.
* To do so, set [email protected] useMemcached} to be true.
* @property mixed $memCache The memcache instance (or memcached if [email protected] useMemcached} is true) used by this component.
* @property array $servers List of memcache server configurations. Each element is a [email protected] CMemCacheServerConfiguration}.
* @author Qiang Xue <[email protected]>
* @package system.caching
* @since 1.0
class CMemCache extends CCache
* @var boolean whether to use memcached or memcache as the underlying caching extension.
* If true [email protected] memcached} will be used.
* If false [email protected] memcache}. will be used.
* Defaults to false.
public $useMemcached=false;
* @var Memcache the Memcache instance
private $_cache=null;
* @var array list of memcache server configurations
private $_servers=array();

* Initializes this application component.
* This method is required by the [email protected] IApplicationComponent} interface.
* It creates the memcache instance and adds memcache servers.
* @throws CException if memcache extension is not loaded
public function init()
foreach($servers as $server)

* @throws CException if extension isn't loaded
* @return Memcache
Memcached the memcache instance (or memcached if [email protected] useMemcached} is true) used by this component.
public function getMemCache()
return $this->_cache;
$extension=$this->useMemcached ? 'memcached' : 'memcache';
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii',"CMemCache requires PHP {extension} extension to be loaded.",
return $this->_cache=$this->useMemcached ? new Memcached : new Memcache;

* @return array list of memcache server configurations. Each element is a [email protected] CMemCacheServerConfiguration}.
public function getServers()
return $this->_servers;

* @param array $config list of memcache server configurations. Each element must be an array
* with the following keys: host, port, persistent, weight, timeout, retryInterval, status.
* @see
public function setServers($config)
foreach($config as $c)
$this->_servers[]=new CMemCacheServerConfiguration($c);

* Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key a unique key identifying the cached value
* @return string
boolean the value stored in cache, false if the value is not in the cache or expired.
protected function getValue($key)
return $this->_cache->get($key);

* Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys.
* @param array $keys a list of keys identifying the cached values
* @return array a list of cached values indexed by the keys
protected function getValues($keys)
return $this->useMemcached ? $this->_cache->getMulti($keys) : $this->_cache->get($keys);

* Stores a value identified by a key in cache.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached
* @param string $value the value to be cached
* @param integer $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire.
* @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise
protected function setValue($key,$value,$expire)

return $this->useMemcached ? $this->_cache->set($key,$value,$expire) : $this->_cache->set($key,$value,0,$expire);

* Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached
* @param string $value the value to be cached
* @param integer $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire.
* @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise
protected function addValue($key,$value,$expire)

return $this->useMemcached ? $this->_cache->add($key,$value,$expire) : $this->_cache->add($key,$value,0,$expire);

* Deletes a value with the specified key from cache
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key of the value to be deleted
* @return boolean if no error happens during deletion
protected function deleteValue($key)
return $this->_cache->delete($key, 0);

* Deletes all values from cache.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @return boolean whether the flush operation was successful.
* @since 1.1.5
protected function flushValues()
return $this->_cache->flush();

* CMemCacheServerConfiguration represents the configuration data for a single memcache server.
* See [email protected]}
* for detailed explanation of each configuration property.
* @author Qiang Xue <[email protected]>
* @package system.caching
* @since 1.0
class CMemCacheServerConfiguration extends CComponent
* @var string memcache server hostname or IP address
public $host;
* @var integer memcache server port
public $port=11211;
* @var boolean whether to use a persistent connection
public $persistent=true;
* @var integer probability of using this server among all servers.
public $weight=1;
* @var integer value in seconds which will be used for connecting to the server
public $timeout=15;
* @var integer how often a failed server will be retried (in seconds)
public $retryInterval=15;
* @var boolean if the server should be flagged as online upon a failure
public $status=true;

* Constructor.
* @param array $config list of memcache server configurations.
* @throws CException if the configuration is not an array
public function __construct($config)
foreach($config as $key=>$value)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CMemCache server configuration must have "host" value.'));
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CMemCache server configuration must be an array.'));

YII キャッシュ クラスをポストします。継承された CCache はデフォルトで CRUD4 メソッドを実装できます。 。 Baidu で値を追加するだけで取得できます。あまり複雑に考える必要はありません

-----ソリューションのアイデア------ -- これについては PHP マニュアルを読んでください。実際、最も実用的なのは get set replace delete であり、それに焦点を当てることです。

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